earns是什么意思 earns的中文翻译、读音、例句

earns是什么意思 earns的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意思和用法:'Earns'是动词'earn'的第三人称单数形式,意思是“赚得、挣得”。它通常指通过工作或投资等方式获得收入或收益。


1. He earns a good salary as a doctor.(他作为医生拿到了不错的薪水。)

2. She earns money by investing in stocks.(她通过投资股票赚钱。)

3. The company earns a lot of revenue from its online sales.(该公司从其在线销售中赚了很多收入。)

4. He earns his living as a musician.(他以音乐家为业过活。)

5. The company earned a profit of $10 million last year.(该公司去年赚取了1000万美元的利润。)

2. 同义词:'Earns'的同义词包括'earns a living'和'makes money'。这两个词组都指通过工作或投资等方式获得收入或收益。


1. He earns a living as a carpenter.(他以木匠为生。)

2. She makes money by selling her artwork online.(她通过在网上销售自己的艺术品赚钱。)

3. The company earns a living by providing consulting services.(该公司通过提供咨询服务谋生。)

4. He's trying to figure out how to make money from his blog.(他正试图想出如何通过自己的博客来赚钱。)

5. Many people in this city earn a living by driving for Uber or Lyft.(这个城市的很多人都是通过开Uber或Lyft来谋生的。)

3. 连用词:'Earns'可以与其他词连用,从而表示更具体的意义,比如'earns respect'(赢得尊重)、'earns trust'(赢得信任)和'earns a reputation'(获得声誉)等。


1. He earns respect for his honesty and integrity.(他以诚实和正直赢得了尊重。)

2. She's worked hard to earn her boss's trust.(她努力工作以赢得老板的信任。)

3. The company has earned a reputation for quality and reliability.(该公司因质量和可靠性获得了声誉。)

4. The politician has earned a following by promoting progressive policies.(这位政治家通过推动进步政策赢得了一批支持者。)

5. The team's coach has earned praise for his leadership and strategy.(这支球队的教练以领导力和策略赢得了好评。)




1. He earns a lot of money as a doctor. (他作为医生赚了很多钱。)

2. She earns a living by singing in bars. (她通过在酒吧唱歌谋生。)

3. The company is expected to earn huge profits this year. (预计这家公司今年将赚取巨额利润。)




例句:He reputedly earns two million dollars a year. (他据说xx年赚200万美元。)


例句:Leaving's easy, but here she earns three times what a bricklayer does. (离开很简单,但是她在这里赚的是三倍 砌砖的钱)


例句:No doubt, a doctor makes a lot, but not until Alvaro earns his degree. (毫无疑问 学医要很多钱 但阿瓦罗毕业后呢?)


例句:I think it earns that kind of a laugh because everybody has a piece of that mother. (翻译:我觉得能这么好笑的原因是, 因为每个人的妈妈都有这样的一面。)


1. No doubt, a doctor makes a lot, but not until Alvaro earns his degree. (翻译:毫无疑问 学医要很多钱 但阿瓦罗毕业后呢?)

2. I think it earns that kind of a laugh because everybody has a piece of that mother. (翻译:我觉得能这么好笑的原因是, 因为每个人的妈妈都有这样的一面。)

3. What Dalia earns helps us all out. (翻译:达莉亚挣的钱都用来帮我们了,我这样算是互帮互助吧 What Dalia earns helps us all out.)

4. We drive up the street here, we find a family here which earns about two to three dollars a day. (翻译:我们驾车往前走 这家人每天收入2-3美元 )

5. A semester of baseball coaching, for example, earns the student as many credits as a semester in French philology. (翻译:例如,训练棒球的一个学期,可以为学生赢得与法国语言学方面所花费一个学期一样多的学分。)

6. He hangs round you. Earns good money. (翻译:{\fn华文仿宋\fs16\1cHD1D1D1}天天围着你转,赚钱又多)

7. She earns more since she repackaged herself as a business consultant. (翻译:自从把自己重新包装成商业顾问以来,她的收入增加了。)

8. However, wear in individual pedlar be ignorant of when conscience earns its money greatly, the common people of a few integrity annoyed. (翻译:然而,就在个别商贩昧着良心大赚其钱的时候,一些正直的百姓愤怒了。)

9. She earns a lot of money doing voice-overs for TV commercials. (翻译:她为电视广告作解说收入很高。)

10. Despite its smaller share of the market, Apple earns outsize profits. (翻译:尽管市场占有额变小,苹果却获得巨大的利润。)

11. Age... earns us... our imperfections. (翻译:年龄... 我们赢得... 我们的缺陷。)

12. And this group of businesses now employs 80,000 people and earns more than 12 billion euros in revenue every year. (翻译:这些企业现在的雇员多达八万人, 每年的盈利在120亿欧元以上。)

13. Motolora from V998 later of rare Jing world make, but A series earns Suo Aiping of; (翻译:摩托罗拉自V998之后少有惊世之作,但A系列大赚商业人士眼球;)

14. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a woman employee earns just 83 cents for every dollar a man earns. (翻译:根据劳动局的统计, 男性每赚1美元, ,女性只能赚到0.83美元。)

15. She earns her living as a freelance journalist. (翻译:她靠做自由撰稿记者来维持生计。)



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