svelte是什么意思 svelte的中文翻译、读音、例句

svelte是什么意思 svelte的中文翻译、读音、例句











1. She looked absolutely svelte in that black dress.(她穿着那件黑色连衣裙显得相当苗条。)

2. The svelte design of the new phone is what caught my eye.(新手机的优美设计是吸引我的原因。)

3. The model's svelte figure is the envy of many.(模特的苗条身材令很多人嫉妒。)

4. The svelte lines of the sports car make it a head-turner.(跑车的流畅线条使人无法移开视线。)

5. The svelte silhouette of the dancer captivated the audience.(舞者优美的身影吸引了观众的目光。)




1. She looked svelte and elegant in her black dress. (她穿着黑色连衣裙显得苗条优雅。)

2. The yoga instructor had a svelte figure that was the envy of all her students. (瑜伽教练身材苗条,让所有学生都羡慕。)

3. The svelte design of the new sports car made it incredibly aerodynamic. (新款跑车的苗条设计让它具有极高的空气动力性能。)

svelte的中文解释是"体态苗条的、和蔼的",作为形容词时有"苗条而优雅的"的意思,单词读音音标为[svelt. sfelt],svelte在英语中经常以形容词形式出现,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到13个与svelte相关的例句。



例句:It's not just a matter of looking svelte. 'Exercise does remarkable things for your health . . . So -what are you waiting for? (这不仅仅是显得苗条的问题。运动会对你的健康产生意想不到的作用,那么,你还等什么?)


例句:"Swell. " It sounded like "svelte. " He'd purged most of his accent nearly half a century ago, but now it had returned. (“太棒了。”听起来有点儿像“太笨了。”他的口音半世纪以前就都该了,可是现在又回来了。)


例句:The problem is that young, small funds do not stay svelte for long. (问题在于新兴的小型基金并不安于现状。)


例句:The Cen madam sees her temples a side and immerses svelte perspiration of 1 F and cannot aids but solacing her way:"Urgently urgently don't come as well." (翻译:岑夫人见她鬓边又浸出一层细汗来,忍不住安慰她道:“急也急不来的。)


1. The problem is that young, small funds do not stay svelte for long. (翻译:问题在于新兴的小型基金并不安于现状。)

2. The Cen madam sees her temples a side and immerses svelte perspiration of 1 F and cannot aids but solacing her way:"Urgently urgently don't come as well." (翻译:岑夫人见她鬓边又浸出一层细汗来,忍不住安慰她道:“急也急不来的。)

3. As these once-obese humans lost weight over the course of a year, their mix of gut microbes changed to reflect their new, svelte status. (翻译:在这xx年中,这些曾经肥胖的人的体重逐渐减轻,他们的肠道微生物也发生了改变以反映其日渐苗条的身材。)

4. In my fantasy, they were svelte Russian women, but, you know, four-year-olds — you take what you can get in Berkeley, California. (翻译:在我的幻想中, 她们应该是苗条的俄罗斯女人 但是,你们懂的,xx岁的孩子—— 在加州的伯克利还有什么好奢求的呢 )

5. A lady wears white yarn tippet, svelte coming a distance. (翻译:远处还有一位身披白纱的贵妇,娉婷而来。)

6. At the svelte end of the scale are the Italians, with only one in 10 termed as obese. (翻译:最苗条的人是意大利人,只有十分之一的意大利人是胖子。)

7. "So late, mutually public matter? " She stuffy track, smelt shallow svelte wine joss-stick in his body. (翻译:“这么晚了,相公有事吗?”她闷声道,闻到了他身上浅淡的酒香。)

8. Yes, well, once they're nice and svelte, post-op, you may change your mind about that. (翻译:- 好的 行 但手术后他们变细了 你... 呃 可能 会改变想法)

9. Not much is known about the new concept but the images depict a svelte four-door coupe, with a fastback profile and a very aggressive look. (翻译:尚不清楚这一新概念,但图像描绘了苗条四门轿跑车,以快背形象和一个非常积极的期待。)

10. We're still going to have bench lineups that look like the the Svelte, the quick, long lineup that delivered us into last years finals. (翻译:我们依然拥有替补阵容看起来也很灵活快速,去年,快速而不失高度的阵式把我们带到了总决赛。)

11. A lady wears white yarn tippet, svelte coming from a distance. (翻译:远处还有一位身披白纱的贵妇,娉婷而来。)



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