词义: Attenir是法语中的一个动词,意思是“属于”, “适合于”, “与...相一致”。
词性: 这个词是一个动词,它的过去式是attenu,过去分词是attenué。
- attenir à quelque chose:属于,适合于
- attenir à la loi:符合法律
- attenir à son poste:与某个职位相一致
- attenir à ses convictions: 坚守自己的信仰
- attenir à sa parole: 遵守自己的承诺
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1. Cette propriété attenit à ma sœur aînée. (这个财产属于我的姐姐。)
2. Il est important de trouver un travail qui attenit à vos compétences et à vos intérêts. (找到一个符合你技能和兴趣的工作是很重要的。)
3. Cette décision n'attent pas aux lois en vigueur. (这个决定不违反现行法律。)
4. La couleur de ce mur attenit très bien avec les meubles de la pièce. (这面墙的颜色与房间的家具非常协调。)
5. Je suis désolé, je ne peux pas venir ce soir,我今晚不能来,会遵守我的承诺明天帮助您。)
1. Les règles doivent attenir aux principes de la justice.(规则必须与公正原则相适应。)
2. Ces deux couleurs n'attenent pas ensemble.(这两种颜色不配搭。)
例句:You have ten seconds, Mr. Lockhart. (You have ten seconds, Mr. Lockhart. Mr.)
例句:I never knew my father, and my mother died ten years ago. (and my mother died ten years ago.)
例句:Get yourself a drink, or ten. (Get yourself a drink, or ten.)
1. Get yourself a drink, or ten. (翻译:Get yourself a drink, or ten.)
2. IR and conductivity dependance on temperature and composition have been measured. (翻译:红外和电导率随温度和成份的变化。)
3. - I wish to be free of the debt. (翻译:- Ten pounds, sir? - I wish to be free of the debt.)
4. Pick any number, scale of one to ten. (翻译:scale of one to ten.)
5. So he is a good vampire. I mean, on a scale of one to ten. (翻译:on a scale of one to ten.)
6. The NKA-IR cells may be the endocrine cell which produces NKA in rat digestive tract. (翻译:IR细胞可能是肠道内分泌神经激肽a的内分泌细胞。)
7. And then ten years from now (翻译:过上十几年 and then ten years from now)
8. - Ten minutes we give them. (翻译:- Ten minutes we give them. - They will be fine.)
9. HOLD YOUR BREATH AND COUNT TO TEN (翻译:屏住呼吸,数到十 ♪ Hold your breath and count to ten ♪ 片名:)
10. Ten for the Redridge Mountains. (翻译:Ten for the Redridge Mountains.)
11. And ten days additional service. (翻译:追加十天服役。And ten days additional service.)
12. Ten miles from the border? (翻译:距离边境十六公里的地方 Ten miles from the border?)
13. You are moving too fast, we both know what happened ten years ago with the girl. (翻译:we both know what happened ten years ago with the girl.)
14. OXB-IR fibers were located in the central gray substance, superior and inferior colliculi. (翻译:OXB-IR 纤维位于中央灰色物质,上,下丘脑中。)
15. Six through ten commenced! (翻译:六到十号开始启动 Six through Ten commenced!)