misra是什么意思 英文名misra[米斯拉]的翻译、发音、来源

misra是什么意思 英文名misra[米斯拉]的翻译、发音、来源

MISRA是Motor Industry Software Reliability Association的缩写,它是一个非盈利组织,成立于xx年,旨在为汽车和其他交通行业的软件开发者提供可靠性指南和标准。


1. 促进软件工程标准化,提高车辆的安全性和可靠性。

2. 使软件工程师能够遵守最佳实践和标准。

3. 为开发人员提供有关测试、验证和软件安全的指南。

4. 加强软件开发的质量保证措施。


1. MISRA C:一种C编程语言的编程规范,旨在改善软件的可靠性和安全性。

2. MISRA C++:一种C++编程语言的编程规范,旨在改善软件的可靠性和安全性。

3. MISRA AC:一种对于安全关键型应用的编程规范指南,考虑诸如飞机和铁路系统等极其关键的应用可能遭遇的问题。

4. MISRA AUTOSAR:基于AUTOSAR标准的MISRA C++指南,旨在为车辆电子设备之间的互操作性提供指导方针。


1. The MISRA guidelines are widely used in the automotive industry to ensure safety-critical software is developed to the highest standards. (MISRA规范广泛应用于汽车工业,以确保开发安全关键型软件符合最高标准。)

2. Our team follows the MISRA C coding standard to enhance the reliability of our embedded software products. (我们的团队遵循MISRA C编码标准,以提高我们的嵌入式软件产品的可靠性。)

3. The application of MISRA AC guidelines is mandatory for our project, as it involves safety-critical systems. (由于项目涉及安全关键系统,MISRA AC指南的应用是必须的。)

4. MISRA AUTOSAR is a set of guidelines that helps ensure the interoperability of electronic devices in vehicles. (MISRA AUTOSAR是一套指南,帮助确保车载电子设备之间的互操作性。)

5. We have incorporated MISRA C++ guidelines into our development process to improve the reliability and safety of our software products. (我们已将MISRA C++指南纳入开发流程中,以提高我们的软件产品的可靠性和安全性。)

misra的中文翻译为“密斯拉”,读音为[mǐ sī lā]。


1. 这篇文章的misra部分有一些错误。

2. 在印度古典音乐中,misra被用作一种韵律形式。


1. There are some mistakes in the misra section of this article.

2. Misra is used as a rhythmical form in Indian classical music.




例句:Dr Misra says that 1 litre of biodiesel requires 5-7 kg of coffee grounds, depending on the oil content of the coffee used. (Misra博士说生产1升的生物燃料需要5-7公斤的咖啡残渣,视不同咖啡的含油量不同而有差别。)


例句:"But, to delve into some alien sociology, we are extrapolating human civilization to some future point and saying what we might do," Haqq-Misra said. (“但是,为了要深究一些外星人的社会学,我们不妨把人类文明外推到某个未来时刻,然后设想一下我们可能会做些什么”,哈克·米斯拉说。)


例句:Misra estimates that the grounds from that haul could be used to make as much as 340 million gallons of biodiesel. (Misra估算,用这些大量咖啡的剩余残渣可以制造出多达3.4亿加仑的生物柴油。)


例句:No need to use the fresh stuff, old grounds are more than up to the task, according to material scientist Mano Misra and his colleagues. (翻译:根据材料科学家ManoMisra和他的同事们的研究,作燃料用的咖啡不需要使用新鲜的咖啡,剩余的咖啡残渣就足够用了。)


1. Misra estimates that the grounds from that haul could be used to make as much as 340 million gallons of biodiesel. (翻译:Misra估算,用这些大量咖啡的剩余残渣可以制造出多达3.4亿加仑的生物柴油。)

2. No need to use the fresh stuff, old grounds are more than up to the task, according to material scientist Mano Misra and his colleagues. (翻译:根据材料科学家ManoMisra和他的同事们的研究,作燃料用的咖啡不需要使用新鲜的咖啡,剩余的咖啡残渣就足够用了。)

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