boogie是什么意思 boogie的中文翻译、读音、例句

boogie是什么意思 boogie的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 音乐风格:



- She danced to the boogie-woogie music with great enthusiasm.(她热情地跳着boogie-woogie音乐。)

- The band played an upbeat boogie that got everyone dancing.(乐队演奏了一个欢快的boogie,使每个人都跳起舞来。)

2. 非正式形式:



- The troops were ordered to boogie out of the area before the enemy arrived.(部队被命令在敌人到达之前撤离该地区。)

- We need to boogie if we want to make it to the concert on time.(如果我们想准时赶到音乐会,我们得快点出发。)

3. 卡车:



- The truck driver had trouble navigating the narrow streets because of the boogies.(卡车司机由于车尾的双后轮而在狭窄的街道上行驶很麻烦。)

- They had to replace the boogies on the delivery truck because they were worn out.(他们不得不更换送货卡车的双后轮,因为它们已经磨损。)

4. 派对:



- Let's boogie on the dance floor!(让我们在舞池上摇摆起来!)

- Are you going to boogie with us tonight?(今晚你会和我们一起跳舞吗?)



- She danced to the boogie-woogie music with great enthusiasm.


- The band played an upbeat boogie that got everyone dancing.


- The troops were ordered to boogie out of the area before the enemy arrived.


- We need to boogie if we want to make it to the concert on time.


- The truck driver had trouble navigating the narrow streets because of the boogies.


- They had to replace the boogies on the delivery truck because they were worn out.


- Let's boogie on the dance floor!


- Are you going to boogie with us tonight?






1. Let's go boogie tonight at the club.(今晚咱们去俱乐部跳摇滚舞吧。)

2. The band played a great boogie at the concert.(这支乐队在音乐会上演奏了一曲精彩的布鲁斯。)




例句:We'll split a fifth of Wild Turkey, put Waylon on the jukebox, and boogie till we puke! (我们分吃半个火鸡 放一些爵士音乐 跳蚤都动不了)


例句:Jungle boogie Jungle boogie. (# 丛林冲浪 丛林冲浪 # # Jungle boogie Jungle boogie. #)


例句:I am here to tell you today that just like there is no boogie man, there is no antichrist. (我在这里告诉你们,今天一样,也没有喧嚣的人,是没有安息日。)


例句:Can we go boogie boarding now? (翻译:我们可以去冲浪了吗? 一旦其他人知道我们的处境)


boogie一般作为名词、动词使用,如在electric boogie(电布基(霹雳舞动作,双臂、躯体像被电击似的不断颤动,并伴以太空走步))、full tilt boogie([网络] 全速发展冲浪)等常见短语中出现较多。

electric boogie电布基(霹雳舞动作,双臂、躯体像被电击似的不断颤动,并伴以太空走步)
full tilt boogie[网络] 全速发展冲浪


1. I am here to tell you today that just like there is no boogie man, there is no antichrist. (翻译:我在这里告诉你们,今天一样,也没有喧嚣的人,是没有安息日。)

2. Can we go boogie boarding now? (翻译:我们可以去冲浪了吗? 一旦其他人知道我们的处境)

3. he's in the army now blowing revelry he's the boogie-woogie bugle boy of company "B" (翻译:征兵的来了,只好乖乖地去 到陆军里吹他的狂欢曲 摇来摆去的司号员,连队番号是字母B)

4. Ethan: Hmm. . . I don't know. Actually, I have to run now. I'm going Boogie board surfing with Rena, my Russian friend. (翻译:伊森:嗯……我不知道。事实上,我现在得走了。我要和我的俄罗斯朋友蕾娜去冲浪。)

5. So if it's better for myself and the quack pack for boogie and Frank to go up this week, that's just what has to happen. (翻译:这次得为自己赢 我全力以赴 John 物品正确)

6. The next song, or the encore, that I'm going to play is called "Bumble Boogie," by Jack Fina. (翻译:下一个首歌,我要演奏的垫场曲是 杰克.菲那的“疯狂的飞行”)

7. We're in Boogie Wonderland! (翻译:我们在 Boogie Wonderland了!)

8. Jake and I are going to visit our son Boogie. (翻译:杰克和我要去看 我们的儿子布吉 对吗杰克?)

9. I mean, bad like the part of boogie nights after Mark Wahlberg jerks off in the pickup truck. (翻译:我的意思是,像不好的不羁夜的一部分 之后,马克・沃尔伯格在皮卡车抽搐了。)

10. Girls need new surfboards or boogie boards or something for spring break. (翻译:双胞胎需要新的冲浪板或者趴板 总之寒假用得着的东西)

11. All right. Pro-zoom trips, deep route, slant slim boogie on my count. Ready? (翻译:好 利用好场地的宽度 下底 突破 大家看我的 准备好了么?)

12. If thing goes my way, boogie is to the going to know what hit him. (翻译:弄的老子睡不著 我就想 或许可以耍个手段)

13. Dance and sing the Boogie Woogie Sheep tune, say goodnight to favorite things and get cozy on Big Bird's nest. (翻译:芝麻街一班朋友带领小朋友跳跳舞、唱唱摇篮曲,跟心爱的东西说晚安,以及走进大鸟舒适的安乐窝。)

14. Here we are at Boogie Wonderland and it is so much fun. (翻译:我们现在在Boogie Wonderland了,太有意思了)

15. Poor Cheadle looks even more uncomfortable in a shiny metal super-suit than he did in that cowboy getup in Boogie Nights. (翻译:可怜的钱德尔被困在闪闪发亮的超级金属盔甲里,似乎比他在《不羁夜》里穿着牛仔套装更难受。)

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