gum是什么意思 gum的中文翻译、读音、例句

gum是什么意思 gum的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性及定义:gum是一个名词,指的是一种可以嚼的黏性橡皮糖或者口香糖,也可以指嘴巴中的牙床。

2. 发音及音标:英式音标为/ɡʌm/,美式音标为/ɡʌm/。

3. 词源及历史:gum这个单词来自于古英语的“gomme”,意为“胶”。

4. 同义词及近义词:chewing gum (口香糖)、bubble gum(泡泡糖)、resin(树脂)。

5. 派生词:gummy(含胶性的)、gumless(无齿的)、gumminess(黏性)。


1. I always have a pack of gum in my bag. 我经常在包里带一包口香糖。

2. He kept chewing gum while watching the movie. 他一边看电影,一边嚼口香糖。

3. The dentist told him to stop smoking and chewing gum. 牙医告诉他要戒烟,不要嚼口香糖。

4. I accidentally stepped on some gum on the sidewalk. 我在人行道上不小心踩到了口香糖。

5. The horse's gum is bright and pink, indicating good health. 马的牙床鲜艳粉红,说明它身体很健康。




1. He always chews gum when he's nervous. (他紧张时总是嚼口香糖。)

2. The sap of the tree eventually hardened into a lump of gum. (树液最终变硬成为一块树胶。)

3. Don't stick your gum under the table! (不要把口香糖贴在桌子下面!)




例句:It's definitely gum, sir. Bubble gum. Cherry, I think. (真的是口香糖 长官 还是泡泡糖樱桃味的 我想)


例句:The song from the gum commercial? (The song from the gum commercial?)


例句:In the article, the salt resistance of Gleditsia Gum Xanthan and their blended Gum were studied. (对皂荚胶及皂荚胶与黄原胶复配胶的耐盐稳定性进行了研究。)


例句:Prodnose came out with a chewing gum that never lost its flavor. (翻译:普罗德诺斯生产了 味道永远不会变淡的口香糖 Prodnose came out with a chewing gum that never lost its flavor.)


gum一般作为名词、动词使用,如在gum on(用胶粘合)、gum arabic gum([网络] 树胶胶糖)、dough gum(生面团状橡胎)等常见短语中出现较多。

gum on用胶粘合
gum arabic gum[网络] 树胶胶糖
dough gum生面团状橡胎
dragon gum龙胶
doctor gum[医] 劣等西黄蓍胶
dissolved gum燃料树脂
drooping gum[澳大利亚英语]【植物】桉树属(Eucalyptus)植物
engine gum发动机工作中形成的胶状物质
eucalyptus gum[化] 桉树胶\n[医] 桉胶


1. In the article, the salt resistance of Gleditsia Gum Xanthan and their blended Gum were studied. (翻译:对皂荚胶及皂荚胶与黄原胶复配胶的耐盐稳定性进行了研究。)

2. Prodnose came out with a chewing gum that never lost its flavor. (翻译:普罗德诺斯生产了 味道永远不会变淡的口香糖 Prodnose came out with a chewing gum that never lost its flavor.)

3. Single comparative experiments were carried out with xanthan gum, konjac gum, CMC, gum karaya, guar gum as stabilizers. (翻译:先以黄原胶、魔芋胶、CMC、卡拉胶、瓜尔豆胶为稳定剂做单个筛选实验。)

4. Specifications of gum rosin glyceride and hydrogenated ros. (翻译:松香甘油酯和氢化松香甘油酯的技术指标。)

5. How much oil can a gum boil boil if a gum boil can boil oil? (翻译:如果橡胶罐能把油煮开的话,它可以煮开多少油呢?)

6. Scar tissue can lead to gum disease. And, as you well know, gum disease can cause heart disease. (翻译:疤痕会导致牙龈疾病 而牙龈疾病可能会引发心脏病)

7. Hey, can I have some of that gum, please? (翻译:嘿 给我一点口香糖 行吗? Hey, can I have some of that gum, please?)

8. The results indicated that high oxygen supply level could improve the welan gum production, but it was not helpful for welan gum viscosity. (翻译:通过研究不同供氧水平对威兰胶发酵的影响,发现较高的溶氧水平有利于威兰胶的合成,但是不利于威兰胶黏度的提高。)

9. He is always chewing gum. (翻译:他总是在嚼口香糖。)

10. - Where'll I put it, Miss Collins? (翻译:-Spit out that gum. -Where will l put it?)

11. - You got gum in your hair again? (翻译:-没有 {\3cH202020} - You got gum in your hair again?)

12. CANDY, GUM, BEER NUTS, ANYTHING YOU WANT. (翻译:糖果,口香糖, 啤酒坚果,任何你想要的。)

13. Toothpastes that promise whitening or gum health are another. (翻译:美白功能的牙膏和保健口香糖是另外的反例。)

14. It's the very first gum. 1848. (翻译:这是世界上第一块口香糖,产自xx年。)

15. Oh, that gum wore out already? (翻译:Oh, that gum wore out already?)



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