hsv1是什么意思 hsv1的中文翻译、读音、例句

hsv1是什么意思 hsv1的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:hsv1指的是人类疱疹病毒1型,是一种广泛存在于人类中的病毒之一,主要引发口唇疱疹。

2. 词性:hsv1是缩写形式,全称为“Herpes Simplex Virus 1”,属于名词。

3. 词组搭配:常见的词组搭配包括:hsv1 infection(感染),hsv1 transmission(传播),hsv1 outbreak(爆发)等。

4. 短语:无特殊短语。

5. 发音拼写:hsv1的英文发音为/'hɝpiz'sɪmplɛks 'vaɪrəs 'wʌn/。


1. The majority of cold sores are caused by hsv1 which is highly contagious. (绝大多数的口唇疱疹是由高度传染性的hsv1引起的。)

2. hsv1 can be transmitted through direct contact with the fluid from the sores or skin-to-skin contact. (hsv1可以通过与疱疹液或皮肤直接接触传播。)

3. An hsv1 outbreak usually begins with a tingling or itching sensation on the lips, then followed by painful blisters. (hsv1的爆发通常以嘴唇上的刺痛或痒感开始,然后会出现疼痛的水疱。)

4. People with hsv1 may experience recurrent outbreaks throughout their lives, especially when their immune system is weakened. (患有hsv1的人可能会在一生中反复出现爆发,尤其是当他们的免疫系统虚弱时。)

5. There is currently no cure for hsv1, but antiviral medications can help to reduce the severity and frequency of outbreaks. (目前尚无治愈hsv1的方法,但抗病毒药物可以帮助减轻爆发的严重程度和频率。)


读音:hsv1 [eɪtʃ es vi wʌn]


1. HSV1是一种常见的病毒,可引起口唇及口腔周围区域的皮疹和痛。

Translation: HSV1 is a common virus that can cause skin rash and pain around the lips and mouth.

2. 感染HSV1的人可以出现发热、头痛和疲乏等症状。

Translation: People infected with HSV1 may experience symptoms such as fever, headache, and fatigue.

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