tr是什么意思 tr的中文翻译、读音、例句

tr是什么意思 tr的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 词义解释:tr 可以是很多单词的缩写,如"transfer"(转移)、"trust"(信任)、"travel"(旅行)等,还可以指代"train"(火车)等。

2. 语法用法:tr 通常作为单词的缩写,在句子中作为动词或名词的一部分,也有可能在缩写语中出现,如"Ctrl"(Control,控制键)。

3. 常见搭配:对于不同的含义,tr 还会和不同的单词或短语搭配使用,如:

- transfer:transfer money(转账)、 transfer ownership(转让所有权)

- trust:have trust in sb.(对某人有信任)、trust issues(信任问题)

- travel:travel abroad(出国旅行)、 travel expenses(旅行费用)

4. 同音词:"tr" 这个音节和其他单词有相似的发音,如"tree"(树)、"try"(尝试)等,要注意区分使用。

5. 常见错误:有时候,很多人在书写或拼写单词时会出现错误,如拼成"tl"、"tlr",或者写成全部大写"TR"等。


1. The company is planning to tr ansfer its headquarters to New York next year.(公司计划明年将总部迁至纽约。)

2. I have tr ust in my best friend and I know she won't let me down. (我对我最好的朋友有信任,我知道她不会让我失望。)

3. I love tr aveling to new places and experiencing different cultures. (我喜欢去新的地方旅行,体验不同的文化。)

4. Press the Ctrl and V keys at the same time to paste the text. (同时按下Ctrl和V键可以粘贴文本。)

5. Trees in the tr opical rainforest can grow up to 50 meters tall. (热带雨林中的树木可以长到50米高。)


1. abbreviation of "transmission", meaning the mechanism that transmits power from the engine to the wheels of a vehicle (汽车)变速器;传动系统

2. abbreviation of "trail", meaning a path or track (路) 小道;径路

3. abbreviation of "travel", meaning to go from one place to another, especially over a long distance (旅行) 旅行;游历

4. abbreviation of "treasurer", meaning the person in charge of the financial resources of a group or organization (财务主管) 财务主管;出纳员


1. I need to have my car's tr repaired. (我需要修理我的汽车变速器。)

2. The tr led us through the forest to the river. (小径带领我们穿过森林来到了河边。)

3. We are planning to tr to Europe next year. (我们计划明年去欧洲旅行。)

4. The tr of the company is responsible for managing the finances. (公司的财务主管负责管理财务。)




例句:The cops'll be here— three minutes! (警方会在这里... ... três分钟!)


例句:Believe me, it's a very good deal. (-moi, vous faites une très bonne affaire.)


例句:Luc, Merci pour ton excellent travail et ГЎ trГ©s bientГґt. (卢克 谢谢你 Luc, Merci pour ton 你做得很棒 excellent travail et a tres bientot.)


例句:Very funny! But seriously, what's his name? (翻译:太好笑了 Ah, très drôle.)


tr一般作为名词使用,如在TR([计] 磁带记录器, 磁道, 磁带驻留, 故障报告)、oz tr([网络] 金衡安士;或符;亩位亩)、R Tr([网络] 实时成像)等常见短语中出现较多。

TR[计] 磁带记录器, 磁道, 磁带驻留, 故障报告
oz tr[网络] 金衡安士;或符;亩位亩
R Tr[网络] 实时成像
Sc tr[气象] 透光层积云
tr box[电] TR箱
tr cavity[电] TR空腔
TR cell式保护放电管
tr device发收转换器
TR forgingTR锻造
tr switch[电] TR开关


1. Luc, Merci pour ton excellent travail et ГЎ trГ©s bientГґt. (翻译:卢克 谢谢你 Luc, Merci pour ton 你做得很棒 excellent travail et a tres bientot.)

2. Very funny! But seriously, what's his name? (翻译:太好笑了 Ah, très drôle.)

3. I cherished such fancies and imagined that they might be realized the Sarashina Diary. tr. (翻译:我珍惜这样的幻想,想象着它们竟会真的实现。)

4. You know very well what I am talking about. (翻译:你很清楚我在说什么 Tu sais très bien de quoi je parle.)

5. Build prototype and evaluate the mech structure design in preparation for PTR and TR. (翻译:建立模型并评估机械结构设计,为预试产和试产做准备;)

6. Just a handful are currently slower, such as tr, gsub, and unpack. (翻译:仅仅是一部分性能较慢,例如tr、gsub和unpack。)

7. TR: Right, so this is less than a $1,000 solution. (翻译:TR:好的,所以这是一个 成本低于一千美金的解决方案。CM:肯定的,只要四百美元, 你就可以运行它了。)

8. My treasure's more precious than stones. (翻译:Mon trésor est beaucoup plus précieux que des pierres.)

9. TR: Isn't it guaranteed in prison that you have right to council or access to council? (翻译:TR:监狱有保证 犯人有权接触议会 或者向议会抗议吗? )

10. Prescribe v. Tr. I. To set down as a rule or guide ; enjoin . (翻译:指定,规定作为规则或指示确定下来;责令。)

11. You'll see, it's a comfy sofa. (翻译:看 这沙发很不错 Tiens voir, il est très bon, ce canapé.)

12. TR: So you're 86 percent accurate right now? (翻译:TR:所以你现在拥有86%的准确率了? )

13. Just a handful are currently slower, such as tr, gsub, and unpack. (翻译:仅仅是一部分性能较慢,例如tr、gsub和unpack。)

14. You know what I am saying clearly. (翻译:你明知道我想说什么 Tu sais très bien ce que je veux dire.)

15. Magician searched for a white rooster for a very long time, (翻译:魔术师找了很久白色的公鸡 Le magicien, il a cherché le coq blanc très très très longtemps.)

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