salk是什么意思 salk的中文翻译、读音、例句

salk是什么意思 salk的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 发音



1. He put on his socks before he put on his shoes.

2. She wore silk stockings to the party last night.

3. They walked in their sneakers and didn't make any noise.

4. I need to buy some new hiking boots for our trip next month.

5. He forgot to pack his slippers, so his feet were cold in the hotel room.

2. 含义

'salk'可能有多种含义,视上下文而定。常见的缩写含义是'Surface-Active Lymphocyte Killer',指的是表面活性淋巴细胞杀手,是一种抗肿瘤细胞,可以杀死癌细胞。在其他上下文中,'salk'可能指的是人名或地名等。


1. The study showed that salk cells can kill cancer cells effectively.

2. Dr. Jonas Salk was a famous American medical researcher who developed the polio vaccine.

3. The Salk Institute for Biological Studies is a research institution located in California.

4. The city council is discussing the possibility of renaming Salk Square after a local hero.

5. I recently read a book about the life and work of Salk, and it was very inspiring.

3. 使用场景



1. The researchers at the Salk Institute published a groundbreaking study on stem cell therapy in Nature.

2. The team used Salk cells to test the efficacy of a new cancer drug.

3. The students learned about the life of Jonas Salk in their science class.

4. The medical conference will feature a keynote speech by Dr. Salk on the latest advances in cancer treatment.

5. The lab technician accidentally spilled some Salk solution on her lab coat and had to change clothes.





例句:Dr. Jonas Salk worked years to find a way to protect children from the dread disease of polio. (乔纳斯·索尔克医生多年来一直在努力研究如何保护儿童不受可怕的小儿麻痹症的侵袭。)


例句:Instead of using his genius to make a ton of money, (Jonas Salk医生没有将他的天分耗费在捞取钱财上)


例句:Ed Callaway at the Salk Institute in la Jolla, California, does so using rabies viruses. (加州la Jolla索尔克研究所的Ed Callaway使用狂犬病病毒来做这个实验。)


例句:When half a million kids a year were contracting polio, you think Jonas Salk felt like you do? (翻译:当50万儿童每年承包了小儿麻痹症, 你认为乔纳斯索尔克觉得像你这样做?)


salk一般作为名词使用,如在Jonas Salk([网络] 沙克;乔纳斯·索尔克;索尔克)、salk vaccin(沙克疫苗)、Salk vaccine([医] 索耳克氏疫苗(预防脊髓灰质炎的灭活疫苗))等常见短语中出现较多。

Jonas Salk[网络] 沙克;乔纳斯·索尔克;索尔克
salk vaccin沙克疫苗
Salk vaccine[医] 索耳克氏疫苗(预防脊髓灰质炎的灭活疫苗)
salk vaccines沙克疫苗(用于预防小儿麻痹)
Jonas Edward Salk[网络] 索尔克;沙克


1. Ed Callaway at the Salk Institute in la Jolla, California, does so using rabies viruses. (翻译:加州la Jolla索尔克研究所的Ed Callaway使用狂犬病病毒来做这个实验。)

2. When half a million kids a year were contracting polio, you think Jonas Salk felt like you do? (翻译:当50万儿童每年承包了小儿麻痹症, 你认为乔纳斯索尔克觉得像你这样做?)

3. Today's students, unlike in Dr. Salk's time, can graduate from college with a student loan debt of up to $100,000 or more. (翻译:今日的学生 与Salk医生时代大有不同 他们从大学毕业时 身负助学贷款债务 可达10万美元或是更多)

4. The Salk Institute has two structures that surround a marble garden area or courtyard. (翻译:萨克研究院内分两院,周围环绕着大理石花园。)

5. Dr. Jonas Salk spent all of his time putting monkey kidneys in a blender trying to find a cure for polio. (翻译:而是用尽一切精力 将猴的肾脏放入搅拌器中 试图找到一种治疗小儿麻痹症的方法)

6. She was working at the time as a postdoctoral researcher in Fred Gage's laboratory at the Salk Institute. (翻译:xx年,作为索尔克研究所弗雷德?凯吉实验室的博士后研究人员范?)

7. Jonas Salk tested the polio vaccine on himself. Was he insane? (翻译:琼纳斯﹒索克在他自己身上试验了小儿麻痺疫苗, 他疯了吗?)

8. This guy was a hero, Jonas Salk. (翻译:这位叫Jonas Salk的男士是一个英雄。)

9. A group out of La Jolla's Salk Institute has worked around that problem with a compromise-a mouse with a human liver. (翻译:一个拉霍亚的索尔克研究所的小组采用了一种折衷的方法对其进行了研究,即让小鼠长有人类的肝脏。)

10. This guy was a hero, Jonas Salk. (翻译:这位叫JonasSalk的男士是一个英雄。)

11. He will continue to run his Salk Institute lab where he studies gene therapy, cancer genetics, and inflammation. (翻译:他将在索尔克研究所的实验室内继续基因治疗,癌症遗传学和炎症的研究工作。)

12. He will continue to run his Salk Institute lab where he studies gene therapy, cancer genetics, and inflammation. (翻译:他将在索尔克研究所的实验室内继续基因治疗,癌症遗传学和炎症的研究工作。)

13. “It was completely unexpected,” Jean Rivier, with the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, Calif., told Discovery News. “They couldn’t identify the mice except for their ear tags. (翻译:“这真是完全意想不到”,来自加州La Jolla的索尔克生物化学研究院的基恩瑞味儿告诉探索频道:“除非看耳朵上的标签,否则无法区分这些小老鼠,我们意识到老鼠们长出了毛发。” )

14. Mister Crick works at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California. (翻译:克里克在加州拉荷亚的索尔克学院作生物学研究。)



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