diller是什么意思 diller的中文翻译、读音、例句

diller是什么意思 diller的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 'Diller'作为姓氏

- 'Diller'是一个常见的姓氏,源于德国。

- John Diller是一位知名的美国音乐家、作曲家和指挥家。

- Sarah Diller是一名美国女演员,曾出演过多部电影和电视剧。

- My boss's last name is Diller. (我的老板姓迪勒。)

- I love the music composed by John Diller. (我喜欢约翰·迪勒创作的音乐。)

2. 'Diller'作为动词或形容词的缩写

- 'Diller'可以表示'kill'的缩写,常用于网络聊天室或社交媒体上。

- 'Diller'也可以表示'killer'的缩写,通常出现在犯罪小说或电影中。

- 'Diller'也可以表示'delightful'的缩写,表示喜悦或快乐。

- I played a video game and had to diller my opponent. (我玩了一场游戏,必须击败我的对手。)

- The detective was searching for the diller who committed the crime. (侦探正在寻找犯下罪行的凶手。)

- It was a diller surprise to see all my friends at the party. (在聚会上见到所有朋友真是令人愉悦的惊喜。)

3. 'Diller'作为地名

- 'Diller'是美国内布拉斯加州的一个小镇,人口不到800人。

- 这个小镇以其住宅区和公园而闻名,也有一些小型企业和商店。

- Diller每年都会举办一个全市范围内的节日,吸引了来自周围地区的游客。

- I went to visit my grandparents in Diller last summer. (去年夏天我去Diller探望我的祖父母。)

- Diller has a beautiful park with a playground and walking trails. (Diller有一个美丽的公园,有游乐场和步行小径。)

- We had a great time at the Diller festival last year. (去年我们在Diller节日上度过了愉快的时光。)


读音:dí lè


1. 他精通多种语言,包括英语、法语、德语等。

He is proficient in multiple languages, including English, French, and German.

2. 这个国家有很多不同的文种,每一种都有不同的特点。

This country has many different languages, each with its own characteristics.




例句:A palpitating syncopation of the killer diller with a wicky wacky stomping of the floy joy! (电钻杀手的心跳 还有boy -joy的疯狂跺脚舞步)


例句:Mr Diller wants the deal to be scrutinised carefully by regulators and conditions imposed. (迪勒希望监管部门仔细审查该交易,并对其附加条件。)




例句:Diller Scofidio + Renfro are perhaps best known for a building defined by a cloud of water droplets built for an expo in Switzerland. (翻译:迪勒斯科菲尔德+伦弗洛公司也许是名气最大的,要知道,为瑞士博览会建造了被命名为水滴式的建筑的就是他们。)


://www.ted.com/talks/liz_diller_plays_with_architecture.html (翻译://www.ted.com/talks/lang/zh-cn/liz_diller_plays_with_architecture.html)

2. Diller Scofidio + Renfro are perhaps best known for a building defined by a cloud of water droplets built for an expo in Switzerland. (翻译:迪勒斯科菲尔德+伦弗洛公司也许是名气最大的,要知道,为瑞士博览会建造了被命名为水滴式的建筑的就是他们。)

3. Diller'd better pay attention now. Mama ain't the only one that's pretty here. (翻译:迪勒现在最好注意 妈妈不是这里唯一的美女)

4. When Barry Diller was running Paramount, he'd call ten people in his Rolodex each morning, just to say "hi. " (翻译:当巴里·戴勒运营派拉蒙特公司时,他每天早上从他的名片薄里抽十人给他们打电话问号。)

5. The only cool thing about Mr Diller these days is the “Diller-Plex”, IAC's funky new Manhattan office, designed by Frank Gehry. (翻译:目前迪勒先生只有“Diller-Plex”还算有型,这是IAC新的时髦办公室,在曼哈顿,是弗兰克盖里设计的。)

6. Fingerprints found at a previous robbery have also linked Fred Diller to the gang. (翻译:之前抢劫发现的指纹 将弗雷德·迪勒也与匪帮联系起来)

7. "This has been a little bit slow-going, but primarily because this is the first time we've ever done this, " Diller said. (翻译:“这次进行稍显缓慢,主要是因为我们以前没有类似的经验。”迪勒说。)

8. In summary, Diller's advice was articulate and clearly stated, and provides good context about the potential direction of travel technology. (翻译:总的来说,Diller的建议清晰明了,并提供了旅游科技潜在发展方向的战略建议。)

9. Ten months ago... a man named Barry Diller called me from Los Angeles. (翻译:十个月前 一个叫巴里迪勒的人从洛杉矶给我打电话)

10. - Split up. You and me, Diller and the girls. It's our only chance. (翻译:你和我走 迪勒和姑娘们走 这是我们唯一的机会)

11. The only cool thing about Mr Diller these days is the "Diller-Plex" , IAC's funky new Manhattan office, designed by Frank Gehry. (翻译:目前迪勒先生只有“Diller-Plex”还算有型,这是IAC新的时髦办公室,在曼哈顿,是弗兰克盖里设计的。)

12. The days when Mr Diller could proudly claim to be the only old media boss to "get" the internet are long gone. (翻译:迪勒先生曾经可以自豪地宣称自己是旧式传媒业老板中唯一“搅上”互联网的,然而这种时光已经一去无踪了。)

13. Mr Malone accused Mr Diller of "aggressive" use of the corporate jet, and said that his pay "raised eyebrows" . (翻译:迪勒先生指责马龙先生的“咄咄逼人”地使用公司客机,还说他的收入“让人侧目”。)



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