apparent是什么意思 apparent的中文翻译、读音、例句

apparent是什么意思 apparent的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义: 显然的,表面上的,明显的,显露的

词性: 形容词


1. apparently 显然地

2. apparent magnitude 看得见的大小

3. apparent power 视在功率

4. apparent weight 表观重量

5. apparent horizon 视平线

发音拼写: /əˈpærənt/


1. It was apparent that he didn't want to talk about it. (明显的)

2. The cause of the accident was not immediately apparent. (显然的)

3. She was wearing an apparent smile though she was feeling miserable inside. (表面上的)

4. The apparent chaos of the scene concealed a deeper level of organization. (看起来的)

5. Despite their apparent differences, the two sisters were very close. (显露的)




1. It is apparent that he has no interest in the subject.


2. The apparent simplicity of the design conceals its true complexity.


3. Despite apparent differences, they share many common values.





例句:Apparent, this is great majority common people cannot susceptive. (显然,这是绝大多数老百姓所不能承受的。)


例句:And you bought her flowers, even for no apparent reason at all? (并且你买她的花, 即使由于没有明显原因确实吗?)


例句:All are minding their manners, and yet tensions are apparent. (大家都注意保持风度,不过他们之间的紧张气氛显而易见。)


例句:My problem with it only is its apparent anthropocentrism. (翻译:我对它的唯一问题是它显而易见的人类中心主义。)


apparent一般作为形容词使用,如在heir apparent(有确定继承权的人\n[法] 当然继承人, 法定继承人, 有确定继承权者)、heirs apparent(na. 【法】法定继承人\n[网络] 同类的)、power apparent(视在功率)等常见短语中出现较多。

heir apparent有确定继承权的人\n[法] 当然继承人, 法定继承人, 有确定继承权者
heirs apparentna. 【法】法定继承人\n[网络] 同类的
power apparent视在功率
self apparent[网络] 自明的
watt apparent[电] 视瓦特
formation thickness apparent视地层厚度
geocentric apparent motion地心视动
geocentric apparent semidiameter[网络] 地心视半径
grease apparent viscosity[化] 润滑脂表现粘度


1. All are minding their manners, and yet tensions are apparent. (翻译:大家都注意保持风度,不过他们之间的紧张气氛显而易见。)

2. My problem with it only is its apparent anthropocentrism. (翻译:我对它的唯一问题是它显而易见的人类中心主义。)

3. He is missing and presumed drowned after an apparent boating accident. (翻译:科尔比 他的失踪,以及可能被淹死 经过一次明显的翻船事件)

4. - uncovered no apparent link between these two seemingly unrelated (翻译:- 所获证据表明 这两个事件之间 似乎没有直接的关系)

5. The apparent cause of death was blunt trauma. (翻译:大约xx岁左右. 今天下午两点左右被找到了.)

6. She received the news with apparent unconcern. (翻译:她接到这消息时显然无动于衷。)

7. Both trends are apparent at Ordos. (翻译:两种趋势都在鄂尔多斯显而易见。)

8. Their devotion was apparent. (翻译:他们的忠诚显而易见。)

9. In his adolescence, he had apparent abundant affiance. (翻译:他在青少年时期就显得很有长进。)

10. Unfortunately, these apparent advantages have turned into an incubus. (翻译:不幸的是,这些明显的优势变成了梦魇。)

11. His use of an apparent racial slur caused a furore. (翻译:雇用有色人种充当参谋显然引发了一场轰动。)

12. There was no apparent effect from varying extent size with DMS. (翻译:使用DMS时,更改区段大小并没有明显的效果。)

13. It became apparent that Austin had implemented certain funds. (翻译:Austion动用过一些款项 It became apparent that Austin had implemented certain funds.)

14. He came out of it with no apparent brain damage, no problem. (翻译:这次电刑也只是把犯人给击晕 他苏醒后,没有明显脑损伤,安然无恙)

15. All of us are deeply concerned by this apparent imbalance, but these things take time. (翻译:肯定的 我们都很关心性别不平等问题 Of course! We are deeply concerned by this apparent imbalance, 但这些事要花时间的 but these things take time.)

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