ofter是什么意思 ofter的中文翻译、读音、例句

ofter是什么意思 ofter的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:ofte r是一个副词,意为“经常”,表示某事经常发生或出现。

2. 词性:ofte r是副词。

3. 词组搭配:

- often times:常常,经常

- as often as not:通常情况下

- more often than not:往往

- not often:不常,很少

- every so often:偶尔

4. 短语:无

5. 发音拼写:/ˈɒf.tə(ɹ)/


1. She often goes to the gym after work.(她下班后经常去健身房。)

2. My sister often helps me with my homework.(我妹妹经常帮我写作业。)

3. We often have family dinners on Sundays.(我们经常在周日举行家庭晚餐。)


5. He often forgets to take his medication.(他经常忘记服药。)




1. She has been visiting her father more often since he became ill. (她父亲生病后,她更频繁地去看望他。)

2. I wish I could travel more often. (我希望我能更常去旅行。)

3. It's important to drink water often, especially in hot weather. (在炎热的天气里,经常喝水很重要。)

4. He often forgets his keys. (他经常忘记带钥匙。)

5. They used to go out to dinner together often. (他们曾经经常一起出去吃饭。)




例句:During these years many young students were angry with society, so songs were ofter full of anger. (在那个年代,很多年轻人对社会不满,所以歌曲里充满了愤怒。)


例句:The abandoned quarry was declared "off limits" to the boys; therefore they went there ofter. (一个废弃的矿地被宣布是男孩子们的禁区,所以,他们经常会去。)


例句:Objective: To explore the relationship between the convulsion ofter neonatal asphyxia and abnormity of electroencephalogram (EEG). (目的:了解新生儿窒息后的惊厥与脑电图异常之间的关系。)


例句:The palaces were large and beautiful, and they ofter looked like something out of a fairy tale. (翻译:宫殿是又大又漂亮,而且他们通常看上去就像一个童话故事。)


1. Objective: To explore the relationship between the convulsion ofter neonatal asphyxia and abnormity of electroencephalogram (EEG). (翻译:目的:了解新生儿窒息后的惊厥与脑电图异常之间的关系。)

2. The palaces were large and beautiful, and they ofter looked like something out of a fairy tale. (翻译:宫殿是又大又漂亮,而且他们通常看上去就像一个童话故事。)

3. My mother ofter helps me study for my exams. (翻译:妈妈经常帮助我为考试而学习。)

4. People ofter veg out after a long day of working or study. (翻译:经过长期的工作或学习后,人们经常会彻底放松下来。)

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