halter是什么意思 halter的中文翻译、读音、例句

halter是什么意思 halter的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:n.,v.


2. 发音:['hɔltə(r)]。

3. 派生词:halterneck(n.),halter strap(n.),halter top(n.)。

4. 用法:

a. 常用于描述马具或者马匹的用语。

例如:She put a halter on the horse to lead him to the field.(她给马套上了绳套,牵着它到田野上。)

b. 用于比喻,表示束缚或者限制的意思。

例如:The strict rules were a halter to the students' creativity.(严格的规定束缚了学生的创造力。)

c. 作为名词表示领子或者衣服的一种款式。

例如:She wore a halter top to the beach.(她穿了一件露肩上衣去海滩。)

d. 作为动词表示捕捉或者拘留。

例如:The police were able to halter the thief before he escaped.(警察成功地在小偷逃跑前逮住了他。)

e. 作为缩写词HALTER,表示24小时心电监测的方法。

例如:The patient underwent a HALTER test to diagnose his heart condition.(病人接受了HALTER测试以诊断他的心脏病情。)


1. She tied the halter around the horse's neck and led it out of the stable.(她将绳套系在马颈上,领着它走出了马厩。)

2. The halter of tradition and convention prevented her from pursuing her dreams.(传统和习俗的束缚阻碍了她追求梦想。)

3. She wore a halterneck dress to the party and looked stunning.(她穿了一件露肩连衣裙去参加聚会,看上去十分迷人。)

4. The police were able to halter the suspect before he could cause any harm.(警方成功地逮住了嫌疑人,防止他造成伤害。)

5. The doctor ordered a HALTER test to monitor the patient's heart rate and rhythm.(医生要求进行HALTER测试以监测病人的心率和节律。)

① 'halter'是英语中的词语,意为“系绳索的头带,牵引动物的工具”。

② 例句:

1. She led the horse by the halter.(她用缰绳牵着马走。)

2. The cowboy put the halter on the calf.(牛仔给小母牛系上头带。)

3. The halter broke while they were leading the bull.(他们牵着公牛走时,缰绳断了。)

4. He grabbed the halter and led the donkey away.(他抓住缰绳,带着驴子走了。)

5. The halter was decorated with colorful beads.(这个缰绳上装饰着彩色的珠子。)

6. She slipped the halter over the horse's head.(她将缰绳从马头上滑过。)

7. The halter was too tight and made the horse uncomfortable.(缰绳太紧了,使马感到不舒服。)

8. The farmer used the halter to lead the cow to the barn.(农夫用缰绳将牛带到了谷仓。)

9. The halter was made of sturdy leather.(这个缰绳是由坚固的皮革制成的。)





1. My horse wears a halter and a bridle.


2. She wore a halter dress to the party.





例句:So everybody's gonna grab a halter, go in the pen and find a mini. (所以每个人的要去抓住一个露背, 走在笔,找到一个迷你。)


例句:What about the beaded skirt with that beige crocheted halter you have in the closet? (你不如穿钉珠裙搭配... 衣橱那件针织露肩小背心)


例句:In other words, no one is going to fire Rodman from his job because he likes to wear sequined halter tops in public. (换句话说,没有人可以改变罗德曼,因为他喜欢穿着闪闪发亮的服装出现在公众场合。)


例句:Sunny time cannot too long, long water does not follow to go up, the valley will be scorched, appeared " halter" . (翻译:晴天的时间不能太久,久了水分跟不上,谷花会被烤焦,出现“笼头”。)


halter一般作为名词、动词使用,如在halter break(v. 使(马)带惯笼头)、halter neck([网络] 颈部吊带;挂脖;挂颈)、halter top([网络] 吊带衫;三角背心;吊颈露背领)等常见短语中出现较多。

halter breakv. 使(马)带惯笼头
halter neck[网络] 颈部吊带;挂脖;挂颈
halter top[网络] 吊带衫;三角背心;吊颈露背领
halter tops[网络] 露背装;吊带
riding halter[网络] 骑马
hangman's halter[网络] hang子的脖子


1. In other words, no one is going to fire Rodman from his job because he likes to wear sequined halter tops in public. (翻译:换句话说,没有人可以改变罗德曼,因为他喜欢穿着闪闪发亮的服装出现在公众场合。)

2. Sunny time cannot too long, long water does not follow to go up, the valley will be scorched, appeared " halter" . (翻译:晴天的时间不能太久,久了水分跟不上,谷花会被烤焦,出现“笼头”。)

3. Sure enough, Mr. Halter's team found that nearly half the payments were to Mr. Alegria and Mr. Aguirre. (翻译:果不其然,哈尔特的团队发现几乎一半的款项都流向了阿莱格里亚和华雷斯。)

4. He was also the Leading Halter and Performance Sire of Purebred Winners (by number of Winning Get). (翻译:他还领导沃特和性能父系纯种优胜者胜出获取的数量。)

5. Lay the chain over the top of the noseband of the halter. (翻译:把链子放在笼头鼻革的上方。)

6. All right, so what you're gonna do is you're gonna take the halter, you're gonna put it around the neck like this... and then you click it on, all right? (翻译:好吧,那么你会得到什么做的 是你要带露背, 你要去把它 围绕这样的脖子... 然后你点击 它,好吗?)

7. In fact, she had worn a sundress, but an initial police report had stated that she wore a halter top. (翻译:而事实是她穿了一件太阳裙,但警方最初的报告称她穿着一件系带背心。)

8. Halter neckline: A neckline with a strap or built up bodice in front, continuing round to the back of the body. (翻译:露背领口:领口用皮带或建立前的紧身胸衣,一直绕到后面的身体。)

9. As I opened my neighbor's cattle pen to lead it out by its halter, a dog barked ferociously at me. (翻译:我开了门,潜入邻居的牛栏,牵着牛绳就出了门。)

10. Magnums Fire At Will actually did well in both Halter and performance, taking Top Ten awards in both areas. (翻译:美酒在会火居然在沃特和性能,在这两个领域的十大奖项。)

11. We must lead an ox by the halter. (翻译:牵牛要牵牛鼻子。)



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