responsibly是什么意思 responsibly的中文翻译、读音、例句

responsibly是什么意思 responsibly的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:responsibly 是副词,表示负责任地、可靠地、谨慎地、慎重地等。



1. act responsibly 表现出负责任的行为

2. behave responsibly 表现出负责任的行为

3. handle responsibly 负责地处理

4. invest responsibly 负责任地投资

5. report responsibly 负责任地报告

6. speak responsibly 负责任地说话

7. vote responsibly 负责任地投票




1. We should act responsibly and make sure that we don't harm the environment.我们应该负责任地行动,确保不损害环境。

2. It is our responsibility to behave responsibly towards our family and society. 对于我们的家庭和社会,我们有责任负责任地表现。

3. As a manager, you need to handle the company's finances responsibly. 作为一名经理,你需要负责地处理公司的财务。

4. It is important to invest responsibly and ethically for a better future. 为了更美好的未来,负责任和道德地投资很重要。

5. Journalists must report responsibly and verify the accuracy of their information. 记者必须负责任地报告并验证其信息的准确性。

6. It is important for public figures to speak responsibly and avoid inflammatory language. 公众人物讲话负责任非常重要,要避免使用煽动性言论。

7. We should vote responsibly and choose candidates who will work for the greater good. 我们应该负责任地投票,选择那些为大局着想的候选人。





1. It's important to act responsibly when driving a car.


2. As a manager, you need to make decisions responsibly.


3. We must use our resources responsibly to protect the environment.





例句:We must tread carefully and responsibly as we build our quantum future. (打造量子未来时, 我们务必要谨慎负责。)


例句:And if you do that, you do that responsibly, I believe that instead of delivering Spartans, you can deliver maidens. (如果你那么做,尽职尽责地进行 我相信你完全可以将斯巴达人换成创想 传递给客户。)


例句:What I said was that we need to keep an extra eye on our kids because with all the technological advances, they need to learn to use them responsibly. (因为现在科技实在太发达 他们要学会有责任心地去使用)


例句:Was Scudamore right in October 2008 to say the debt was being managed responsibly? (翻译:斯库达摩尔在xx年xx月说的债务得到负责任的管理,这话对吗?)


1. What I said was that we need to keep an extra eye on our kids because with all the technological advances, they need to learn to use them responsibly. (翻译:因为现在科技实在太发达 他们要学会有责任心地去使用)

2. Was Scudamore right in October 2008 to say the debt was being managed responsibly? (翻译:斯库达摩尔在xx年xx月说的债务得到负责任的管理,这话对吗?)

3. How can we govern responsibly, if backbenchers get all the facts? (翻译:什么都告诉后座议员 How can we govern responsibly, 怎能权责分明? if back benchers get all the facts?)

4. This law continues to be the government's main tool for dealing with the situation responsibly. (翻译:当时通过的法律仍然是政府 有责任面对这种局面的 有力工具)

5. Despite what science fiction may portray, I can responsibly tell you that AI has no love. (翻译:无论科幻电影如何描述, 我可以负责任地告诉你, 人工智能程序没有爱的能力。)

6. All these obstacles can make sustainable aquaculture feel a long way off, but innovative farmers are finding new ways to responsibly farm the seas. (翻译:所有这些困难让可持续的 水产养殖看起来遥不可及, 但是富有创意的渔农们 正在寻求改进海洋养殖的方法。)

7. With this in mind, even before carrying out the very first experiment, our team started to work with the public and the government to find solutions together to responsibly develop and regulate this new technology. (翻译:考虑到这一点, 早在进行第一次实验之前, 我们的团队就开始 与公众和政府合作, 寻找解决方案, 负责任地开发和管理这项新技术。)

8. He also began to develop super powers, not all of which he used responsibly , since he was a troubled kid. (翻译:他也开始显现出超能力,却不能够好好运用这些能力,因为他是个挺能惹麻烦的小孩。)

9. But once Alaska is allowed to very safely and responsibly develop our resources, we'll lower cost of energy across the entire nation. (翻译:但是 一旦阿拉斯加获准 安全可靠地开发自身能源 将能降低全美的能源支出)

10. In July 2011, we will begin reducing our troops responsibly, taking intoaccount conditions on the ground. (翻译:考虑到当地的条件,我们会于xx年xx月开始从阿富汗逐渐撤军。)

11. If you give people responsibility, they act responsibly. (翻译:如果你给人们责任, 他们就会变得负责。)

12. And I don't know that there is any way responsibly for someone to start medicating their children with their personal supply of Lipitor or something of that nature. (翻译:而且我不知道 让某人开始给 他们自己的孩子服用 他汀类药剂或者其他有那种特性的东西是否是负责任的行为。)

13. It turns out that tapping into people's curiosity and responsibly answering their questions is a brilliant way to build fans and an audience and get in viewers. (翻译:抓住人们的好奇心 并负责任的回答他们的问题 是个增加粉丝, 听众和观众 的极佳方法. )

14. It has been responsibly estimated that obesity and overweight add $150 billion a year to the nation's medical bill. (翻译:据可靠估计,肥胖症和超重问题每年使国家医疗账单增加了1500亿美元。)

15. To make sure that we responsibly advance technology that could enable us to embrace the future while fiercely protecting all of us from any person, company or government that attempts to unlawfully access or alter our innermost lives. (翻译:以确保我们值得信赖的先进技术 能够使我们拥抱一个 强烈保护我们内心最深处不被任何个人, 公司或政府非法侵入或改变的未来。)

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