noses是什么意思 noses的中文翻译、读音、例句

noses是什么意思 noses的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an English teacher, I would like to explain about the word 'noses' or abbreviation from 5 different aspects:

Aspect 1: Definition

Noses refer to the plural form of the noun 'nose', which is the part of the face or head through which a person smells and breathes.

Example: She broke her nose in the accident.

Aspect 2: Anatomy

Noses are the external parts of the nasal cavity, which consists of two openings called nostrils that are separated by a septum.

Example: The doctor inserted a small camera into his nose to examine the sinus cavity.

Aspect 3: Idiomatic Expressions

Noses are also used in various idiomatic expressions to convey different meanings such as curiosity, interference, and suspicion.


- She always sticks her nose in other people's business.

- I smell a rat. Something is fishy, and I think he's been poking his nose where he shouldn't have.

Aspect 4: Symbolism

Noses can also have symbolic meanings, such as being a symbol of individuality, identity, or character.

Example: He has a unique nose that makes him stand out from the crowd.

Aspect 5: Literary Devices

Noses can be used in literature as a literary device to create imagery, metaphors, and symbolism.


- The scent of roses filled his nose, and he remembered his childhood garden.

- Her nose was like a beacon in the dark, leading the way to her hidden treasures.

In conclusion, the word 'noses' has multiple meanings and uses, depending on the context and the way it is used. As an English teacher, it is important to be familiar with all of its applications, so that students can understand and use it effectively in their language learning.



1. He has a big nose.(他的鼻子很大。)

2. She sneezes every time she smells perfume.(她每次闻到香水就会打喷嚏。)

3. Dogs have a very good sense of smell with their noses.(狗的鼻子非常灵敏。)

4. She pinched her nose and jumped into the water.(她捏住鼻子跳进了水里。)

5. The old man scratched his nose and smiled.(老人挠了挠鼻子笑了笑。)




例句:At Macas beach, our sunburnt noses, (在Maria Luisa海滩,我们被太阳晒伤的鼻子)


例句:Like most noses, trunks are for smelling. (和大部分鼻子功能一样,象鼻也是闻气味的。)


noses一般作为名词使用,如在noses into(un. 探听;打听:)、hammer noses([医] 鼻赘, 肥大性酒渣鼻\n(hammer nose 的复数))、hawk noses([网络] 鹰眼)等常见短语中出现较多。

noses intoun. 探听;打听:
hammer noses[医] 鼻赘, 肥大性酒渣鼻\n(hammer nose 的复数)
hawk noses[网络] 鹰眼
Jewish noses[网络] 犹太人的鼻子
measure noses遇见;碰见
noses about探听;搜寻
noses around[网络] 打听别人的事
potato noses[医] 鼻赘, 肥大性酒渣鼻\n(potato nose 的复数)
pug noses狮子鼻;扁平的鼻子


1. Right under your noses, I will make someone in this room float. (翻译:就在你们眼皮子底下, 我将会使屋子里的某个人漂浮起来.)

2. These patients are told to blink their eyes and to respire through their noses. (翻译:八位患者并告之以眨眼动作,并由鼻孔呼吸。)

3. Walruses sing with their fleshy and muscular lips, tongues, muzzles and noses. (翻译:海象用肌肉厚实的嘴唇、舌头、口颚和鼻子唱歌。)

4. The Italian people are outraged that the Tornado was able to pull this off right under their noses. (翻译:龙卷风在意大利人民的眼皮底下 偷走了戒指 这简直就是对意大利人的侮辱)

5. They stuck their noses into other people's worlds and got fatally injured. (翻译:那帮老家伙去管别人的闲事 结果死的死伤的伤)

6. Damn all they know or care about anything with their long noses stuck in nosebags. (翻译:它们一无所知,对什么也漠不关心,只管把长鼻头扎进秣囊里。)

7. Yes, its smell is odd and repellent to our Western noses. (翻译:好吧 但是对于我们西方人来说 Yes, its smell is odd and repellent 闻起来又怪又恶心 to our Western noses.)

8. He was right under your noses. (翻译:让人从鼻子底下溜了 He was right under your noses.)

9. Blood from the ears and noses. (翻译:在垂死挣扎的过程中 会发生任何事情 人们垂死挣扎的过程是非常可怕的)

10. With their long noses, they sniff out and eat the best and fleshiest beans. (翻译:用它的长鼻子,它们寻找并吃掉最好最肥厚的咖啡豆。)

11. The main reason dogs are perceived to have a more keen sense of smell is because their noses are closer to the ground. (翻译:狗拥有更加敏锐嗅觉的 The main reason dogs are perceived to have 主要原因是 a more keen sense of smell 它们的鼻子更贴近地面 is because their noses are closer to the ground.)

12. Have they got long noses? (翻译:他们有长长的鼻子吗? )

13. Maoris in New Zealand touch noses with each other when they meet . (翻译:新西兰的毛利人见面喜欢用触碰鼻子的方式相对方问好。)

14. They had big, red noses. (翻译:他们有大大的红鼻子。)

15. Decongestants help ease stuffiness. They shrink swollen tissue inside the noses. (翻译:解充血药帮助缓解鼻塞,使内部肿胀组织收缩。)



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