shrinks是什么意思 shrinks的中文翻译、读音、例句

shrinks是什么意思 shrinks的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词汇意义解释: 'shrinks'是动词shrink的第三人称复数形式,意为缩小,收缩。在医学领域,也可以指精神科医生。

2. 简写含义解释: 'shrinks'是‘psychiatrists’的简称,指精神病医生。

3. 词汇搭配解释: 'shrinks'常用的搭配有shrink away from,意为畏缩不前;shrink back,意为退缩,不敢前进;shrink from,意为回避,避免;shrink down,意为缩小,变小等。


1. The woolen sweater shrank in the wash.(这件毛衣在洗涤时缩水了。)

2. The company had to shrink its workforce to stay afloat. (公司为了走得更远,必须缩小劳动力。)

3. I always shrink away from meeting new people.(我总是畏缩不前,不愿去结交新人。)

4. When faced with danger, he shrinks back and loses confidence.(面对危险,他退缩了,失去了信心。)

5. She shrank from the thought of having to speak in public.(她回避那个必须公开发言的想法。)




1. The sweater shrinks when you wash it in hot water. (毛衣在热水中洗涤后会缩水。)

2. Stress can cause your stomach to shrink. (压力会使你的胃收缩。)

3. The company had to shrink its workforce due to budget cuts. (公司因为预算削减不得不缩减员工。)




例句:It shrinks our minds, for sure, but it also shrinks our hearts, to such an extent that we become numb to the suffering of other people. (它将我们的思想和灵魂萎缩到一定的程度, 使我们对其他人的痛苦变得麻木 )


例句:Furthermore, the dead region of actual detector will influence defocusing curve and shrinks its dynamic range. (此外,实际的探测器所具有的死区也会影响离焦曲线,同时还限制离焦动态范围。)


例句:So I sent him to the shrinks and called Psych Crimes. (所以我把他送到精神病医生那 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}So I sent him to the shrinks 然后打给了心理科 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}and called Psych Crimes.)


例句:So as she brings her arms closer to her body, her rotational inertia shrinks. (翻译:所以当舞者的手臂更靠近身体的时候 她的旋转惯性减小 )


shrinks一般作为名词使用,如在shrinks from(v. 害怕;畏惧)等常见短语中出现较多。

shrinks fromv. 害怕;畏惧


1. So I sent him to the shrinks and called Psych Crimes. (翻译:所以我把他送到精神病医生那 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}So I sent him to the shrinks 然后打给了心理科 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}and called Psych Crimes.)

2. So as she brings her arms closer to her body, her rotational inertia shrinks. (翻译:所以当舞者的手臂更靠近身体的时候 她的旋转惯性减小 )

3. Room by room , a set of astonishing , eerie juxtapositions shrinks the gaps between Chinese and Flemish art across the centuries . (翻译:一个展厅接着一个展厅,其令人惊异、怪诞的并列陈列方式,缩小了几个世纪时间里中国和佛兰德艺术之间的距离。)

4. And since they went through the iterations an infinite number of times, as the ruler shrinks down to infinity, the length goes to infinity. (翻译:这些图形经过无数次重复的变化, 它们的长度趋向于无穷大,而相比之下,原先用于衡量他们边缘长度的尺子则趋向于无穷小了。)

5. The physicist Fabian reasoned that as intergalactic gas cools, the cooler gas shrinks inward toward the center of the galaxy. (翻译:物理学家费边推断,当星系间的气体冷却时,较冷的气体向星系中心收缩。)

6. A dehydrated brain works harder to accomplish the same amount as a normal brain, and it even temporarily shrinks because of its lack of water. (翻译:脱水的大脑要更加费力地运行 才能完成正常大脑的工作 而且脱水大脑甚至会萎缩 )

7. I'm not insane, Dr. Sweets. Shrinks always look for the crazy in everything. (翻译:我不是疯子 Sweets博士 心理医生总是乱把病人诊断为疯子)

8. We got an army of shrinks in here, talks about mania and schizophrenia and multiphrenia and obsessions, and it makes me sick. (翻译:这里有一屋子的心理医生 精神错乱、心神不宁)

9. Says Khine: "Shrinky Dinks shrink by 60 percent, but our new polymer shrinks 95 percent. And the properties shrink more consistently. " (翻译:凯尼表示:“ShrinkyDinks的收缩能力是60%,们的新型聚合物收缩能力达95%,而且收缩的特性更加一致。”)

10. Next to bartenders, men usually like to spill it to female shrinks. (翻译:除了酒保之外 男人一般会 向女心理医生倾诉)

11. As part of normal aging, the hippocampus shrinks. (翻译:正常衰老的同时,海马体也会收缩。)

12. As the city continues to expand, its neighboring village shrinks to half of its original size. (翻译:随着这座城市不断扩大,其邻近的村庄面积缩小到原来的一半。)

13. For example, in dehydration headaches, the frontal lobe actually shrinks away from the skull, creating forehead swelling that doesn’t match the location of the pain in tension headaches. (翻译:举例来说, 缺水产生头痛时 大脑额叶通常会缩小, 导致前额肿大。但这与紧张性头痛的 疼痛位置并不相符。)

14. Warm air constricts the metal, leather... armor shrinks. (翻译:这里空气温暖湿润 让金属和皮革都紧缩了 盔甲变小了)

15. Of course, it also shrinks the pumping equipment and its capital costs. (翻译:当然,这减少了泵的使用量 也减少了资本成本 )



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