以下是ange casta的相关解释和例句:
1. 定义:ange casta是拉丁语,意为“纯洁的天使”,常用于描述美丽、高贵、纯洁的女性。
2. 词源:ange casta源于拉丁语,由“angelus”(天使)和“castus”(纯洁的)两个词组合而成。
3. 用途:ange casta常用于艺术、文学等领域中,用于形容女性的美丽和高贵。也可以用作女性名字。
4. 同义词:纯洁的、天使般的、高贵的、迷人的、妩媚的、美丽的女性。
1. The bride looked like an ange casta in her white wedding dress.(新娘穿着白色婚纱,看起来像个纯洁的天使。)
2. The actress played the role of an ange casta who sacrificed her own happiness for love.(那位女演员扮演了一个为爱而牺牲自己幸福的纯洁天使。)
3. The painting depicted a beautiful ange casta with long blonde hair and a serene expression.(那幅画描绘了一位长着金色长发,面容安详的美丽纯洁天使。)
4. The song lyrics described a woman as an ange casta, who was loved by many but never belonged to anyone.(歌词中描述了一个女人,她像一位纯洁的天使,被许多人爱慕却从未属于任何人。)
5. The name Ange Casta has become popular after a French model with this name appeared on a fashion magazine cover.(法国模特Ange Casta的名字在她登上时尚杂志封面后变得十分流行。)
'Ange Casta'的中文翻译为“安杰·卡斯塔”,读音为[ɑ̃ʒ kasta]。例句:安杰·卡斯塔是一位法国模特和演员。 (Ange Casta is a French model and actress.)