offense是什么意思 offense的中文翻译、读音、例句

offense是什么意思 offense的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:offense 是名词,指一个人所犯下的错误或违法行为,也可以指令人不悦或不舒服的事情。



- take offense at:对……生气

- give offense to:冒犯某人

- cause offense:引起不快

- misdemeanor offense:轻罪

- criminal offense:重罪

- non-offense behavior:非违法行为

短语:commit an offense

发音拼写:英 [əˈfens] 美 [əˈfɛns]


1. He committed an offense that led to his imprisonment.(他犯了罪,导致他被监禁。)

2. Her sarcastic comments gave offense to her coworkers.(她讽刺的评论冒犯了她的同事。)

3. The company has a strict policy against employees committing any offense.(公司对员工犯罪有严格的政策。)

4. He was cited for two different offenses on his driving record.(他的驾驶记录上有两个不同的违规行为。)

5. The coach was furious at his team for committing so many offensive fouls.(教练对他的队伍犯了那么多进攻犯规感到生气。)

6. The offensive smell of the garbage made the whole street smell bad.(垃圾的难闻气味让整条街都很难闻。)

7. The new employee was fired for committing a grave offense against company policy.(新员工被解雇,因为他违反了公司的政策,犯了重大罪行。)




1. The team's offense scored five touchdowns in the first half. (这个队的进攻在上半场得分了五个touchdown。)

2. His words caused offense to many people. (他的话冒犯了很多人。)

3. He was arrested for committing an offense. (他因违反法律被逮捕了。)




例句:No offense, but this is feeling like a waste of time. (没有什么恶意 但是这感觉好像是在浪费时间)


例句:Solicitation is a criminal offense. (拉皮条是一种犯罪行为 Solicitation is a criminal offense.)


例句:Found or pleaded guilty to a disgusting offense. (对于一个令人作呕的罪过不管是 被判有罪或者认罪有何区别)


例句:Maybe he takes offense at some thing you said. Maybe he takes offense at any number of things. (翻译:也许你说的一些话触怒了他, 也许你说的很多话都触怒了他)


offense一般作为名词使用,如在no offense(无意冒犯;请勿见怪)、on offense(开始进攻)、the offense([网络] 大冲撞;突击者)等常见短语中出现较多。

no offense无意冒犯;请勿见怪
on offense开始进攻
the offense[网络] 大冲撞;突击者
extraneous offense[法] 审判之外的罪行
family offense[网络] 家庭罪
first offense[法]初犯
give offense冒犯,挑衅
hanging offense[网络] 求职攞你命
heavy offense[法] 重罪
light offense[法] 轻罪


1. Found or pleaded guilty to a disgusting offense. (翻译:对于一个令人作呕的罪过不管是 被判有罪或者认罪有何区别)

2. Maybe he takes offense at some thing you said. Maybe he takes offense at any number of things. (翻译:也许你说的一些话触怒了他, 也许你说的很多话都触怒了他)

3. Unfortunately, lying on a federal form is a punishable offense. (翻译:Unfortunately, lying on a federal form is a punishable offense. 不幸的是,躺在联邦监狱是一种惩罚的罪行的形式。)

4. No offense, but this is pure 100% Nimoy. (翻译:无意冒犯 这可是100%的Nimoy No offense, but this is pure 100% Nimoy.)

5. - Hey, Richard, no offense... (翻译:- Richard 无意冒犯你 - 没关系 - Hey, Richard, no offense...)

6. It makes it a federal offense. (翻译:这足以构成犯罪了 It makes it a federal offense.)

7. No offense to the lovely Agness or her charming offspring... (翻译:不是要冒犯可爱的Agnes以及她迷人的小孩)

8. No offense, Rossi, but this place is kind of a dump. (翻译:我没别的意思啊 Rossi 但这地方好破落啊)

9. Any further offense, and you will all face the Sanhedrin court! (翻译:如有再犯 Any further offense, 你们都将面临犹太公会的审判! and you will all face the Sanhedrin court!)

10. No offense, but aren't you a little old to be afraid? (翻译:不是我存心冒犯你 你岁数大了,是不是不该害怕了?)

11. Small black piece, what offense did you know to make? (翻译:what offense did you know to make?)

12. It's not a minor offense, Latimer and, uh... (翻译:这... .. 这可不是什么小事,拉提玛...)

13. No offense, Stuart. None taken. (翻译:无意冒犯 斯图尔特 No offense, Stuart.)

14. It is an offense to litter handbills. (翻译:窝藏罪犯是犯法的。)

15. Laney, no offense, but when was the last time you tweezed ? (翻译:兰妮,但是你上次拨眉毛是什么时候?)



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