constipation是什么意思 constipation的中文翻译、读音、例句

constipation是什么意思 constipation的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:Constipation是指排便困难,排便次数减少,大便干硬和不规则的情况。通常是由于食物不足、水分不足、缺乏运动、药物副作用等因素引起的。在医学上,便秘通常被定义为在连续三天或更长时间内小便不超过三次,或者大便难度增加且需用大量努力或手动处理。

2. 症状:便秘的典型症状是排便不顺畅,通常伴随着腹痛、腹胀、肛门搔痒和恶心等症状。长期便秘还会导致肛裂、痔疮、肛门周围皮肤感染、肛门括约肌功能紊乱等问题。

3. 预防和治疗:预防和治疗便秘的方法包括增加饮水量、增加膳食纤维、多进行运动、避免抑郁和精神紧张等。对于一些慢性疾病和药物引起的便秘,需要寻求医生的帮助。


1. Constipation is a common medical condition that affects people of all ages and lifestyles. (便秘是一种常见的医学状况,影响各个年龄段和生活方式的人们。)

2. If you suffer from constipation regularly, it's important to seek medical advice to rule out any underlying health problems. (如果你经常便秘,就要寻求医学建议,以排除任何潜在的健康问题。)

3. Some common causes of constipation include a lack of fiber in the diet, not drinking enough water, and a sedentary lifestyle. (便秘的一些常见原因包括饮食中缺乏纤维,饮水不足和久坐不动的生活方式。)

4. Over-the-counter laxatives can be effective in treating mild constipation, but they should not be relied on long-term. (非处方泻药可在轻度便秘治疗中有效,但不应长期依赖。)

5. Chronic constipation can lead to serious health problems, such as fecal impaction and intestinal obstruction, so it's important to seek medical help if you have persistent symptoms. (慢性便秘可能导致严重的健康问题,如粪块阻塞和肠道梗阻,因此如果您出现持续的症状,就要寻求医疗帮助。)

constipation的中文翻译是便秘 (biàn bì)。



1. Many people suffer from constipation due to poor diet and lack of exercise. (许多人因饮食不良和缺乏运动而患有便秘。)

2. If you experience constipation, try to increase your fiber intake and drink plenty of water. (如果有便秘问题,试着增加纤维素摄入并多喝水。)

3. Chronic constipation can lead to serious health problems, so it's important to seek medical advice. (慢性便秘可能会导致严重的健康问题,因此寻求医疗建议非常重要。)




例句:Results:Constipation, distension of the abdomen vanishing, old height, body weight distinct improvement. (结果:便秘、腹胀消失,年长儿身高、体重明显改善。)


例句:Food surfeit and constipation are brain nerves to lose one of the equilibrium symptoms, is also reduce weight of two big night enemies. (饮食过量与便秘是大脑神经失去平衡的症状之一,也是减肥的两大宿敌。)


例句:In addition, to having the person that constipation, flatus is perplexed, near nose risk blain easily also. (此外,对于有便秘、肠胃胀气困扰者,鼻子四周也轻易冒痘痘。)


例句:This law can take precautions against and cure an effect to diseases such as nervosism, cacochylia, constipation, enterogastritis. (翻译:此定律对神经衰弱、消化不良、便秘、肠胃炎等疾病有预防和治疗作用。)


constipation一般作为名词使用,如在gastrojejunal constipation([医] 胃空肠性便泌)、intestinal constipation(便秘)、intractable constipation(顽固性便秘)等常见短语中出现较多。

gastrojejunal constipation[医] 胃空肠性便泌
intestinal constipation便秘
intractable constipation顽固性便秘
meconium constipation胎粪性便秘
proctogenous constipation[医] 直肠性便秘
psychogenic constipation精神性便秘
spastic constipation[医] 痉挛性便秘
verbal constipation[网络] 言语便秘
yang constipation阳结
yin constipation阴结


1. In addition, to having the person that constipation, flatus is perplexed, near nose risk blain easily also. (翻译:此外,对于有便秘、肠胃胀气困扰者,鼻子四周也轻易冒痘痘。)

2. This law can take precautions against and cure an effect to diseases such as nervosism, cacochylia, constipation, enterogastritis. (翻译:此定律对神经衰弱、消化不良、便秘、肠胃炎等疾病有预防和治疗作用。)

3. Give the sows a laxative feed a few days before farrowing to avoid problems of constipation. (翻译:在产小猪前让母猪吃几天通便的饲料以防止便秘问题。)

4. Ungracious glooms , aches, lethargy, constipation, whimpering ennui. (翻译:任性的忧郁,疼痛、冷漠、便秘、嘟哝、厌倦。)

5. Relationship between apoptosis and decrease in interstitial cells of Cajal in the colon of slow transit constipation (翻译:慢传输性便秘结肠Cajal间质细胞减少与细胞凋亡的关系)

6. Insoluable fibre plays an important role in faecal bulking and prevention of constipation. (翻译:不可溶性纤维在增加粪便体积与预防便秘中起着重要作用。)

7. They had no nausea, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue that would be expected. (翻译:没有恶心或腹泻 便秘或疲劳 这些可能的症状)

8. Objective: To study the effect and mechanism constipation caused from sucralfate. (翻译:目的:研究硫糖铝的致便秘作用及其作用机制。)

9. It does not produce alkalosis, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion and other effects. (翻译:本药不会引起碱中毒、腹泻、便秘、消化不良或其他副作用。)

10. Surgical intervention is only indicated in a small group of patients with intractable constipation failed to conservative treatment. (翻译:只有少数经保守治疗无效的顽固性便秘患者需要手术治疗。)

11. They had no nausea, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue that would be expected. (翻译:没有恶心或腹泻 便秘或疲劳 这些可能的症状 )

12. Chronic constipation can contribute to bed-wetting by reducing bladder capacity. (翻译:慢性便秘会引起尿床,因为减少了膀胱的容量。)

13. Melanosis coli is mainly related with constipation and abuse of laxatives and possibly related with neoplasm. (翻译:结肠黑变病病因主要与便秘和服泻药有关,结肠黑变病与肿瘤可能有一定的关系。)

14. Constipation a sluggish bowel is often the result of disturbed intestinal bacteria: you don't have enough good gut bugs. (翻译:便秘通常是由肠道细菌紊乱造成的:你没有足够的肠道有益菌。)

15. That's like giving up eating because of constipation (翻译:你说有没有人因为便秘 就不吃东西下肚呢?)

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