haos是什么意思 haos的中文翻译、读音、例句

haos是什么意思 haos的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:常见的搭配方式有haos and disorder(混乱无序)、in a haos(处于混乱状态)、create haos(制造混乱)等。




1. The scene was haos after the earthquake hit the city.(地震袭击城市后,情景变得混乱无序。)

2. The party was haos, as too many people showed up.(派对变得乱七八糟,因为来的人太多了。)

3. The teacher had to spend extra time organizing the haos in the classroom.(老师不得不额外花时间整理教室里的混乱。)

4. The restaurant was in a complete haos due to the busy weekend.(周末太忙,餐厅变得彻底混乱。)

5. The haos and disorder in the streets made it difficult for the police to manage the situation.(街头的混乱无序使得警察很难控制局面。)


1. The whole city was in chaos after the earthquake. (地震后整个城市陷入了混乱。)

2. The teacher tried to restore order in the chaotic classroom. (老师试图恢复混乱的教室秩序。)

3. The political situation of the country was in chaos. (国家的政治局势处于混乱状态。)

4. The artist's abstract painting conveys a sense of chaos and randomness. (艺术家的抽象画传达了混沌和随机的感觉。)

5. The company was in chaos when the CEO suddenly resigned. (当首席执行官突然辞职时,公司陷入混乱。)




例句:No way. We Sunday Sisters top everyone. (不会,我觉得S u n d a y S i s t e r s 比齐豫唱得更好呀)


例句:78s, when 78s became 33 and a thirds, you could sell all your music again. (之前。78S,78S 成为33和三分之二,)


例句:Also an "I" and an "S", also a "T", an "M", an "A" and another "S". (还有I 还有S 还有T 和M 和A 和另一个S)


例句:..we have officers like ACP S.S. Khan for our protection. (翻译:...有S・S・卡汗警长这样的人保护而倍感骄傲)


1. Also an "I" and an "S", also a "T", an "M", an "A" and another "S". (翻译:还有I 还有S 还有T 和M 和A 和另一个S)

2. ..we have officers like ACP S.S. Khan for our protection. (翻译:...有S・S・卡汗警长这样的人保护而倍感骄傲)

3. Oh, you know, quite fabulous. (翻译:非常可爱 Écoute, euh... très, très chouette.)

4. But the SSR is myopic when it comes to Howard Stark, which is why I have been conducting my own investigation. (翻译:战略科研署在斯塔克的事情上太短视了 But the S. S. R.)

5. Let's hear it for the Sunday Sisters. (翻译:谢谢 S u n d a y S i s t e r s 的表演)

6. The isearch-forward-regexp and isearch-backward-regexp functions are typically bound to the M-S-s and M-S-r keystrokes. (翻译:isearch-forward-regexp 和 isearch-backward-regexp 功能通常绑定到 M-S-s 和 M-S-r 键盘输入。)

7. In an online post, Guo Hao said he and his wife, both in their 20s, save the majority of their income. (翻译:在网上的一个帖文中,郭昊说,他和他妻子,都是20多岁的,存下了他们大部分的收入。)

8. The SSR are looking into Roxxon at this very moment. (翻译:战略科研署现在正在调查罗克森公司 The S. S. R.)

9. On the static semantic of "hao", we explore the semantic features of polysemant "hao" from "hao '" s internal semantic bridge and the structure of" hao' "s meanings. (翻译:“好”的静态语义方面,主要从多义词“好”内部的语义桥和“好”义的结构性探讨“好”的词义特点。)

10. "Zai Hao buguo" means nothing could be better. (翻译:“再好不过”意思是没有比这更好的了。)

11. The raisins. No, no, no. Not swollen, not disintegrated. (翻译:葡萄既没有发胀也没有发皱 Les raisins, non, ni gonflés ni fripés.)

12. Captai n, I want you to send a coded message, hi gh priority, to the U.. (翻译:Captai N,我要你发送编码消息, 喜GH优先级,给美国。S. S.)

13. Magician searched for a white rooster for a very long time, (翻译:魔术师找了很久白色的公鸡 Le magicien, il a cherché le coq blanc très très très longtemps.)

14. Hao Daming predicts that the PPI would see growth next month. (翻译:郝达明预计下月ppi就会增长。)

15. Hao Ming left me crouching at the altar. (翻译:郝萌把我一个人丢在了圣坛 她落了什么东西吗?)



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