starships是什么意思 starships的中文翻译、读音、例句

starships是什么意思 starships的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词源及含义:'starships'是由'star'和'ships'两个单词组成的复合词,指的是星际飞船或太空船。它可以表达对科幻宇宙或星际探索的向往和想象,也可以指代相关电影、电视剧或游戏等作品中的角色或场景。


- The crew of the starship Enterprise boldly goes where no one has gone before. (《星际迷航》企业号的船员冒险探索前所未有的领域。)

- In the science fiction novel, the starship Galactica travels across the universe in search of a new home for humanity. (在科幻小说中,星际飞船卡拉狄加号穿越宇宙寻找人类的新家园。)

2. 文化影响:'starships'这个概念与美国的科幻文化密切相关,它代表了对未来科技与宇宙探索的向往和探索。在流行文化中,星际飞船常常被用来形容超级英雄或反派的力量源泉,成为各种文艺创作的重要元素。


- The comic book hero Superman arrived on Earth in a starship from the planet Krypton. (漫画英雄超人乘坐从氪星来的星际飞船到达地球。)

- The Star Wars franchise features a range of different starships, from the iconic Millennium Falcon to the menacing Death Star.(《星际大战》系列中有多种不同的星际飞船,从标志性的千年鹰号到令人畏惧的死星。)

3. 技术创新:'starships'这个概念与人类的科技探索密不可分。随着科技的不断进步,我们对于宇宙的认识和探索也越来越深入。许多科技公司和私人企业正在研究和开发各种类型的星际飞船,旨在实现人类的星际旅行梦想。


- SpaceX, the private space exploration company founded by Elon Musk, is working on a prototype for a reusable starship. (由埃隆·马斯克创立的私人太空探索公司SpaceX正在开发可重复使用的星际飞船原型。)

- NASA is planning to send a crewed starship to Mars in the near future. (NASA正在计划在不久的将来向火星发送载人星际飞船。)

4. 形象比喻:'starships'这个词汇不仅可以用来形容宇宙中的飞船,还可以作为形象化的比喻,来形容人们面对困难、挑战或未知领域时的勇气和决心,以及追求梦想的决心和毅力。


- In the face of adversity, we must be like starships, boldly charting a course through the unknown. (面对逆境,我们必须像星际飞船一样,勇敢地探索未知的方向。)

- As we journey through life, we are all starships, navigating the vast expanse of the universe in search of meaning and purpose. (在人生旅程中,我们都是星际飞船,在宇宙的广袤中探索意义和目的。)

5. 语言应用:'starships'这个词汇可以用于各种英语语言应用场合,例如口语交流、写作表达、科技领域、娱乐文化等各种领域。


- My favorite scene in the movie was when the starship made the jump to hyperspace.(我最喜欢电影中的那个场景,就是星际飞船跳入超空间的时刻。)

- The science fiction author's latest novel features a starship captain who must save her crew from an alien invasion. (这位科幻小说作家的最新作品讲述了一位星际飞船船长必须拯救她的船员免遭外星人入侵的故事。)





1. The travelers boarded the starship and set off on their journey to explore the galaxy. (旅行者们登上了星际飞船,开始了探索银河系的旅程。)

2. The crew of the starship worked tirelessly to keep the vessel running smoothly during their long journey through space. (星际飞船的机组人员在他们漫长的太空旅程中不知疲倦地工作,以保持船只的平稳运行。)




例句:Starships can only be produced at bases which have built shipyards. (太空船只能在建有造船厂的基地中建造。)


例句:Replicators, in use since the early 24th century, are most commonly used as food dispensers aboard Federation starships. (似乎在24世纪早期才开始使用,是最常用在联邦星舰上当做食物分配器。)


1. All Earth-orbiting starships are powerless. The probe is vapourising our oceans. (翻译:所有环地飞船电力不足 探测装置正在蒸发海洋)

2. As the Galactic Starships land, millions of you will be reuniting with your Twin Flames. This Trut h brings uneasiness to many. (翻译:当银河星际飞船降落,你们中的数百万将拾回你们自己的双生火焰。这个真理给很多人带来了不安。)

3. Now, when we're thinking about starships, we're not just approaching it as a technological challenge. (翻译:现在,当我们想到星舰时 我们不仅把它当做一个技术难题来对待 )

4. If you have the vision to start prepping now, you could be flying starships, reading minds, or designing organs. (翻译:如果你够有远见,现在就着手预备,那你就有可能成为未来的飞船驾驶员、测心专家或器官设计师。)

5. Your theories on warp drive allow fleets of starships to be built, and mankind to start exploring the galaxy. (翻译:你的空间翘曲理论 帮助后世的人建造星际舰队 让人类进入银河系探索)

6. Two starships and three smaller vessels have been neutralised. (翻译:两艘星际舰和三艘小型太空船 都已失去动力)

7. Starships employ repulsorlifts as a more efficient and cleaner means of propulsion when in an atmosphere. (翻译:在大气中,星际飞船使用反重力装置作为更高效和更清洁的推进方式。)



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