mah是什么意思 mah的中文翻译、读音、例句

mah是什么意思 mah的中文翻译、读音、例句

'mah' 并不是单独的单词。它可以是以下单词的缩写或简写形式:

1. 'mahogany',意为桃花心木。它是一个名词,表示一种硬木,通常用于家具制造。

例句:The dining table was made of high-quality mahogany.

2. 'mother',意为母亲。它是一个名词,表示一个女性生物的亲生母亲。

例句:Mah always put her children's needs before her own.

3. 'my',意为我的。它是一个形容词,表示我所拥有的。

例句:Mah favorite color is blue.

4. 'mustache',意为胡须。它是一个名词,表示男性脸上的毛发。

例句:The man had a thick mah under his nose.

5. 'more',意为更多的。它是一个形容词,表示数量或程度的增加。

例句:Mah than a dozen people showed up to the party.

6. 'massachusetts', 意为马萨诸塞州。它是一个美国州名。

例句:Mah is known for its rich history and culture.

7. 'machine',意为机器。它是一个名词,表示一种用于完成特定任务的装置。

例句:Mah wasn't functioning properly, so we had to get it repaired.



1. She rode a mah to the countryside. (她骑着马去了乡村。)

2. The mah is a strong and powerful animal. (马是一种强壮而有力的动物。)

3. He fell off the mah and hurt his leg. (他从马上摔下来,腿受伤了。)




例句:The mixing performance of different screw configurations of a co-rotating twin screw extruder and the grafting reactive extrusion of PE-LDg-MAH were investigated. (研究了不同螺杆构型的混合性能以及低密度聚乙烯熔融接枝马来酸酐的过程,探讨了不同螺杆构型的混合性能与接枝反应接枝率的关系。)


例句:My mother, an emotionally high-strung woman, locked herself in the bathroom... and took an overdose of mah-jongg tiles. (我的母亲情绪化又高度紧张 将自己锁在厕所... 吞食过量的麻将牌)


例句:Under standard usage Chris was easily able to get a full day's use from the 1130 mAh battery and still had a fair amount of juice left. (根据使用标准,1130毫安时的电池可以使用一整天,而且还会有剩余的电量。)


例句:People playing mah-jong or sleeping on a cot in the street was the antithesis of the individualistic societies we had come from. (翻译:人们在街边打麻将或在躺椅上睡觉,这与我们所生活的个体化社会截然不同。)


mah一般作为名词使用,如在mah jong(n. 〈外〉麻将牌\n[网络] 麻将沙发;麻将运动;麻将馆)、mah jongg(n. 麻雀牌\n[网络] 麻将;麻将牌;麻将麻将)、mah-jong(麻将牌 )等常见短语中出现较多。

mah jongn. 〈外〉麻将牌\n[网络] 麻将沙发;麻将运动;麻将馆
mah jonggn. 麻雀牌\n[网络] 麻将;麻将牌;麻将麻将


1. Under standard usage Chris was easily able to get a full day's use from the 1130 mAh battery and still had a fair amount of juice left. (翻译:根据使用标准,1130毫安时的电池可以使用一整天,而且还会有剩余的电量。)

2. People playing mah-jong or sleeping on a cot in the street was the antithesis of the individualistic societies we had come from. (翻译:人们在街边打麻将或在躺椅上睡觉,这与我们所生活的个体化社会截然不同。)

3. How is that place? There's a local gangster named Chun-soo Mah but one visit will do the job. (翻译:有一个叫马春的老大 们去就可搞定他 那么我们大业将成)

4. The attack of DVT was preceded by playing Mah-Jong for 8 h. Could this have been a coincidence? (翻译:DVT前有8小时的玩麻将史。这两者可能是巧合么?)

5. Dehydration owing to our patient's low fluid intake during Mah-Jong playing might have increased the blood viscosity further. (翻译:由于患者玩麻将过程中低液体摄入导致的脱水可能导致血浆粘度进一步升高。)

6. Tell Miss I'm going to Mr. Yu's for mah-jong. (翻译:跟小姐说一声 我去跟余老板打牌 晚点回去)

7. In English, the name often takes on variations such as Mah Jong, Mahjongg, Majong or simply M-J . (翻译:英文名称往往差异就如酸酐政情麻将,或者干脆打麻雀米十。)

8. - Yeah, we're late for Mah-jongg. (翻译:- и礘募? -  ゴ陈盢璶筐)

9. I discovered my floormates click-clacking away at mah-jongg. (翻译:我发现那层的楼友霹雳啪啦地打麻将。)

10. Mean while Asia channel has descending broadcast a secret tape that senior sergeant mah illegally released the thai convict. (翻译:亚洲频道报道了一盒秘密磁带 马警官非法释放了那个泰国罪犯)

11. I'd be careful. You might come out worse than you even do at mah jong. (翻译:我会小心的 你可能会比你玩麻将的运气更差)

12. Her obsession with mah-jongg began three months ago. (翻译:她对麻将的沉迷是三个月前开始的。)

13. Some in her group said that colleagues do a double-take when they hear about their love for mah-jongg. (翻译:其中有些牌友说同事们听说她们喜欢麻将时,一时还反应不过来,而后非常吃惊。)

14. "Mah people mus' go free, " her constant refrain, suggests a determination uncommon among even the most militant slaves. (翻译:她的口头禅“我的人民必须获得自由”表现出一种非凡的决心,这在大多数激进的努力中都是少见的。)

15. ' We joke that by the time we are old enough to go on mah-jongg cruises , we 'll clean up because we started young, ' she said . (翻译:她说,那个时候我们开玩笑说,等我们老到在游船上打麻将的时候,我们就发财了,因为我们从很年轻的时候就开始了。)



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