provoked是什么意思 provoked的中文翻译、读音、例句

provoked是什么意思 provoked的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性和词源: "Provoked" 是动词的过去式或者过去分词,意思是激怒或者挑衅。这个词源追溯到古法语中的 "provoker",意思是激怒或者挑衅。

2. 同义词和反义词:一些同义词包括irritate、aggravate、annoy、exasperate和irk。反义词包括soothe、calm、appease、pacify和mollify。

3. 使用场景: "Provoked"这个单词通常在描述人们的情绪或行为时使用,通常用于表达愤怒、挑衅或激怒。它也可以用来描述一些激发思考或行动的事件。


1. The driver was provoked by the pedestrian's rude gesture and reacted aggressively.(司机因行人的粗暴手势而感到愤怒,并采取了攻击性的反应。)

2. The president's statement provoked an outcry from the opposition party.(总统的声明引起了反对党的强烈抗议。)

3. The company's decision to lay off workers provoked a wave of protests.(公司裁员的决定引发了一波抗议浪潮。)

4. His rude behavior provoked her to leave the party early.(他的粗鲁行为促使她早早离开了派对。)

5. The question provoked him to think deeply about the issue.(这个问题促使他深思熟虑这个问题。)




1. His insulting behavior finally provoked me to lose my temper.


2. The controversial decision by the government has provoked widespread protests.





例句:This provoked a furious row, and Cuming accused me of becoming too big for my boots. (这一点引起了激烈的争吵。卡明指责我狂妄自大。)


例句:Provoked a spat with Sinn Fein days before the soldiers in Antrim were killed. (挑起了和新芬党的争端——结果几天后,安特里姆郡的两名士兵就丧生在了枪口下。)


例句:Nonetheless, the threat of the enemy provoked numerous changes on Coruscant in the name of increased security. (不过,敌人的威胁还是在科洛桑激起了许多以加强安全为名的变化。)


例句:You, Pilate, will have provoked insurrection through your catastrophic misjudgment, and you, Pilate, will be finished. (翻译:你 彼拉多 由于你灾难性的误判 You, Pilate, will have provoked insurrection 激起了暴乱 through your catastrophic misjudgment, 你 彼拉多 将就此终结 and you, Pilate, will be finished.)


1. Nonetheless, the threat of the enemy provoked numerous changes on Coruscant in the name of increased security. (翻译:不过,敌人的威胁还是在科洛桑激起了许多以加强安全为名的变化。)

2. You, Pilate, will have provoked insurrection through your catastrophic misjudgment, and you, Pilate, will be finished. (翻译:你 彼拉多 由于你灾难性的误判 You, Pilate, will have provoked insurrection 激起了暴乱 through your catastrophic misjudgment, 你 彼拉多 将就此终结 and you, Pilate, will be finished.)

3. Tragedy of the commons is the worst incentive problem provoked by ambiguously defined property rights. (翻译:公地悲剧是界定不清的模糊产权引起的最严重的激励问题。)

4. In general, the longer and deeper excoriations are, the more severe was the pruritus that provoked them. (翻译:一般来说,抓痕形成的时间越长,深度越深,就表明导致抓痕的瘙痒越重。)

5. You provoked 'em, Tom. Tom, what happened in the pub? (翻译:你激怒了他们,汤姆 在酒吧到底发生什么了?)

6. Okay, before you start lecturing me on my behavior, she provoked me. (翻译:好吧 在你开始教育我的行为前 是她激怒我的)

7. Be careful what you say—he's easily provoked. (翻译:说话要小心,他这个人一惹就火儿。)

8. Any corpse pasted with it may get provoked (翻译:凡一切被镇尸符所贴之不息冤魂 或强硬化尸首 均有蓄劲待发之势)

9. With each of his works ChengZhi Zhang has provoked ardent attention among the critics. (翻译:张承志的每部作品几乎都引起批评界不同视角、不同侧面的热情关注。)

10. And finally, he provoked the rise to battle in the heart of the Persian Empire, near Babylon. (翻译:最终,他煽动兴起的民族,发动战争 长驱直入,一直攻到波斯帝国的中心地带——巴比伦附近)

11. The press release provoked furious protests from the Gore camp and other top Democrats. (翻译:这篇新闻稿引发了戈尔阵营和民主党其他高层的激烈抗议。)

12. What's that? It's potentially fatal arrhythmia provoked by various stimuli. (翻译:这是可以由多种刺激引起的 致命的潜在心律失常)

13. You pushed and you provoked him till it cost him his life. (翻译:你们不停煽动和催促 直到他丢掉性命 You pushed and you provoked him till it cost him his life.)

14. And if provoked, can and will rip the guts out of each and every living being here tonight. (翻译:如果挑起,能够而且将... ...翻录的胆量了每一位的 居住在这里今晚。)

15. This provoked a furious row, and Cuming accused me of becoming too big for my boots. (翻译:这一点引起了激烈的争吵。卡明指责我狂妄自大。)



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