sections是什么意思 sections的中文翻译、读音、例句

sections是什么意思 sections的中文翻译、读音、例句

Sections 可以指代许多不同的概念,比如:

1. 部分/章节

Sections 可以指代某个整体中的部分或章节。


- This book has five sections, each dealing with a different aspect of the topic.

- The article is divided into two sections: the first one provides background information, and the second one analyzes the data.

- Please read the introduction and the first section of the report before the meeting.

- This recipe has three sections: the ingredients list, the preparation steps, and the cooking instructions.

- The report will be presented in three sections, covering the main findings, the methodology, and the recommendations.

2. 区域/地带

Sections 还可以指代某个区域或地带,通常用于指划分为不同部分的城市或大区。


- The city is divided into four sections, each with its own attractions and landmarks.

- We live in the north section of town, which is mostly residential.

- The park is divided into several sections, each with different types of trees and plants.

- The university is organized into five sections, such as the College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Business.

- The city has a downtown section, a commercial section, and a residential section.

3. 断面/切面

Sections 还可以指代某个物体的断面或切面,比如科学实验中的样品切片。


- The microscope was used to examine the section of the tissue sample.

- The geologist studied the sections of the rock samples to determine their composition.

- The carpenter cut a section of the wood board to the desired size.

- The scientist prepared thin sections of the mineral sample for analysis.

- The chef showed us how to cut a section of the beef for the perfect steak.

4. 部门/分组

Sections 还可以指代某个组织或机构中的部门或分组,比如公司的财务部和销售部。


- The school has several sections, including the administration, the faculty, and the student services.

- The hospital is organized into several sections, such as emergency, surgery, and pediatrics.

- The company has a marketing section responsible for advertising and promotions.

- The military unit is divided into several sections, each with a different mission.

- The government agency has a research section that conducts studies and analyzes data.

总之,Sections 是一个十分常见的单词,可以指代不同的概念。以下是 5 个例句:

- The report is divided into six sections, each covering a different aspect of the project. (这份报告分成六个部分,每一部分涵盖了项目的不同方面。)

- The city is divided into different sections based on the income level of the residents. (这个城市根据居民的收入水平划分了不同的地区。)

- The scientist examined the section of the rock sample under the microscope. (科学家在显微镜下观察了岩石样品的切片。)

- The company has a customer service section that handles complaints and inquiries. (这家公司设有一个客户服务部门,负责处理投诉和查询。)

- The textbook is organized into seven sections, each focusing on a different grammar topic. (这本教科书分为七个部分,每一部分侧重于一个不同的语法主题。)




1. The book is divided into three sections, each covering a different period in history.(这本书分为三个章节,每个章节涵盖了一个不同的历史时期。)

2. The stadium is divided into several sections, each with its own entrance and seating area.(这个体育场被分为几个区域,每个区域都有自己的入口和座位区。)

3. The report includes a section on the company's financial performance.(这份报告包括了一部分关于公司的财务表现。)




例句:Observation of partial decalcified sections with hematoxylin and eosin staining. (部分脱钙切片苏木精-伊红染色观察结果。)


例句:Dr Bucher's studies of the Chinese sections indicate two things. (布赫尔博士对于中国区域的研究表明了两件事情。)


例句:There's certain sections of the song -- the songs had different sections that the dancers really liked. (有些段落舞者特别喜欢 ——一首歌中有好几个段落)


例句:[ Piwonski Continues ] with sections of barracks, with posts, barbed wire, bricks... (翻译:有些火车载着 几个兵营的人,带着邮件 带刺铁丝网和砖头到达)


sections一般作为名词使用,如在in sections([网络] 分节)、divide into sections(格,划分)、extruded sections(挤压零件)等常见短语中出现较多。

in sections[网络] 分节
divide into sections格,划分
extruded sections挤压零件
file sections[网络] 文件可分为一节或多节
global sections整体截面
golden sections[数] 黄金分割
heavy sections大型钢材
horizontal sections水平截面;水平切面;水平断面;水平剖面
identical sections相同段片


1. There's certain sections of the song -- the songs had different sections that the dancers really liked. (翻译:有些段落舞者特别喜欢 ——一首歌中有好几个段落)

2. [ Piwonski Continues ] with sections of barracks, with posts, barbed wire, bricks... (翻译:有些火车载着 几个兵营的人,带着邮件 带刺铁丝网和砖头到达)

3. Scantling of plates and sections will be in accordance with rules requirements and Builder's practice. (翻译:一些板和部件的结构尺寸必须根据规范要求和建造者的惯例。)

4. Proctors are provided by ASQ sections in your area. (翻译:监考人员将由你所在区域的ASQ部门提供。)

5. Detailed step descriptions are provided in collapsible sections. (翻译:在折叠部分提供了详细的步骤说明。)

6. And with the internet comes comment sections, and with comment sections inevitably comes hate. (翻译:放到网上就会有评论, 有评论就会有仇恨。)

7. Leibniz' notes are limited to early sections of Newton's book, sections that precede the ones in which Newton's calculus concepts and techniques are presented. (翻译:莱布尼茨的笔记仅限于牛顿的书的早期章节,这些章节先于牛顿微积分概念和技巧的介绍。)

8. Primarily in sections A2, D5 and E15, but also in the appendix sections 9, 11 and 12. (翻译:主要在A2 D5和E15 另见附录9 11 12)

9. There's certain sections of the song -- the songs had different sections that the dancers really liked. (翻译:有些段落舞者特别喜欢 ——一首歌中有好几个段落 )

10. Polarization, Propagator, Interaction Matrix, Cross Sections and Unitarity Bounds. (翻译:极化,传播,作用矩阵,截面和么正极限。)

11. When I joined the company, I rotated around the different sections. (翻译:我加入这个公司时,轮换过几个不同的部门。)

12. Pansy asked which sections they would have. (翻译:潘姿询问都会有哪些版块。)

13. As for the other sections of this type, it ends with a "JABBERWOCKY" line. (翻译:与这种类型的其它节一样,它也以“JABBERWOCKY”行结束。)

14. The brain is made up of three main sections: the forebrain, the midbrain, and the hindbrain. (翻译:大脑由前脑、中脑和后脑三个主要部分组成。)

15. And these sections are mainly distributed in the upriver and downriver of Tuojiang River basin. (翻译:处于中污染和重污染的断面主要位于沱江流域的上游和下游,水质状况较差。)



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