jump是什么意思 jump的中文翻译、读音、例句

jump是什么意思 jump的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性及词义:Jump是一个动词,意为“跳跃;跳过;猛跃;暴涨”。它在日常口语和文学作品中都非常常见,因为它很容易形象化地表达某个人或物从一个位置向上或向下移动。

2. 用途:Jump在口语和书面语中都广泛用于各种场景,包括体育、娱乐、旅游等。在体育方面,跳跃通常与高度、距离、速度和柔软度有关,因此跳跃是训练运动员的重要组成部分。在娱乐方面,跳跃通常与音乐、舞蹈和游戏有关,例如跳舞、跳绳和跳跃游戏。在旅游方面,跳跃是一种旅游方式,例如跳伞、跳水和蹦极。

3. 惯用语:Jump还有一些常用的惯用语和短语,例如jump out of one's skin(惊恐万分)、jump at the chance(迫不及待地接受机会)、jump on the bandwagon(跟随潮流)、jump ship(叛变)等等。这些短语通常都带有一些情感色彩,可以强化语言表达的效果。


1. She jumped over the fence to escape the angry dog.(她跳过栅栏逃脱了那只愤怒的狗。)

2. The stock suddenly jumped 10% after the company announced a new product.(公司宣布推出新产品后,股票突然暴涨了10%。)

3. The children were jumping on the trampoline in the backyard.(孩子们在后院的蹦床上跳跃。)

4. I knew he would jump at the chance to work with us.(我知道他会迫不及待地与我们合作。)

5. She always jumps on the bandwagon whenever there is a new trend.(每当有新潮流时,她总是会随大流。)



1. The cat tried to jump onto the table but missed. (那只猫试图跳上桌子,但没跳上。)

2. He could jump higher than anyone else on the team. (他能比队里任何人跳得更高。)

3. The children were jumping up and down with excitement. (孩子们兴奋地跳跃着。)

4. The athlete's incredible jump set a new world record. (这名运动员惊人的跳跃创造了新的世界纪录。)

5. I had to jump over the fence to get into the garden. (我不得不跳过篱笆才能进入花园。)




例句:♪ To jump into the ocean ♪ (♪ To jump into the ocean ♪)


例句:Well, he did jump out of a plane to save me. (呃 他确实跳下飞机来救我 Well, he did jump out of a plane to save me.)


例句:You can go jump in the lake... because I am not afraid of you! (you can all fuck yourselves. 你们跳湖去吧 You can go jump in the lake...)


例句:- Jump, clump, pump the Michigan rag - Betty! (翻译:- ∮ Jump, clump, pump the Michigan rag ∮)


jump一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在jump at(欣然接受)、jump if not(若非则转移)、jump in(投入)等常见短语中出现较多。

jump at欣然接受
jump if not若非则转移
jump in投入
jump into跳入; 急于做某事; 急速行动
jump on扑向
jump to猛增到
jump to it赶快!立即动手工作!
jump to it!na. 〈口〉赶快;立即动手\n[网络] 赶紧;快点;尽管跳
on jump突然地; 匆忙地; 坐立不安, 神经紧张


1. You can go jump in the lake... because I am not afraid of you! (翻译:you can all fuck yourselves. 你们跳湖去吧 You can go jump in the lake...)

2. - Jump, clump, pump the Michigan rag - Betty! (翻译:- ∮ Jump, clump, pump the Michigan rag ∮)

3. - Go jump in a lake, jerk! (翻译:- 去跳湖吧你 - 行啦 咱们走吧 - 傻瓜)

4. You were about to jump right? (翻译:你是要跳吗? {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}You were about to jump right?)

5. Mabel came with her father and watched the high jump , the long jump and the relay races . (翻译:梅贝尔跟他的父亲一起观看了跳高,跳远和接力赛跑。)

6. Jump, clump, pump the Michigan rag (翻译:∮ Jump, clump, pump the Michigan rag ∮)

7. ♪ Ten guys jump one, what a man ♪ (翻译:十个对付一个 可真有你的 * * Ten guys jump one, what a man)

8. If I rank the top on the JUMP Readers Ranking I will become the number 1 mangaka in Japan, right? (翻译:获得JUMP读者排名第一 就是日本最强的漫画家吧)

9. This had your stink all over it from the jump. (翻译:this had your stink all over it from the jump.)

10. What are we talking about? (翻译:You trying to jump in? 有一个约定 {\1cH00FFFF}{\3cH202020})

11. Jump on the count of three. (翻译:数到三就跳 Jump on the count of three.)

12. As soon as we come to a town, I could jump over to a store and jump back. (翻译:只要到了镇上 我可以快速跑去商店,再跑回来)

13. Jump out of the boat! Now! (翻译:从船上下来 立刻 Jump out of the boat!)

14. Are you trying to make me jump out of the window? (翻译:你想让我跳窗自杀吗? Are you trying to make me jump out of the window?)

15. - Karo, do you dare jump from that high? (翻译:- 卡洛,你敢从上面跳下来吗? - 嗯,我敢 - Karo, do you dare jump from that high?)



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