rendition是什么意思 rendition的中文翻译、读音、例句

rendition是什么意思 rendition的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:表达、呈现、演绎。

2. 词性:名词。

3. 词组搭配:a flawless/great/poor rendition(完美的/优秀的/糟糕的呈现)、a musical/film rendition(音乐/电影演绎)、to give a rendition(进行呈现)、to provide a rendition(提供演绎)。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:[ren-dish-uhn]。


1. The actress gave an outstanding rendition of the main character in the play.(女演员在剧中对主角的演绎非常出色。)

2. The band's rendition of the classic song received a standing ovation.(乐队演奏经典歌曲的演绎获得了全场起立鼓掌。)

3. The documentary offers a candid rendition of the refugee crisis in Europe.(这部纪录片真实地呈现了欧洲难民危机。)

4. The artist's rendition of the landscape was praised for its vivid colors and attention to detail.(这位艺术家对风景的呈现因其生动的色彩和细节上的关注而受到赞扬。)

5. The police asked the suspect to give a rendition of his whereabouts on the night of the crime.(警方要求嫌疑人对犯罪当晚的行踪进行呈现。)





1. The pianist's rendition of the Beethoven sonata was simply breathtaking.


2. The band's rendition of the classic song was very different from the original.


3. The play's rendition of the historical events was both accurate and entertaining.





例句:The 2000's rendition of a professional smoothie recipe is: fruit juice, fruit, crushed ice, or nonfat frozen yogurt or soy milk. (xx年专业的思慕雪配方包括:果汁、鲜果、碎冰或无脂冰冻酸乳酪或豆奶。)


例句:Miss Du Pre astonished the British public with her brilliant rendition of Elgar's cello concerto. (积琪多漂亮 《埃尔加大提琴协奏曲》 , 技惊全国)


例句:He recites a prose from an essay or two to rendition the dream back into synchronicity of self. (他们背诵了一首散文诗,就像你从这篇文章看到的,是关于让他们俩演奏梦想,同步到真我之中。)

4.提供 、演奏

例句:And now to grace us with its rendition of the national anthem, please welcome what is left of the Dixie Chicks after their tragic matter transporter accident: (翻译:现在,该演唱国歌了。有请在物质传送事故中幸存的 dixie chicks合唱团!)


rendition一般作为名词使用,如在extraordinary rendition(非常规引渡(电影名))、graphic rendition([计] 图形解释)、interlingual rendition([网络] 舌间复发)等常见短语中出现较多。

extraordinary rendition非常规引渡(电影名)
graphic rendition[计] 图形解释
interlingual rendition[网络] 舌间复发
monochrome rendition黑-白重显
panchromatic rendition全色重显
rendition of judgment[法] 判决, 宣判


1. He recites a prose from an essay or two to rendition the dream back into synchronicity of self. (翻译:他们背诵了一首散文诗,就像你从这篇文章看到的,是关于让他们俩演奏梦想,同步到真我之中。)

2. And now to grace us with its rendition of the national anthem, please welcome what is left of the Dixie Chicks after their tragic matter transporter accident: (翻译:现在,该演唱国歌了。有请在物质传送事故中幸存的 dixie chicks合唱团!)

3. Thenextnight the Dallas Theatre Centre company gave the inaugural performance inthe Wyly, an rendition of "AMidsummer Night'sDream" . (翻译:次日,达拉斯剧院中心公司在威利剧院奉献了一场激情洋溢的“仲夏夜之梦”,作为开幕表演。)

:莫斯科方面会对此结果深表遗憾 他们会让你们的国务院知道 你在鲍尔的引渡令上)

5. "We have decided not to do so. We have decided we have a recording of his rendition of the song, and we'll be playing that song, " he said. (翻译:“我们已经决定不这样做。我们已经决定,我们已经对他的歌曲移交记录,我们将在比赛中那首歌曲,”他说。)

6. This is an artist's rendition of what he might have looked like when he was alive 5,300 years ago. (翻译:这是一个艺术家对他5,xx年前 活着时的样子的重现。)

7. A very pleasing natural filmic look with very good green rendition and saturated blues that help in sky coloration. (翻译:非常适合表现令人愉快的大自然绿的电影效果,适合突出表现天空的饱和蓝色。)

8. Thank you for your rendition. (翻译:多谢你的表演. Thank you for your rendition.)

9. If the product has an image, like my rendition of a stick-robot, it appears. (翻译:如果产品有图像,像我的杆机器人表演,那么它就出现了。)

10. It's an artist's rendition, but it flew in a Japanese telescope in 1995. (翻译:这是一个艺术家的表演,但它在1995应用到了 一架日本望远镜。)

11. So, if you could zoom in to a neuron, and, of course, this is just our artist's rendition of it. (翻译:如果你能拉近神经元放大看 当然,你们看到的这个只是我们的艺术家做的图像 )

12. It boasts unmatched sharpness, bokeh, and overall color rendition, as well as the Pentax-exclusive power zoom function. (翻译:它拥有无可比拟的锐度,焦外,整体色彩还原,以及宾得特有的动力变焦。)

13. After grilled pigeon and astonishingly fresh and elegant 1983 Lafite from jeroboams, Baron Eric initiates a singing contest with his rendition of "le Sapeur Camember." (翻译:在烤鸽子搭配大香槟杯子中令人吃惊的新鲜和优雅的xx年拉菲后,Eric男爵提议举行一个歌唱比赛。)

14. The musicians burst into a rousing rendition of "Paddy Casey's Reel." (翻译:这些音乐家激情演绎了《帕迪·凯西的里尔舞曲》。)

15. It's an artist's rendition, but it flew in a Japanese telescope in 1995. (翻译:这是一个艺术家的表演,但它在1995应用到了 一架日本望远镜。)



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