1. 词义: gltf指的是"GL Transmission Format",是一种基于JSON格式的3D模型文件格式,用于在多种3D引擎和工具之间交换3D模型。
2. 词性: gltf是一个缩写词,为名词。
3. 词组搭配:
- gltf格式 (GL Transmission Format)
- 3D模型文件 (3D model file)
- 3D引擎 (3D engine)
4. 短语: 无
5. 发音拼写: [ɡl tif]
6. 5个中英例句:
- The gltf file format allows us to create high-quality 3D models that can be used across multiple platforms.
- The gltf file is lightweight and easy to load, making it a popular choice for web-based 3D applications.
- Most 3D engines support the import and export of gltf files, making it easy to work with different tools and platforms.
- The gltf format stores geometry, materials, and animations all in one file, making it a convenient format for sharing 3D models.
- The gltf format supports PBR (physically-based rendering), which allows for more realistic lighting and materials in 3D models.
gltf是一种用于传输三维模型和场景的格式。它是一种通过JSON描述3D模型数据的文件格式,旨在成为一种通用的3D模型交换格式,以便在不同的软件和硬件之间进行交流。gltf是由Khronos Group开发的,是一种开放标准。其全称为glTransmission Format。
英文:The gltf format provides an efficient way to share and display 3D models online.
例句:- It stays with you forever. (- What? - lt stays with you forever.)
1. - lt sounds like my kind of gum. (翻译:-lt sounds like my kind of gum.)
2. We must explanation what happened, lt. (翻译:我们必须解释发生了什么, LT。科伦坡。)
3. I've been forced to move my store from G/F to 2/F and so on... (翻译:我的书店 由地铺,给他迫到上二楼 由二楼一直迫迫迫...)
4. Or in scientific notation, 6.02 times 10 to the 23rd particles. (翻译:或用科学记号表示为 6.02 × 10 <sup>23</sup> 个分子 )
5. You wanna stop and get an LT? (翻译:Oh?)
6. N, M, L, K, J, I, H, G, F, E, D, C, B, A! (翻译:N,M,L,K,J,I,H,G,F,E,D,C,B,A!)
7. It would take the fun out of guessing. (翻译:lt would take the fun out of guessing.)
8. Between Ze Mole, and Cartman "saying the F word about Jesus" and the repeated use of 'G*d Dammit', etc. (翻译:比如:在Zemole和Cartman他们经常说些“操耶稣”或者不断重复“操上帝”这样的词。等等。)
9. We're mixed up! We've got people from Fox,Able and George companies. (翻译:各连的士兵都混在一起这儿有F、A和G连的士兵)
10. There's Chris, there's Dr. G's umbrella, and no Dr. G! (翻译:那是克莉丝 那是G博士的雨伞 没有G博士!)
11. For a graph G, f is a strong edge coloring if it is proper and any two vertices are incident with different sets of colors. (翻译:如果图G有一个合理边上色,使图G的所有相邻顶点的关联边上色集合都互不相同,则称图G为准强边着色。)
12. Study on Isolation, Purification and Physicochemical Characters of Polysaccharide G. F. -2 from Grifola Frondosa Mycelia. (翻译:灰树花菌丝体多糖G.F。-2的分离纯化及其理化特性的研究。)
13. - It's a terrific way to raise money. (翻译:- LT是一个舞蹈。- LT是筹钱一个了不起的方式。)
14. We understand that there is agreement on Paragraphs D, E, F G. (翻译:我可以推断出当事人同意 部分D,E,F和G?)
15. Yоu hаvе buіlt а nеw lіfе fоr uѕ іn thе Βluе Μоuntаіnѕ... a life of peace and plenty. (翻译:你在蓝山上为我们建造了新生活 安宁,富庶的生活)