flamingo是什么意思 flamingo的中文翻译、读音、例句

flamingo是什么意思 flamingo的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 名词:flamingo指的是一种粉红色的鸟类,它们常常生活在淡水湖泊或盐碱地,长着长腿和曲弯的颈部,在飞行时则展现出美丽的飞行姿态。

2. 动词:flamingo是一种起舞的动作,通常指一个人或动物伸出一条腿,而将另一条腿弯曲,如同火烈鸟展翅的姿态。

3. 缩写词:F.L.A.M.I.N.G.O. 是一个英国的夜总会品牌,其名字的灵感来自于火烈鸟的翅膀。


1. The flamingos standing in the shallow lake water were a beautiful sight to see. (翻译:站在浅水湖中的火烈鸟真是一道美丽的风景。)

2. She loves to dance the flamingo because she thinks it makes her legs look longer and more elegant. (翻译:她喜欢跳火烈鸟舞,因为她觉得这舞蹈可以让她的腿看起来更长更优雅。)

3. The F.L.A.M.I.N.G.O. nightclub is known for its wild parties and live music performances. (翻译:F.L.A.M.I.N.G.O. 夜总会以狂野的派对和现场音乐表演而闻名。)

4. The flamingos flew overhead in a V-formation, their long legs trailing behind them. (翻译:火烈鸟振翅飞过,呈 V 形,长长的腿在它们身后拖曳。)

5. The little girl smiled as she watched the flamingo perform its elegant dance in the zoo. (翻译:小女孩看着动物园里的火烈鸟优雅地跳舞,微笑着。)


1. I saw a flock of flamingos at the lake this morning.(我今早在湖边看到了一群火烈鸟。)

2. The pink feathers of the flamingo are so beautiful.(火烈鸟的粉色羽毛非常漂亮。)

3. Flamingos often stand on one leg.(火烈鸟常常站在一条腿上。)

4. I really want to see flamingos in the wild.(我非常想在野外看到火烈鸟。)

5. The flamingo is a symbol of grace and beauty.(火烈鸟是优雅和美丽的象征。)

6. Flamingos use their beaks to filter feed in the water.(火烈鸟用它们的喙在水中进行滤食。)

7. The flamingo chick is born with gray feathers instead of pink ones.(火烈鸟幼鸟出生时羽毛是灰色的而不是粉色的。)

8. Flamingos can live up to 50 years in captivity.(火烈鸟在圈养环境下可以活xx年。)

9. The sight of a flamingo flying over the water is truly breathtaking.(一只火烈鸟在水上盘旋飞过,真是令人惊叹的景象。)




1. The flamingo's pink feathers are so beautiful.


2. There is a flock of flamingos in the pond.


3. Flamingos are famous for standing on one leg.





例句:Helen's cell was purchased at the Silver Wagon Convenience Store on Flamingo. (Helen的手机是在弗拉门戈的银车便利店买的)


例句:Her beaky nose, red-rimmed eyes, and feathery pink hat gave her the look of a bad-tempered flamingo. (老女巫鹰钩鼻,红眼圈,粉红色的羽毛帽子,看上去活像一只坏脾气的火烈鸟。)


例句:Why, I guess he does have me mixed up with this other party. The Hotel Flamingo is not a place that I would dare to be seen in. (我想他的确搞混了,我可是从来不敢去佛莱明戈旅馆)


例句:Turned to feed, the flamingo's frown changes into a patient smile. timeless, almost serene. (翻译:在开始进食后,火鹤的蹙额变成了坚忍的微笑,永恒,几乎宁静。)


flamingo一般作为名词使用,如在Flamingo Bay([地名] 弗拉明戈湾 ( 苏丹 ))、flamingo flower(火鹤花)、flamingo flowers(火鹤花)等常见短语中出现较多。

Flamingo Bay[地名] 弗拉明戈湾 ( 苏丹 )
flamingo flower火鹤花
flamingo flowers火鹤花
flamingo lily火鹤花
flamingo plant花烛
flamingo plants花烛\n(flamingo plant 的复数)
lesser flamingo[网络] 小红鹳;小火烈鸟;小红鹤


1. Why, I guess he does have me mixed up with this other party. The Hotel Flamingo is not a place that I would dare to be seen in. (翻译:我想他的确搞混了,我可是从来不敢去佛莱明戈旅馆)

2. Turned to feed, the flamingo's frown changes into a patient smile. timeless, almost serene. (翻译:在开始进食后,火鹤的蹙额变成了坚忍的微笑,永恒,几乎宁静。)

3. At over 4,000 metres, this is the highest flamingo colony in the world. (翻译:这里的海拔超过四千米 是世界上海拔最高的火烈鸟栖息地)

4. I say, John, I see your flamingo with the broken leg! (翻译:喂,约翰,我看见你的断腿火烈鸟了! )

5. The only thing that doesn't fit is the young lady in question was registered under the name of Flamingo. (翻译:唯一 不适合 是年轻女士的问题 下注册 火烈鸟的名字。)

6. The Flamingo in '71. This guy actually tasted fresh oxygen before they grabbed him. (翻译:xx年弗莱明哥赌场那家伙几乎快冲出门口了)

7. The scarlet ibis, like the flamingo, gains its vibrant color from carotene derived from a diet of crustaceans. (翻译:红鹮和火烈鸟一样,吃一些甲壳类动物,在体内生成胡萝卜素,就形成了它鲜艳的颜色。)

8. A flamingo is seen in the snow-covered outdoor enclosure of the Hagenbeck Zoo in Hamburg, Germany. (翻译:德国汉堡市的哈根·贝克动物园内,一只火烈鸟站立在冰雪覆盖的围栏内。)

9. Also, all wiring of server and client components is performed by Flamingo out of the box, which reduces project startup time. (翻译:同样,所有由Flamingo产生的服务器和客户端组件立马就可使用,减少了项目启动时间。)

10. There's a place at Flamingo Beach, but it's far. I have to be back at 3. (翻译:火烈鸟海滩有个地方 但很远 我三点钟得回去)

11. The scarlet ibis, like the flamingo, gains its vibrant color from carotene derived from a diet of crustaceans. (翻译:红鹮和火烈鸟一样,吃一些甲壳类动物,在体内生成胡罗卜素,就形成了它鲜艳的颜色。)

12. A stuffed flamingo is one of his prized possessions. (翻译:一只火烈鸟填充标本是特纳钟爱的收藏之一。)

13. Let me also make a flamingo bar, in the fire to be reborn from the ashes. (翻译:让我也做一只火烈鸟吧,在烈火中从灰烬中得以重生。)

14. For the flamingo, it's a fitting end to her journey. (翻译:对火烈鸟来说 它们的漫漫征途已经到了理想的终点)

15. It is, indeed, the flamingo. (翻译:是的 火烈鸟 It is, indeed, the flamingo.)



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