salutary是什么意思 salutary的中文翻译、读音、例句

salutary是什么意思 salutary的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释:Salutary 意为有益的、有利的、有益健康的,常用于形容对人或事物的积极影响。

2. 词源解析:Salutary 这个词源于拉丁文 salutaris,意为“有益的、有益健康的”,是由 salus(健康、平安)这一词根派生而来的。

3. 词汇搭配:Salutary 可以和一些名词和动词搭配使用,例如:salutary effect(有益影响)、salutary lesson(有益教训)、salutary measure(有益的措施)、salutary reminder(有益提醒)、salutary warning(有益警告)等。


1. The salutary effects of exercise on our bodies and minds are well-documented. 运动对我们身体和精神的健康益处已经有了详细的记载。

2. The experience served as a salutary lesson for him, and he made sure to never make the same mistake again. 这次经历对他来说是一次有益的教训,他保证再也不会犯同样的错误了。

3. The government implemented a series of salutary measures to combat the spread of the pandemic. 政府采取了一系列有益的措施来抗击疫情的蔓延。

4. The near-death experience was a salutary reminder to him to cherish every moment of his life. 这次濒死经历对他来说是一次有益的提醒,让他珍惜生命中的每一刻。

5. The warning from the expert was a salutary wake-up call for the company to take climate change seriously. 专家的警告是一次有益的警醒,让公司认真对待气候变化问题。




1. The experience was salutary and taught him a valuable lesson.(这次经历对他很有益,教给他宝贵的一课。)

2. A salutary diet and exercise routine can help prevent many health problems.(有益的饮食和运动习惯可以预防许多健康问题。)

3. The company's decision to lay off employees was a salutary move for the business.(公司裁员的决定对企业是有益的。)




例句:So much effort must surely give a salutary, redeeming jolt that will drive forward a vast worldwide campaign to ensure "food for all. " (如此多的努力,必将引起有益的、起弥补作用的震动,掀起浩大的全球运动,确保“人人有饭吃”。)


例句:The currency crises in Hungary and Iceland were salutary, says Roberto Perotti of Milan’s Bocconi University. “No serious politician now says ‘let’s leave’.” (米兰匈牙利和冰岛的货币危机是有益的,博科尼大学的Roberto Perotti说,“没有一个真正的政客现在说‘我们离开吧’”。)


例句:His challenge is salutary but, like most revisionists, Morozov exaggerates in the opposite direction. (他的挑战是有益的,但是同大多数修正主义者一样,Morozov过分夸张了相反的方向。)


例句:Whether this is salutary for human nature or otherwise is no more readily answered than the question of war itself. (翻译:这里反映的人类天性是善还是恶,恐怕与战争问题本身一样不易回答。)


1. His challenge is salutary but, like most revisionists, Morozov exaggerates in the opposite direction. (翻译:他的挑战是有益的,但是同大多数修正主义者一样,Morozov过分夸张了相反的方向。)

2. Whether this is salutary for human nature or otherwise is no more readily answered than the question of war itself. (翻译:这里反映的人类天性是善还是恶,恐怕与战争问题本身一样不易回答。)

3. We will take it as a salutary warning, I think, for the rest of our conference this week. (翻译:我想, 我们会将之作为 这一周余下会谈之座右铭. )

4. The fact that they were committed enough to roll up and take part in long, peaceful, consensus-building debates was salutary. (翻译:他们做出足够的承诺,出现并参与到长期且建立共识的和平辩论中,这将取得很好的效果。)

5. In the nervous, incurious world of today, these markers are salutary for their apparent waywardness. (翻译:在如今高度紧张、漠不关心的世界里,这些符号有助于营造积极向上的力量。)

6. I notice we have janitors and impresses now in offices, and our young men unfortunately miss that salutary branch of a business education. (翻译:我注意到现在我们的办公室都有值班者,年轻人很不幸地错过了商业教育的一个有益阶段。)

7. Salutary neglect permitted the development of an American spirit distinct from that of its European founders. (翻译:有益的忽视使美国精神的发展有别于欧洲的缔造者。)

8. But Stan is a salutary reminder that the internet dynamo needs to keep evolving fast if it is to avoid becoming a digital dinosaur. (翻译:不过Stan却是个不无益处的提醒:这个互联网时代的强者,需要不断快速发展,只有这样,才能避免沦为数字恐龙,从地球上灭绝。)

9. We will take it as a salutary warning, I think, for the rest of our conference this week. (翻译:我想, 我们会将之作为 这一周余下会谈之座右铭.)

10. Conclusion: The approach from palatum durum chilogum seems to have a salutary effect on resecting the maxillary tuberosity and part of retrolateral wall of the genyantrum. (翻译:结论:经硬腭-唇龈联合路径切除上颌结节部和部分上颌窦后外侧壁及翼突内外板是治疗突入翼腭窝鼻咽纤维血管瘤的有效方法。)

11. It was a salutary experience to be in the minority. (翻译:做少数派是种磨练人的经历。)

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