goodness gracious me是什么意思 goodness gracious me的中文翻译、读音、例句

goodness gracious me是什么意思 goodness gracious me的中文翻译、读音、例句


'Goodness gracious me'是一个拟声词短语,用于表示惊讶、惊奇或吃惊。通常用作感叹词。


'Goodness gracious me'属于口语用语,特别是英式英语中常用的短语之一。


在谈论意外或不寻常的情况时,'Goodness gracious me'常常被用来表达不同程度的惊讶或愕然。它可以用在日常生活中的各种场合包括:

- 当你听到让你大吃一惊的消息时;

- 当你看到或遇到不寻常或荒谬的事情时;

- 当有人做了令你惊讶的事情时;

- 当你被惊人的成就或代价震惊时;

- 当你不知道该说什么时。


1. Goodness gracious me! I can't believe you just ate a whole pizza by yourself!

好奇怪啊!我不敢相信你吃了一整个 披萨!

2. Goodness gracious me, what a beautiful dress!


3. Goodness gracious me! You scared me half to death!


4. Goodness gracious me, that's an incredible achievement!


5. Goodness gracious me, I don't know what to say. I'm speechless.



读音:[ˈɡʊdnɪs ˈɡreɪʃəs miː]


1. Goodness gracious me! You scared me!


2. Goodness gracious me, I can't believe I won the lottery!


3. Goodness gracious me, that was a close call!


goodness gracious me通常被翻译为"网络、我的天啊"的意思,在英美地区还有"我的天啊我"的意思,读音为[goodnessgraciousme],goodness gracious me来源于英语,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到76个与goodness gracious me相关的例句。

Goodness gracious me的翻译

例句:- Gracious me, I wouldn't have recognized you, my good man. (- 亲爱的朋友,我的好朋友,都快认不出你了)


例句:Good gracious, is that the time? (Good gracious, is that the time?)


例句:You have such a capacity for goodness. (你是一个生性善良的好人 You have such a capacity for goodness.)


例句:Well, thank goodness for that. (翻译:但那时我们分手了 but then we broke up.)


goodness gracious me一般作为名词使用,如在goodness gracious([网络] 天啊;开啊;我的天哪)、Goodness gracious !(天哪!哎呀!糟糕!好家伙!)、Goodness gracious!(天哪!)等常见短语中出现较多。

goodness gracious[网络] 天啊;开啊;我的天哪
Goodness gracious !天哪!哎呀!糟糕!好家伙!
Goodness gracious!天哪!
gracious meadj. 仁慈的;谦和的;庄重的;和蔼的\nint. 表示惊骇等\n[网络] 天啊;哎呀;仁慈的上帝啊
goodness me[网络] 天哪;天啊
Goodness me!天啊!
goodnessn. 仁慈, 善良
good gracious[网络] 天哪;好一个庄重的


1. You have such a capacity for goodness. (翻译:你是一个生性善良的好人 You have such a capacity for goodness.)

2. Well, thank goodness for that. (翻译:但那时我们分手了 but then we broke up.)

3. That is very gracious of you. (翻译:非常感谢 That is very gracious of you, sir.)

4. And I can testify about the goodness of the cookies. (翻译:And I can testify about the goodness of the cookies. 我可以证明饼干对健康有好处)

5. Dear friend and teacher... my goodness gracious... do not go away. (翻译:我们挚爱的朋友和老师... 我们善良的老师... 请不要离开我们)

6. For by thy gracious, golden, glittering gleams (翻译:-吼得好,狮子! -逃得好,西丝碧! 照得好,月亮)

7. She's the most gracious and wonderful woman in the world, and the sadest. (翻译:她是世上最高尚 最杰出的女人 She is the most gracious and wonderful woman in the world. 却最悲伤 and the sadest.)

8. Thank goodness for conventional forces! (翻译:眼下 谢天谢地还有陆军 Thank goodness for conventional forces!)

9. It seeks to corrupt all goodness (翻译:它可以实现你最黑暗的梦想 它要腐化世间的一切善)

10. Oh, my goodness, look at you. (翻译:噢 哎呦 看看你 Oh, my goodness, look at you.)

11. Thank goodness that's over! (翻译:谢天谢地,事情总算过去了! )

12. My goodness, that was delicious. (翻译:我希望你还吃得下巧克力软心蛋糕 Well, I hope you saved room for chocolate lava cake.)

13. My goodness. He is so sweet. (翻译:我的天 他真体贴 他才刚从伦敦回来 My goodness.)

14. Make way for his gracious majesty, (翻译:为我们的陛下 Make way for His Gracious Majesty,)

15. Well, oh, my, my goodness, oh. My goodness! Oh, look at you. (翻译:嗯 噢 我的天呐 噢 我的天哪 噢 看看你)

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