hui是什么意思 hui的中文翻译、读音、例句

hui是什么意思 hui的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:hui是一个汉语词汇,表示聚会、集会等意思。

2. 词性:hui是一个名词,表示事件或者动作。

3. 词组搭配:hui有很多常用的短语,例如“回家”,“聚会”,“回国”等。

4. 发音拼写:hui的发音为[hwéi]。

5. 中英例句:

(1) 我们一群人在公园里聚会,度过了一个愉快的下午。We had a great afternoon gathering in the park.

(2) 每年,我们的家庭都会回家团聚,共度佳节。Every year our families gather at home to celebrate the holidays.

(3) 我们的公司每月都会有一次聚会,为员工创造一个放松的氛围。Our company hosts a monthly gathering to create a relaxed atmosphere for staff.

(4) 我们的团队决定举行一次策划会议,商讨下一步的合作计划。Our team decided to have a planning meeting to discuss next steps for collaboration.

(5) 我们的学校为校友组织了一次聚会,庆祝学校建校50周年。Our school organized a gathering for alumni to celebrate our 50th anniversary.

'hui(汇义)这个词语源自于蒙古语,意为“团结、集合”。它在蒙古国乃至整个蒙古地区被广泛使用,不仅是一个常见的名词,还常常用于动词和形容词。在蒙古国的官方语言中,这个词语的翻译为“холбоо хийх”,也就是“建立联系、团结合作”的意思。


1. Hui uliraldaa ih hoorond oromgui.(团结一致,前进到胜利!)

2. Olgii aimagiin hui helnii oron zasnaar baigaa.(为了加强乌里雅苏台的联盟,我们需要进行改革。)

3. Bi hui avch chadahgui.(我不喜欢跟别人合作。)

4. Hui-n baih yostoi zergiin tsuvral baina.(这是一本关于如何建立联系的有用书籍。)

5. Hui l uliralna.(让我们团结起来,一起前进。)

6. Hui-uulzalt bolon moyrugchid ulgsaarai.(团结和勤勉是成功的关键。)

7. Bi hui bolon halamj hiij bugdeeree hayna.(我与朋友一起参观了博物馆。)

8. Hui udaan daraagiin mondoo zohiolttaa urgeljle.(团结思考未来的问题,进行探讨。)

9. Hui bas hiisen huuhed nasniig huleene.(只有团结一致的家人才能克服困难。)



1. 我们下个星期会有会议。 (We will have a meeting next week.)

2. 我不会游泳。 (I cannot swim.)

3. 这个组织每年都会举办一次年会。 (This organization holds an annual meeting every year.)

4. 他过来会儿就好了。 (He will be here in a little while.)

5. 我们应该团结起来,共同合作。 (We should unite and work together.)




例句:Exhibition organizer Wang Hui said it took two years of preparation and a hefty investment to bring the works to China. (展览组织者王晖说准备工作耗时两年花费了巨额资金才把把这些作品运到中国。)


例句:Wen Hui, lt's 2000 I'm in Xiamen (文慧,现在是xx年千禧之年 我在厦门鼓浪屿,你听)


例句:The Lan Hui was alsooffended fish to after entering water also slowly and longly return four elder brother that. (澜惠见怪鱼进水后也慢悠悠的返回了四阿哥那。)


例句:In addition, the Qidan Chucai family, father and son Kevin B. , Hui Hui Si possible, but also well-known historian at the time. (翻译:此外,契丹族耶律楚材、耶律铸父子,回回族赡思,也是当时著名的史家。)


hui一般作为名词使用,如在Euonymus hui(n. 秀英卫矛)、Hilliella hui([网络] 武功山泡果荠)、Liu Hui(刘炜)等常见短语中出现较多。

Euonymus huin. 秀英卫矛
Hilliella hui[网络] 武功山泡果荠
Liu Hui刘炜
Molinia huin. 拟麦氏草
Moliniopsis hui[网络] 沼原草
Phoebe huin. 细叶楠
Qin Hui秦桧
Rubus hui[网络] 胡氏悬钩子
Tylophora huin. 建水娃儿藤


1. The Lan Hui was alsooffended fish to after entering water also slowly and longly return four elder brother that. (翻译:澜惠见怪鱼进水后也慢悠悠的返回了四阿哥那。)

2. In addition, the Qidan Chucai family, father and son Kevin B. , Hui Hui Si possible, but also well-known historian at the time. (翻译:此外,契丹族耶律楚材、耶律铸父子,回回族赡思,也是当时著名的史家。)

3. Natgas vice - general manager, Liu Guo Hui, of the company says to the reporter. (翻译:天然气公司副总经理刘国辉对记者说。)

4. This is online map of the address "Shi Da Cang Xiang , Hualong Hui Autonomous County, Haidong Prefecture, Qinghai Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国青海省海东地区化隆回族自治县石大仓乡”匹配的在线电子地图。)

5. Laying a captain Zhaoxian Hui said. (翻译:铺轨一队队长赵宪辉说。)

6. You know Old Hui died in an accident (翻译:是啊! 阿辉老大他就是这样才会被车子撞死的耶! {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}You know Old Hui died in an accident)

7. Old Hui failed to take heed (翻译:是啊,阿辉老大就是吃快弄破碗 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Old Hui failed to take heed)

8. Said Yang Jun, Liu Hui at the beginning of a cold, is the common cold symptoms, there is nothing unusual. (翻译:杨军介绍说,刘辉初患感冒时,就是一般的感冒症状,没有什么与众不同。)

9. Analysis of Present Condition and Countermeasure Research to the Athletic Grounds of Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture (翻译:昌吉回族自治州体育场地现状分析及对策研究)

10. This is online map of the address "De Heng Long Xiang , Hualong Hui Autonomous County, Haidong Prefecture, Qinghai Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国青海省海东地区化隆回族自治县德恒隆乡”匹配的在线电子地图。)

11. The Lan Hui was alsooffended fish to after entering water also slowly and longly return four elder brother that. (翻译:澜惠见怪鱼进水后也慢悠悠的返回了四阿哥那。)

12. Tony, call Eddy Hui, their Commissionaire (翻译:TONY,打电话给他们的署长EDDY HUI)

13. Vice Minister of Commerce Zhang Zhigang and Assistant Foreign Minister Li Hui were present at the meeting. (翻译:商务部副部长张志刚、外交部部长助理李辉会见时在座。)

14. Chen founded Pioneer Iron and Steel at the age of 25 with the help of her mother, Lu Hui. (翻译:xx岁时,陈宁宁在母亲吕慧的帮助下成立了嘉鑫钢铁集团。)

15. If you have to go further... look for a guy called Little Hui (翻译:如果你想继续查下去 可以去找一个叫辉仔的人)



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