spines是什么意思 spines的中文翻译、读音、例句

spines是什么意思 spines的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:spines of a cactus(仙人掌的刺)、spines on a porcupine(箭猪的刺)

短语:have a spine(有骨气)



1. Cacti are known for their spines that protect them from predators.(仙人掌以保护自己免受捕食者为名的刺而闻名。)

2. The spines of a porcupine are used for defense when threatened.(箭猪的刺在受到威胁时用于自卫。)

3. The book's spine was broken, indicating that it had been heavily used.(书的书脊已经断裂,表明它已经被大量使用了。)

4. Sam's speech was so inspirational that it gave me spine chills.(山姆的演讲是如此激励人心,以至于它让我感到毛骨悚然。)

5. The spine of the mountain range was visible in the distance.(山脉的脊线在远处可见。)




1. The porcupine's spines are a defense mechanism against predators.(树豪猪的刺是一种防御机制,用来抵御捕食者的攻击。)

2. His back was stiff and painful, and he felt a sharp pain in his spines.(他的背部僵硬而疼痛,感觉到脊柱处刺痛。)

3. The Christmas tree was adorned with spines of pine needles.(圣诞树上挂满了松针。)




例句:The books also have high-packed LEDs on the spines. So it's all display. (这些书的书脊上集成了LED光源,作为显示平面。)


例句:Spines are common, as are spots, helices, and stripes. (虫卵上通常会有突刺、斑点、螺纹和条纹。)


例句:Scientists recently discovered that the eyeless invertebrates "see" by detecting light with their spines. (科学家最近发现这些没有眼睛的无脊椎动物可以用它们的刺上的探测光来看东西。)


例句:But of course, we can deal with that because we can produce artificial spines. (翻译:但当然,我们能帮助它们, 因为我们可以制造人工刚毛。)


spines一般作为名词使用,如在epinotal spines([昆] 上背板刺)、glandular spines(腺刺)、grasping spines(攫捕棘)等常见短语中出现较多。

epinotal spines[昆] 上背板刺
glandular spines腺刺
grasping spines攫捕棘
haemal spines血脉棘
helcodermatus spines破茧刺
kissing spines[医] 吻状棘突, 接触棘突(椎骨)
lateral spines[昆] 侧刺
neural spines神经棘
palatine spines腭棘


1. Scientists recently discovered that the eyeless invertebrates "see" by detecting light with their spines. (翻译:科学家最近发现这些没有眼睛的无脊椎动物可以用它们的刺上的探测光来看东西。)

2. But of course, we can deal with that because we can produce artificial spines. (翻译:但当然,我们能帮助它们, 因为我们可以制造人工刚毛。)

3. Rows of large spines cover giant-spined sea stars off the coast of California. (翻译:图为在加利福尼亚海边的成行的大型脊骨海星。)

4. One family snares crustaceans with its spines and then digests them with special cells that migrate to the site of the capture. (翻译:用它的脊骨诱捕甲壳类动物,然后使用特别细胞消化猎物。)

5. Babies' spines just have one curve like a "c." (翻译:婴儿的脊椎只有一个弧度,就像字母C一样。)

6. They have two spines and two esophaguses and share other organs. (翻译:她们有两个脊椎和食道,其他的器官则共用。)

7. We can make spines that catch on simulated debris and collapse on removal to easily pull them out. (翻译:我们可以制造能够应付仿制碎片的刚毛 而且在我们不需要它们时还能很容易的拔出。)

8. The spines of a fire urchin form a multicolored flower off Komodo Island, Indonesia. (翻译:火海胆的刺在印度尼西亚科莫多岛附近形成了五颜六色的花朵。)

9. Even the forest itself fights its corner with spines and poisonous sap. (翻译:甚至森林本身也得用尖刺和毒汁 {\3cH202020}Even the forest itself fights its corner with spines 为自己争得一隅之地 {\3cH202020}and poisonous sap.)

10. The next step is to make compliant toes, and try to add spines and claws and set it for dry adhesives. (翻译:下一步是要制造顺从听话的脚趾头。然后加上刺和爪子,再加上干胶。)

11. Porcupines use their spines to protect themselves. (翻译:豪猪用身上的刺毛来自卫。)

12. Sea urchins brandish their spines on the seafloor near the Channel Islands. (翻译:海胆在海峡群岛附近的海底挥舞着它们的棘突。)

13. Let's slow it down and you can see the spines in action. (翻译:我们放慢速度,你就能看到那些刺是如何工作的了。)

14. The pollen from a mallow flower. Its spines help it cling to birds' feathers . (翻译:这是锦葵的花粉。它的刺帮助它牢牢地吸附在鸟类的羽毛上。)

15. Sea a urchins brandish their spines on the seafloor near the Channel Islands. (翻译:海胆在海峡群岛附近的海底挥舞着它们的棘突。)



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