mostly是什么意思 mostly的中文翻译、读音、例句

mostly是什么意思 mostly的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:mostly表示“主要地,大部分地”,用来描述某个事物或情况的主要特点或特征。

2. 词性:mostly是副词。

3. 词组搭配:常和be动词连用,如be mostly composed of(主要由……组成)、be mostly known for(主要因……而闻名)、be mostly used for(主要用于……)等。

4. 短语:mostly是常用的副词短语,形式为mostly + 形容词/副词/名词。

5. 发音拼写:mostly的发音为['məʊstli]。


1. The class is mostly made up of students from China.(这个班级主要由来自中国的学生组成。)

2. He is mostly quiet and reserved, but he can be quite talkative with his close friends.(他大多数时候都很安静、内向,但是对他的亲密朋友却可以非常健谈。)

3. This hotel is mostly popular among backpackers and budget travelers.(这家旅馆主要受到背包客和预算旅行者的欢迎。)

4. Our meetings are mostly held on Thursdays.(我们的会议大多数是在周四举行。)

5. The food in this restaurant is mostly spicy, so be careful if you can't handle hot flavors.(这家餐厅的食物大多数都很辣,如果你不喜欢吃辣的话要小心。)




1. I mostly prefer to stay at home on weekends. (我大多数时间在周末更喜欢待在家里。)

2. The film was mostly good, but the ending was a bit disappointing. (这部电影大多数情节都不错,但结尾有点让人失望。)

3. She mostly eats vegetarian food, but sometimes she will have some fish or chicken. (她主要吃素食,但有时也会吃些鱼或鸡肉。)




例句:Mostly little babies, but not exclusively. (大部分的小宝宝,但不是全部。Mostly little babies, but not exclusively.)


例句:Leonard? Horse, but mostly just for the height. (我选马 主要是因为马比较高 Horse, but mostly just for the height.)


例句:Mostly small distortions to our instruments in the upper atmosphere. (大多是我们置于高层大气的仪器出现的微小畸变 Mostly small distortions to our instruments in the upper atmosphere.)


例句:They extract what they can, which is mostly the metals -- circuit boards and so forth -- and they leave behind mostly what they can't recover, which is, again, mostly the plastics. (翻译:他们挑出他们能挑出来的东西,大多都是金属-- 电路板等等-- 然后留下大部分他们不能回收的 其中多数还是塑料 )


mostly一般作为副词、动词使用,如在mostly clear([网络] 大部晴朗;天气晴朗;晴时多云)、mostly covered(阴时多云)、mostly open(晴时多云)等常见短语中出现较多。

mostly clear[网络] 大部晴朗;天气晴朗;晴时多云
mostly covered阴时多云
mostly open晴时多云
mostly sunny[网络] 晴时多云;小云;多数是晴天
read mostly memory[计] 可改写的只读存储器


1. Mostly small distortions to our instruments in the upper atmosphere. (翻译:大多是我们置于高层大气的仪器出现的微小畸变 Mostly small distortions to our instruments in the upper atmosphere.)

2. They extract what they can, which is mostly the metals -- circuit boards and so forth -- and they leave behind mostly what they can't recover, which is, again, mostly the plastics. (翻译:他们挑出他们能挑出来的东西,大多都是金属-- 电路板等等-- 然后留下大部分他们不能回收的 其中多数还是塑料 )

3. The resulting fetuses consisted of either mostly paternally or mostly maternally expressed genes. (翻译:这样产生的胎儿要么主要是父方的基因表达,要么主要是母方的基因表达。)

4. A couple hundred times. Oh, yeah, with what? (翻译:一般带大麻 {\3cH202020}Grass mostly.)

5. I grew up mostly behind the bars. (翻译:l grew up mostly behind the bars. 从小到大我都无拘无束)

6. They extract what they can, which is mostly the metals -- circuit boards and so forth -- and they leave behind mostly what they can't recover, which is, again, mostly the plastics. (翻译:他们挑出他们能挑出来的东西,大多都是金属-- 电路板等等-- 然后留下大部分他们不能回收的 其中多数还是塑料)

7. Cars are mostly metal. (翻译:汽车大多是金属制成的。)

8. How do you parameterize "mostly"? (翻译:印度同事回答:步骤一、步骤二、步骤三,大致是这样的 你要怎样参数化“大致是这样的”?怎样把它编进标准程序里呢?根本不可能)

9. It turns out that oil spill is a mostly white conversation, that cookout is a mostly black conversation. (翻译:例如漏油事故基本都是在白人的圈子里讨论 而露天烧烤 则基本是黑人圈子的话题)

10. And even that worked out mostly okay. (翻译:即便那样也没出大岔子 And even that worked out mostly okay.)

11. -No, these Mormons were in Vegas. (翻译:-Utah, mostly. -No, these Mormons were in Vegas.)

12. Anyway, speaking of Daddy, (翻译:我比较喜欢认为自己是遗传你的 Well, I like to think I take mostly after you.)

13. He mostly worked nights. I was alone a lot. (翻译:他一般都是晚上工作 所以我经常一个人 He mostly worked nights.)

14. What are they about? Mostly love. (翻译:Mostly love and romance.)

15. The rest of them are mostly just nonsense. (翻译:剩下的几乎都是没有意义的 The rest of them are mostly just nonsense.)

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