elisha是什么意思 elisha的中文翻译、读音、例句

elisha是什么意思 elisha的中文翻译、读音、例句

Possible answer:

As an English teacher, I can explain 'Elisha' from the following aspects:

1. Etymology: 'Elisha' is a personal name of Hebrew origin, meaning "God is salvation" or "my God is salvation." According to the Bible, Elisha was a prophet who succeeded Elijah and performed many miracles, such as healing the sick and multiplying food.

2. Pronunciation: 'Elisha' is usually pronounced as /iˈlaɪʃə/ with the first syllable stressed and the last syllable pronounced as "sha." However, the pronunciation may vary depending on dialect or accent.

3. Spelling variations: 'Elisha' may be spelled differently or abbreviated in different contexts, such as 'Elisa,' 'Elysha,' 'Alitsha,' 'Alisha,' 'Lisha,' or 'E.' These may also have different meanings, depending on the context.

4. Usage in literature and culture: 'Elisha' has been portrayed in various literary works and cultural references, such as the Bible, the Quran, and the TV series 'Eli Stone.' Elisha also appears in the Jewish and Christian traditions as a model of faith and compassion.

5. Usage in personal or professional contexts: 'Elisha' may be used as a given name or a surname, as well as a username, nickname, or brand name. In different fields and domains, 'Elisha' may refer to different individuals or entities, such as athletes, musicians, scientists, or organizations.

Here are five examples of sentences that illustrate different uses of 'Elisha':

1. "Elisha prayed to the Lord to open the eyes of his servant, and he saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire" (2 Kings 6:17).

2. "My dear Elisha, I am honored to have you as my guest tonight" (formal greeting).

3. "Elisha loves playing basketball and dreams of joining the NBA someday" (personal interest).

4. "Elisha Corporation is a leading provider of cloud solutions for businesses worldwide" (professional identity).

5. "Hey, E, what's up? Do you want to hang out later?" (casual nickname).




1. Elisha was a prophet in the Old Testament.


2. Many parents today choose biblical names for their children, such as Elisha, Isaac, and Elijah.





例句:So Elijah went from there and found Elisha son of Shaphat. (于是,以利亚离开那里走了,遇见沙法的儿子以利沙耕地。)


例句:That was Elisha attacked last night in your little chamber. (昨晚是你在自 己布置的 小密室中农去艾莉莎的吧?)


例句:Jerusalem Councilman Elisha Peleg supports the plan, which could be approved next week. (耶路撒冷市议员皮勒格支持这个计划,而计划可能在下个星期通过。)


例句:- Don't move, Elisha... for the rest of your life. (翻译:一另j功了,艾莉莎... 力 了你的余生)


elisha一般作为名词使用,如在Elisha ben Abuyah(以利沙·本·阿布亚(公元l-2世纪),犹太学者。)、Elisha Graves Otis([网络] 奥的斯;伊莱沙•格雷夫斯•奥的斯;欧提斯)、elisha graves otiss([网络] 奥的斯;伊莱沙•格雷夫斯•奥的斯;欧提斯\n(elisha graves otis 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

Elisha ben Abuyah以利沙·本·阿布亚(公元l-2世纪),犹太学者。
Elisha Graves Otis[网络] 奥的斯;伊莱沙•格雷夫斯•奥的斯;欧提斯
elisha graves otiss[网络] 奥的斯;伊莱沙•格雷夫斯•奥的斯;欧提斯\n(elisha graves otis 的复数)


1. Jerusalem Councilman Elisha Peleg supports the plan, which could be approved next week. (翻译:耶路撒冷市议员皮勒格支持这个计划,而计划可能在下个星期通过。)

2. - Don't move, Elisha... for the rest of your life. (翻译:一另j功了,艾莉莎... 力 了你的余生)

3. The company of the prophets said to Elisha, 'Look, the place where we meet with you is too small for us. (翻译:先知门徒对以利沙说,看哪,我们同你所住的地方过于窄小)

4. Then Gehazi went from Elisha's presence and he was leprous, as white as snow. (翻译:基哈西从以利沙面前退出去,就长了大麻疯,像雪那样白。)

5. Elisha also, weren't there many Jewish lepers Elisha? (翻译:以利沙,难道没有犹太麻疯病人吗? )

6. From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some youths came out of the town and jeered at him. (翻译:以利沙从那里上伯特利去,正上去的时候,有些童子从城里出来,戏笑他说,秃头的上去吧。)

7. Go in peace, 'Elisha said. After Naaman had traveled some distance. (翻译:以利沙对他说,你可以平平安安地回去。乃缦就离开他去了。走了不远。)

8. Then Elisha said, 'Call her.' (翻译:以利沙说,再叫她来。)

9. You're right if you guessed that Elisha said he would not leave Elijah. (翻译:如果你猜以利沙说他不会离开以利亚,那么你对了。)

10. Are there are no Jewish lepers, Elisha? (翻译:以利沙,难道没有犹太麻风病人吗? )

11. Elisha Gray and Enos Barton form small manufacturing firm in Cleveland, OH. (翻译:以利沙。格雷和以挪士。巴顿在俄亥俄州克利夫兰成立一家小制造工厂。)

12. Fransen says. Alona and Elisha needed to be reminded of the deadline twice, but soon learned to remember on their own. Ms. (翻译:阿洛纳和伊莱沙后来还需要妈妈提醒两次才记得最后期限,但她们很快就能自己记得喂狗了。)

13. And Elisha said unto him, As the LORD liveth, andas thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee. (翻译:以利沙说:“我指著永生的耶和华,又敢在你面前起誓,我必不离开你。”)

14. Elisha saw this and cried out, 'My father! (翻译:以利沙看见,就呼叫说,我父阿。)

15. Jerusalem Councilman Elisha Peleg supports the plan, which could be approved next week. (翻译:耶路撒冷市议员皮勒格支持这个计划,而计划可能在下个星期通过。)



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