?h是什么意思 ?h的中文翻译、读音、例句

?h是什么意思 ?h的中文翻译、读音、例句

'h' 是英文字母表中的第八个字母,是辅音字母。它经常被用作单词的首字母或缩写词。此外,它还可用于表示一些特定的词组或专有名词的首字母缩写。


'h' 没有具体的词义,只是一个英文字母的符号。


'h' 是一个辅音字母,属于英文字母表中的元音和辅音字母之一。


1. H-bomb:氢弹

2. H-bridge:H型桥

3. H-code:H码

4. H-index:H指数

5. H-hour:深夜时分

6. H-line:横线

7. H-plane:H面


1. H-joint: H 型连接

2. H-shaped: H 形的

3. H-word: 以 H 开头的单词


'h' 的发音为 /eitʃ/。


1. The H-bomb is a type of nuclear weapon.(氢弹是一种核武器。)

2. The H-bridge is a type of bridge commonly used in electrical engineering.(H形桥是电气工程中常用的桥梁类型。)

3. H-code is a type of code used in wireless communication to represent letters and numbers.(H码是一种用于无线通信的编码,用于表示字母和数字。)

4. H-index is a metric used to measure the productivity and impact of a researcher's work.(H指数是用于衡量研究人员工作生产力和影响力的指标。)

5. H-hour refers to the late hours of the night or early hours of the morning.(H小时指晚上或早上的深夜时分。)

6. Please draw an H-line to divide the diagram into two parts.(请画一条 H 形的线将图表分成两部分。)

7. H-plane is a term used in electromagnetics to refer to a plane that is perpendicular to the direction of propagation.(H面是电磁学中用来指垂直于传播方向的平面的术语。)


1. I have a headache.(我头疼)

2. She has a habit of reading books before bed.(她有着睡前阅读的习惯)

3. My hometown is in Hampshire.(我的家乡在汉普郡)

4. The hotel is located in the heart of the city.(这家酒店位于城市的中心地带)

5. He is a hard-working employee.(他是一位勤奋的员工)

6. Please hand me the hammer.(请把锤子递给我)

7. They have a huge collection of hats.(他们藏有大量的帽子)

8. The horse ran very fast.(马跑得非常快)

9. We went hiking in the hills yesterday.(昨天我们去山里徒步旅行)




1. The word "hotel" starts with the letter H.


2. My name is Harry, with two H's.


3. The chemical symbol for hydrogen is H.





例句:## Hand a double-O-P, come on, come on ## ([H and a double -o -p, come on, come on])


例句:We tried it against flu A viruses -- H1N1, H3N2 -- as well as flu B viruses. (我们试图让它抗流感病毒A——H1N1,H3N2—— 以及流感病毒B。)


例句:The toner is office store brand 4546-h. (墨粉是Office Store牌4546 -H)


例句:- So am I. Humerus. H-U-M-E-R-U-S. (翻译:humerus,H U M E R U S)


h一般作为名词使用,如在H([计] 硬件, 高度, 水平, 主机\n[医] 氢(1号元素), 亨[利](电感单位))、h'(abbr. (书写形式)亨(利)(电感单位)\nn. 英语字母表的第 8 个字母\n[网络] 多样性指数;氢)、H.h(abbr. half hard)等常见短语中出现较多。

H[计] 硬件, 高度, 水平, 主机\n[医] 氢(1号元素), 亨[利](电感单位)
h'abbr. (书写形式)亨(利)(电感单位)\nn. 英语字母表的第 8 个字母\n[网络] 多样性指数;氢
H.habbr. half hard
H.H.abbr. half hard;handhole;heavy hydrogen
H. & H.[网络] 第八集;热卖品牌;汇创
H. H.[网络] 第八集;热卖品牌;汇创
H.H. inhaler[医] 汗-哈二氏氧吸入器
h.h.cHHC\nabbr.\nhand-held computer 手提式电脑,便携式电脑
H.H.T.abbr. higher high tensile 抗张强度特高的
h.r.h[网络] 居住密度用每公顷居室数


1. The toner is office store brand 4546-h. (翻译:墨粉是Office Store牌4546 -H)

2. - So am I. Humerus. H-U-M-E-R-U-S. (翻译:humerus,H U M E R U S)

3. After S.H.I.E.L.D. Was crippled... (翻译:而溃不成军之后... after S. H.)

4. I want to reenact this moving scene in a place where more and more people can see it. (翻译:\h\h\h\h\h\h\hNon -lethal Paralyzer 执行模式 非致死·麻醉针 请冷静...)

5. This is -- in other words, we never get the O-H -- we never mistake it for an S-H, OK? (翻译:这是 -- 换句话说 我们绝对不会 把S-H错误地认为是O-H )

6. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K. (翻译:A,B,C,D,E,F,G H,I,J,K )

7. Sykes, Tyler, Marcus, H.G.? (翻译:Sykes Tyler Marcus 还有H. G.)

8. Histone H3 along with H2A, H2B, and H4 form the eukaryotic nucleosome octamer core. (翻译:组蛋白 H3 与 H2A,H2B,H4 共同构成了真核生物核小体的八聚体核心。)

9. - Ever played H.O.R.S.E. In the Garden? (翻译:- Ever played H. O. R.)

10. TS Let's write it as H minus TS. (翻译:把它写成H减去。)

11. ## Hand a double-O-P, said crank it up ## (翻译:[H and a double -o -p, said crank it up])

12. Wasn't that H.H. Holmes' real name? (翻译:那不是H. H. Holmes的真名吗?)

13. Breathe strength ίnto theίr hands, Lord, as they work on hίm . (翻译:as they work on h委m .)

14. Unfortunately I can't allow myself. (翻译:Je ne peux hélas pas me le permettre.)

15. H-Ho-How long do you th-think she'll last? (翻译:H -浩多久你 TH -以为她会持续多久?)



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