belinda是什么意思 belinda的中文翻译、读音、例句

belinda是什么意思 belinda的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义:Belinda 可以指代一个人的名字,也可以是一个地名,还可能是某个品牌的名称,具有多层含义。


1. Belinda is my sister's best friend. (Belinda 是我妹妹最好的朋友。)

2. I'm going on holiday to Belinda Beach next week. (我下周要去 Belinda 海滩度假。)

3. Belinda is a popular brand of hair products. (Belinda 是一种流行的头发产品品牌。)

4. I met Belinda in London last year. (去年我在伦敦遇见了 Belinda。)

5. Belinda's parents live in Australia. (Belinda 的父母住在澳大利亚。)

2. 人物:Belinda 也是一个普遍的女性名字,常见于英语系国家,如英国、美国等。


1. Belinda is a wonderful person. (Belinda 是一个很好的人。)

2. My friend Belinda plays the guitar beautifully. (我的朋友 Belinda 弹吉他弹得很好听。)

3. Belinda is a talented artist. (Belinda 是一位有才华的艺术家。)

4. I went to school with a girl named Belinda. (我和一个叫 Belinda 的女孩一起上学。)

5. Belinda is my neighbor and we often have tea together. (Belinda 是我的邻居,我们经常一起喝茶。)

3. 缩写词:Belinda 还有一种可能是缩写词,可以指代某种组织或者意义。


1. BELINDA stands for Better Life Initiative for the Development of Africa. (BELINDA 代表着 Better Life Initiative for the Development of Africa(非洲发展更美好的生活倡议)。)

2. I'm a member of BELINDA organization, which helps children in need. (我是 BELINDA 组织的一员,我们帮助需要帮助的孩子。)

3. The Belinda Fund provides financial support to women entrepreneurs. (Belinda 基金会为女性企业家提供财务支持。)

4. Do you know what BELINDA stands for? (你知道 BELINDA 是什么意思吗?)

5. BELINDA is a new project to promote sustainable living. (BELINDA 是一个新项目,旨在推广可持续生活。)

4. 音乐:Belinda 更是一个知名女歌手的名字,也是她的艺名。


1. Belinda's latest album is amazing. (Belinda 最新的专辑真是太好听了。)

2. I love Belinda's music and have all of her albums. (我喜欢 Belinda 的音乐,我所有的专辑都有。)

3. Belinda is performing at the local music festival next month. (Belinda 下个月将在当地音乐节上表演。)

4. Have you heard Belinda's song "Amor a Primera Vista"? (你听过 Belinda 的歌曲 "Amor a Primera Vista" 吗?)

5. Belinda's music always puts me in a good mood. (Belinda 的音乐总是能让我放松心情。)


1. Belinda is a popular name among baby girls in the United States. (Belinda是美国婴儿女孩中常见的名字。)

2. She named her pet snake Belinda. (她把宠物蛇取名为Belinda。)

3. Belinda was surprised to hear the news. (Belinda听到这个消息感到惊讶。)

4. The main character in the movie was played by Belinda. (电影的主人公是由Belinda扮演的。)

5. Belinda has a great singing voice. (Belinda有着出色的歌唱声音。)

6. He bought a painting by Belinda for his collection. (他为自己的收藏购买了一幅Belinda的画。)

7. Belinda is a talented artist. (Belinda是一位才华横溢的艺术家。)

8. The book was dedicated to Belinda, who inspired the author. (这本书是献给Belinda的,她激励了作者。)

9. Belinda's fashion sense is always on point. (Belinda的时尚感总是很出色。)





1. Belinda is a very talented dancer. (贝琳达是一个非常有才华的舞者。)

2. I have a friend named Belinda who lives in Spain. (我有一个叫贝琳达的朋友,她住在西班牙。)




例句:Belinda died and within a few days of her death, they published a book for her, and she used my cartoon on the cover. (Belinda离开了人世。之后没几天, 有人帮她出版了一本书。她用我的卡通画做了封面,)


例句:Look, Belinda, or whatever your name is... you just saved my life. (那个 比琳达 不管你叫啥 你刚刚救了我的命)


例句:As Belinda went out I guess by the look on her face that she is up to something. (比琳达走出去时,从她的神色我看得出来她在暗中捣鬼。)


例句:Belinda is always going out with Sean, and putting two and two together I think they're probably more than just good friends. (翻译:贝琳达总是和肖恩一起出去,因而根据事实推断,我想他们也许超过好朋友的关系了。)





1. As Belinda went out I guess by the look on her face that she is up to something. (翻译:比琳达走出去时,从她的神色我看得出来她在暗中捣鬼。)

2. Belinda is always going out with Sean, and putting two and two together I think they're probably more than just good friends. (翻译:贝琳达总是和肖恩一起出去,因而根据事实推断,我想他们也许超过好朋友的关系了。)

3. The Belinda will be the most efficient APA... in the Pacific fleet. (翻译:Belinda号要成为太平洋舰队中 最有效率的一艘船)

4. Belinda: Me too. But I can do nothing else when biking all day. (翻译:我也是,但是为了骑单车,整天什么别的事情都不能做。)

5. Elizabeth Ann Buttle had two kids, Belinda and Joseph, which is nothing special in itself. (翻译:伊丽莎白安巴特尔有两个孩子,贝琳达和约瑟夫,这本身没有什么特别的。)

6. Belinda died and within a few days of her death, they published a book for her, and she used my cartoon on the cover. (翻译:Belinda离开了人世。之后没几天, 有人帮她出版了一本书。她用我的卡通画做了封面, )

7. Richard pleaded for Belinda to reconsider and not to go through with the divorce. (翻译:理查德恳求贝琳达重新考虑一下而不要坚持离婚。)

8. I only wish I could describe it with the incomparable panache, the consummate verve, the enthralling cadences, the delicate gestures, the evocative expressions of America's greatest tragic actress, Harriet Belinda. (翻译:真想把它讲得完美一些 用无与伦比的自信 栩栩如生的神韵)

9. Let me introduce you to my colleages . That's Amy from the Chemistry Dept , and this is Belinda from the Biology Dept. (翻译:让我来介绍一下,这位是化学系的艾米,这位是生物系的布伦达。)

10. I'll miss the Belinda... and you, sir. (翻译:我会想念Belinda号的 还要你 长官)

11. The Belinda will get me that cruiser... by being the top APA in the fleet. (翻译:Belinda号会带给我巡洋舰 如果我能成为舰队里顶尖的船长)

12. You may turn up your nose at me, Lucille, but I'm bringing my cousin Belinda to our next party. (翻译:露西尔,尽管你瞧不起我,还要带我表妹贝琳达来参加我们下次的舞会。)

13. We were talking in his church, and one of the girls, Belinda, I think, came in begging for help. (翻译:и毙绑酵杠 Τ阀Belinda 瘆τ 叫―腊)

14. - Let me guess, Belinda say that too? (翻译:-琵и瞦瞦, ī礩笷 硂妓弧? . -⊿Τ.)

15. Belinda agreed to marry Saeed but he could not get permission to travel to Britain. (翻译:贝琳达答应嫁给赛义德,但他去英国得不到允许。)

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