wink是什么意思 wink的中文翻译、读音、例句

wink是什么意思 wink的中文翻译、读音、例句





'wink' 主要用于描述眼睛的动作,可以表达开心、熟悉、暗示、嘲讽等情感。'wink'通常和下列词语搭配使用:

- wink at: 对某人眨眼

- wink out:不知不觉进入睡眠状态

- wink out of existence:在短时间内消失



1. She gave me a playful wink to let me know she understood my joke. (她轻浅地眨了眨眼睛,让我知道她懂我的笑话了。)

2. He winked at me and I knew he was being sarcastic. (他对我眨了眨眼睛,我知道他在讽刺我。)

3. As soon as the lights were out, I winked out. (灯灭后,我就不知不觉地睡着了。)

4. The old shop finally winked out of existence due to the fierce competition. (老商店因为激烈的竞争终于在短时间内消失了。)

5. I have winked at my colleagues to indicate that we should leave the meeting early. (我对同事们眨了眨眼睛,表示我们应该早点结束会议。)





1. She winked at me and I knew what she meant. (她向我眨了眨眼,我知道她的意思了。)

2. He gave me a wink to tell me it was a joke. (他眨了眨眼,告诉我这只是个玩笑。)

3. She winked at her friend to let her know she had a secret. (她向她的朋友眨了眨眼,让她知道她有一个秘密。)

4. He winked at me as he passed by. (他在经过时向我眨了眨眼。)

5. Don't wink at the teacher during the exam. (不要在考试时对老师使眼色。)

6. She winked at me from across the room. (她从房间另一端向我眨了眨眼。)

7. He winked at the waitress to get her attention. (他向女服务员眨了眨眼,以引起她的注意。)

8. She couldn't help but wink at him when he made a silly face. (当他做鬼脸时,她忍不住向他眨了眨眼。)

9. He winked at me to let me know he was joking. (他向我眨了眨眼,让我知道他只是在开玩笑。)





1. She gave him a wink and a smile.


2. He gave me a wink, indicating that he understood my secret plan.


3. She was trying to hide her excitement, but her constant winking betrayed her true feelings.





例句:That means that sometimes when I wink my eyes involuntarily, the guy sitting opposite from me thinks I'm flirting with him, when I'm really not. (这意味着有时我不由自主地眨眼时, 坐在我对面的人会以为 我在跟他调情, 实际上没有。)


例句:When the buoys get your text, they wink at you twice to say, we've got your message. (当浮标得到你的信息后,它们会闪烁两次,表示已经获取信息。)


例句:Oh yeah, occasionally he'll go down the aisle with the collection basket, wink at the pretty ladies, then he hustles back to count the money and clocks out. (举着他的募捐篮,向漂亮的女士抛媚眼 接着他急急忙忙地回来数钱, 之后就下班了)


例句:He gave her a knowing wink. (翻译:他向她会意地眨了一下眼睛。)


wink一般作为名词、动词、感叹词使用,如在in a wink(瞬息之间)、wink at(使眼色, 假装看不见)、forty wink(na. 〈口〉小睡(特指午睡))等常见短语中出现较多。

in a wink瞬息之间
wink at使眼色, 假装看不见
forty winkna. 〈口〉小睡(特指午睡)
frequency of wink眨眼频率
God wink[网络] 上帝眨眼
quick as wink很快地;转瞬之间
sleep a wink[口语]睡一会儿,打个盹儿[用于否定句、条件句或疑问句]
wink ... eyes[网络] 眼传神的
wink at something[网络] 眨眼的东西


1. Oh yeah, occasionally he'll go down the aisle with the collection basket, wink at the pretty ladies, then he hustles back to count the money and clocks out. (翻译:举着他的募捐篮,向漂亮的女士抛媚眼 接着他急急忙忙地回来数钱, 之后就下班了)

2. He gave her a knowing wink. (翻译:他向她会意地眨了一下眼睛。)

3. Watching the lights wink off in major metropolitan areas now doubt looked impressive, but it's worth asking: What was the point? (翻译:观看着大都市灯光闪烁无疑让人叹为观止,但是值得问一句:这有什么意义?)

4. I mean, you know it's you because you wink and it winks, and you know it's a mirror, but you don't really recognize yourself as yourself. (翻译:我的意思是说,当你对着镜子眨眼时,你依然知道那人在眨眼, 而且你知道那是在镜子里, 但却真的识别不出那个人就是你自己。)

5. Every act will only wink playing white rot pose vain ruined my good script (翻译:每次演戏就只会挤眉弄眼 耍白烂pose 白白糟蹋了我的好剧本)

6. Last time I read the Constitution, the most a vice president could offer was a... smile and wink. (翻译:据我所知 宪法规定副总统能提供的 最多就是给个笑脸 递个眼色)

7. With a merry wink, he smiled at him, and leaned with his foot against the footlights. (翻译:他愉快地向他丢个眼色,微微一笑,他把一只脚搭在戏台前沿的栏杆上。)

8. The old duck quacked and quacked so I hardly slept a wink last night. (翻译:老鸭子呱呱直叫,吵得我昨晚几乎一夜没合眼。)

9. - I'm fine. Wink said you blew up 'cause Roy Darucher said no to your demo. (翻译:Wink说Roy Darusher不会为你的Demo付钱)

10. A wink, a smile, a poem that praises her now and then. (翻译:一个眼色,一个微笑, 一首诗,现在再赞美她。)

11. The naughty north has given south a wink. (翻译:* 当我们相遇 海与天也相吸 潮汐都很旖旎*)

12. It was possible that I might not have been the strongest candidate that they were looking at, but I had other things to offer, which I let her know, wink wink. (翻译:这是可能的,我可能不会有 他们正在寻找最强的候选人, 有别的事情要提供,我要让她知道,)

13. Johan: That was finished with a wink or a smart smirk, knowing that this only gets better by the time. . . (翻译:约翰:这是完成了一个眼色或一个聪明的傻笑,知道,这只会变得更好的时候……)

14. It was so big, it would reflect the sun and wink at distant travelers, beckoning them to their deaths. (翻译:大到能反射出耀眼的光芒 招唤远方的旅客 让他们迎向死亡)

15. And, of course, with all this, I won't get a wink of sleep. (翻译:当然, 还有发生的这事儿 我根本没法合眼)



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