hateful是什么意思 hateful的中文翻译、读音、例句

hateful是什么意思 hateful的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:adj. 充满仇恨的;可恶的;讨厌的


词组搭配:hateful person(可恶的人);hateful speech(仇恨言论);hateful behavior(恶劣行为)




1. He was the most hateful man I had ever met.

2. The hateful remarks he made led to his eventual downfall.

3. The way she treated her employees was just hateful.

4. The movie depicted the hateful actions of the oppressors towards the oppressed.

5. I find it hateful when people judge others solely based on their appearance.

6. His hateful attitude towards people of different races is unacceptable.

7. The hateful message in his writing caused controversy and backlash.


1. 他是我遇到过最可恶的人。

2. 他发表的仇恨言论导致了他的最终失败。

3. 她对待员工的方式非常让人讨厌。

4. 电影描绘了压迫者对被压迫者的可恶行为。

5. 我发现当人们只根据外貌判断人时很讨厌。

6. 他对不同种族的人表现出的可恶态度是不可接受的。

7. 他的著作中的具有仇恨信息的内容引起了争议和反对。





1. His hateful comments were hurtful to many people.


2. I find it hateful how he always tries to manipulate people.


3. The hateful act of discrimination has no place in a civilized society.





例句:Why have the gods made me love a hateful woman? (为什么诸神要让我爱上一个心怀仇恨的女人?)


例句:With the juice of this I'll streak her eyes and make her full of hateful fantasies. (我要逃开你躲进树丛 将你留给野兽处置! 最凶恶的野兽 也没有你狠心)


例句:I knew - you would feel hateful and hurt - But I didn't dream it would be like this. (我知道——你觉得厌恶、受到了伤害。没有想到会想这样。)


例句:For he flattered himself in his own eyes, until his iniquity be found to be hateful. (翻译:他自夸自媚,以为他的罪孽终不显露,不被恨恶。)


1. I knew - you would feel hateful and hurt - But I didn't dream it would be like this. (翻译:我知道——你觉得厌恶、受到了伤害。没有想到会想这样。)

2. For he flattered himself in his own eyes, until his iniquity be found to be hateful. (翻译:他自夸自媚,以为他的罪孽终不显露,不被恨恶。)

3. I get it, but why inflict so much pain on yourself for such a hateful person? (翻译:我懂 但为什么让自己那么痛苦呢 为这么一个面目可憎的人? 他不值得你悲伤)

4. Darth Maul was a weapon forged by the hateful energies of the dark side to ensure the victory of the Sith over the Jedi order. (翻译:达斯·摩尔是可恶的黑暗面能量所锻造的武器,用来保证西斯对绝地武士团的胜利。)

5. The hateful telling broke out again. (翻译:可恶的倾诉又爆发了。)

6. The boy became a vicious, vindictive , hateful and evil brat whenever he did not get his way. (翻译:这男孩如果不顺他的意思,就成为凶残邪恶、存心报复、痛恨别人的坏顽童。)

7. This it may be was the vilest deed of Melkor, and the most hateful to Iluvatar. (翻译:这也许是马尔寇最邪恶的所为,也是伊鲁瓦塔所最恨恶的。)

8. Well, you be ugly, you be hateful when you do that, some will fear you... (翻译:是哦 那只会令你丑陋 令人恨你 而不是怕你)

9. That was hateful. You're such a blatant sizeist sometimes. (翻译:这真令人厌恶 你有时候就是这么明显的一个身材歧视者)

10. Raymond, that's hateful. Oh, it's not whites throwing' them. (翻译:Raymond,太可恶了 但,不是白人扔的)

11. I do hateful things for which people love me and I do lovable things for which they hate me. (翻译:我会做一些 让人们喜欢我的坏事 也会做一些让人们讨厌我的好事)

12. I would've loved to watch the rats chew the flesh from your bones. ...as you gazed into my hateful eyes. (翻译:我很想看到把你挖肉剔骨,来补偿我仇恨的眼睛)

13. Arrow ou: So do something not so hateful, for example, stop your dandiacal attitude. (翻译:欧雅若:那么你就做些不让人那么讨厌的事情来,比方说,停止你那吊儿郎当的态度。)

14. Tearful, frustrated fights followed by emotional makeups, hateful and hurtful comments like, "You're worthless, I'm not even sure why I'm with you!" (翻译:泪流满面,沮丧的争吵, 随之而来的是情感上的伪装, 充满仇恨和伤害的评论,比如, “你一文不值,我都不知道 为什么跟你在一起!” )

15. There is a play not only hateful but also people's sympathy for the characters, he called Shylock is a Jew, the loan-sharking. (翻译:剧中有个既可恨,又使人同情的人物,他叫夏洛克,是个犹太人,放高利贷的。)

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