historians是什么意思 historians的中文翻译、读音、例句

historians是什么意思 historians的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性及含义:


2. 用法及搭配:

'historians'常用于描述一组人,比如指所有研究某个历史时期、某个国家或地区历史的学者,也可以指一些著名的历史学家。同时,它还可以和其他单词搭配使用,如'historians' point of view (历史学家的角度)、the focus of historians (历史学家的关注点)、the debate among historians (历史学家之间的争议)等等。

3. 相关的词汇:

'historians'还可以缩写为'hists',另外,相关的词汇包括history (历史)、historical (历史的)、historiography (历史学)等。


1. Many historians believe that the Renaissance was a pivotal period in Western civilization. (许多历史学家认为文艺复兴是西方文明的一个关键时期。)

2. According to historians, the American Revolution was a turning point in the country's history. (据历史学家们所说,美国革命是这个国家历史上的一个转折点。)

3. Historians point out that the Industrial Revolution drastically changed the way people lived and worked. (历史学家指出,工业革命极大地改变了人们的生活和工作方式。)

4. The focus of historians often varies depending on the time period and location being studied. (历史学家的关注点往往随着所研究的时期和地点而有所不同。)

5. The debate among historians about the causes of World War I continues to this day. (历史学家们对于一战的起因仍在争论。)





1. Historians study the past to understand and explain the present.


2. The work of historians is to examine evidence and draw conclusions.





例句:Now revisionist historians say he dropped the bomb to scare the Russians. (可也有历史学家说 他扔原子弹是为了吓唬苏联人)


例句:And I've learned that, actually, a lot of scientists are historians, too. (我发现,其实 很多科学家也是历史学家。)


例句:Many Asian historians say that was the result of an unfair treaty forced upon the Korean kingdom. (很多亚洲历史学家认为,那是强加于朝鲜王国的不平等条约导致的结果。)


例句:in 1929, historians discovered a map, which it been painted onto a piece of gazelle * (翻译:xx年 历史学家发现了一幅地图 绘于一副羚羊皮之上)


historians一般作为名词使用,如在public historians([网络] 大众史家们)等常见短语中出现较多。

public historians[网络] 大众史家们


1. Many Asian historians say that was the result of an unfair treaty forced upon the Korean kingdom. (翻译:很多亚洲历史学家认为,那是强加于朝鲜王国的不平等条约导致的结果。)

2. in 1929, historians discovered a map, which it been painted onto a piece of gazelle * (翻译:xx年 历史学家发现了一幅地图 绘于一副羚羊皮之上)

3. The two historians polemicized for years. (翻译:这两位历史学家辩论了好多年。)

4. Other leading historians said the need for such a law might be understandable in Germany but not in France. (翻译:其他重量级历史学家也纷纷表示,这种法律在德国也许有必要,在法国却完全没有。)

5. Some historians believe a giant aqueduct was diverted into the arena. (翻译:一些历史学家认为是把一个 巨大的渡槽改道引入竞技场。)

6. Many historians have tried to find the unmarked grave where Vlad Tepes allegedly rests. (翻译:许多历史学家曾经尝试 寻找到他的无名墓 据说是佛拉德·特佩斯... 休眠的地方)

7. Historians say this is where Shimmervale's first residents discovered Crystallites. (翻译:历史学家说 这是微光谷第一批居民发现微晶的地方)

8. Even this well-known portrait is not accepted by many art historians. (翻译:即使是这幅著名的肖像画,也无法得到很多艺术史学家的认可。)

9. And archivists, historians, begin to reflect that trend. (翻译:档案保管人和历史学家们开始对这种趋势进行反思。)

10. Historians have long debated why the Chinese so signally failed to exploit their early promise. (翻译:历史学家长期在争论,为什么中国人没能利用早期的成就。)

11. More than anything, the historians say, the founders were hampered by the culture of their time. (翻译:历史学家说,最重要的是,这些创始人受到了当时文化的束缚。)

12. Historians believe that Moses and his people crossed the Red Sea and made their way into the Sinai Desert. (翻译:历史学家认为,摩西和他的人民 在跨越红海之后就进入了西奈沙漠)

13. Many historians, of course, regard this as iniquitous. (翻译:当然,许多历史学家认为这是极不公正的。)

14. To write a history of morality, Mr.Burleigh must steer between the conventions of the historians and the ethicists. (翻译:为写出一本关于道德史的书,伯利必须在历史学与道德学之间游走。)

15. I know this goes against everything we believe in, as scientists and historians, (翻译:我知道 作为科学家和史学家 这一切都说不通)



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