kristina是什么意思 kristina的中文翻译、读音、例句

kristina是什么意思 kristina的中文翻译、读音、例句







1. Kristina is excited to start her new job next week. (克里斯蒂娜很兴奋下周开始新工作。)

2. Kristina and her friends went to a concert last night. (克里斯蒂娜和她的朋友昨晚去了一场音乐会。)

3. Everyone at the party complimented Kristina on her dress. (聚会上的每个人都夸赞了克里斯蒂娜的裙子。)

4. Kristina's favorite color is blue. (克里斯蒂娜最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。)

5. Kristina is learning Spanish in her free time. (克里斯蒂娜在业余时间学西班牙语。)





1. Kristina is a talented musician who plays the guitar and sings beautifully. (克里斯蒂娜是一个才华横溢的音乐家,她能演奏吉他和唱得非常动听。)

2. My sister's name is Kristina, and she is coming to visit me next week. (我姐姐的名字叫克里斯蒂娜,她下周要来看我。)




例句:I ask for the presence of the departed soul of Kristina Frye. (请求他们出现 请求克斯汀娜·弗莱的灵魂出现)


例句:You see, Sigbritt and Charlotta made a tapestry and Angelica baked a cake, and Anna has painted a really good picture, and Kristina and Birgitta wrote a song that they'll sing to him. (斯格布里特和查洛塔做了绣帷 安杰里卡做了蛋糕 安娜画了一幅美丽的图)


例句:Uh, I think we might have had enough of your crime-fighting skills, Kristina. (我想我们已经充分领教了 你的打击犯罪能力 Kristina)


例句:You've already destroyed the plane Kristina was on. There's no need to kill hundreds more. (翻译:已经坠毁了Kristina所在的航班 再杀掉上百人毫无必要)


1. Uh, I think we might have had enough of your crime-fighting skills, Kristina. (翻译:我想我们已经充分领教了 你的打击犯罪能力 Kristina)

2. You've already destroyed the plane Kristina was on. There's no need to kill hundreds more. (翻译:已经坠毁了Kristina所在的航班 再杀掉上百人毫无必要)

3. Kristina Rose agrees and thinks producers need to work harder at screening their performers. (翻译:Kristina Rose同意这个观点,她认为制片方在物色演员时应该付出更多努力。)

4. But, princess Kristina, you're also from royalty, correct? (翻译:但是克里斯蒂娜王妃 你也是出身皇族 对吧)

5. Marrying Kristina, uniting the families, gave the monarchist movement the push that it needed. (翻译:娶克里斯蒂娜 促成皇族联姻 给君主制的发展提供所需的动力)

6. The search for Kristina Frye will now be conducted by the missing persons unit. (翻译:从现在起 搜寻Kristina Frye的行动 由失踪人口调查组接管)

7. Kristina Rose agrees and thinks producers need to work harder at screening their performers. (翻译:KristinaRose同意这个观点,她认为制片方在物色演员时应该付出更多努力。)

8. American academic Kristina Hill is an expert on the impact of climate change on both built and natural environments. (翻译:美国学者克里斯蒂娜•希尔是气候变化如何影响建筑环境及自然环境这一领域的专家。)

9. Dora and Kristina have identified ten topics that have sparked intense and fervent exchanges. (翻译:Dora和Kristina在这里选择了十个最具争议的话题。)

10. Middle name Kristina or Kathy? (翻译:中间的名字是Kristina或者Kathy? Middle name Kristina or Kathy?)

11. We're all set for, uh, Kristina Frye to contact Hector Brava's spirit. (翻译:Kristina Frye与Hector Brava的灵魂沟通)

12. David also begins to fall for Stoner's young daughter, Kristina. (翻译:大卫也开始下降斯托纳年轻的女儿克里斯蒂娜。)

13. No. This Kristina seemed super normal. (翻译:没有 Kristina貌似真心普通到不行)

14. At the age of 17, Kristina went to a local beauty parlour for her first lip injection. (翻译:xx岁时克里斯蒂娜在当地一家美容院进行了第一次唇部注射手术。)

15. "Your body is a very efficient machine if it's fed the right fuel, " says Kristina. (翻译:你的身体是一部非常高效的机器,如果燃料对头。)

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