cairo是什么意思 cairo的中文翻译、读音、例句

cairo是什么意思 cairo的中文翻译、读音、例句




词组搭配:常用的词组包括“Cairo Tower”(开罗塔),“Cairo Museum”(开罗博物馆)和“Cairo International Airport”(开罗国际机场)。

相关短语:常用的相关短语包括“Cairo time”(开罗时间)和“Cairo skyline”(开罗天际线)。

发音拼写:Cairo的发音为 /ˈkaɪroʊ/,重音在第一个音节上。在美式英语中,有时也会听到 /ˈkɛəroʊ/ 的发音。



1. Cairo is known for its stunning Islamic architecture.(开罗以其惊人的伊斯兰建筑而著名。)

2. Many people travel to Cairo to see the pyramids.(许多人去开罗看金字塔。)

3. The traffic in Cairo can be very chaotic.(开罗的交通可能非常混乱。)

4. Cairo has a rich history dating back thousands of years.(开罗有着数千年的丰富历史。)

5. The Nile River runs through Cairo.(尼罗河流经开罗。)

6. Cairo is a hub for the arts and culture in Egypt.(开罗是埃及艺术和文化的中心。)

7. Cairo is home to the famous Tahrir Square.(开罗是著名的解放广场的所在地。)

8. The food in Cairo is delicious and flavorful.(开罗的食物美味可口。)

9. Cairo is often referred to as the "City of a Thousand Minarets".(开罗经常被称为“千塔之城”。)

Cairo的中文翻译为“开罗”,读音为kāi luó。


1. Cairo是埃及的首都,也是非洲第一大城市。

2. 在Cairo,你可以看到古老的金字塔和壮观的清真寺。

3. 我曾经去过Cairo,那里的人们非常友好,食物也很美味。




例句:Hidden within this sprawling desert, 250 Miles South of Cairo... (这个庞大的沙漠中隐藏, 250开罗万里南,)


例句:Now, speaking of walls, I want to share with you the story of one wall in Cairo. (现在,说到墙,我想和你们分享 一面在开罗的墙的故事。)


例句:North to Cairo? Northeast to Damascus? Or east to New Jerusalem? (往北去开罗 往东北去大马士革 往南去耶路撒冷)


例句:His two sons, Alaa and Gamal, were taken to a prison on the outskirts of Cairo. (翻译:他的两个儿子阿拉和加麦尔被关在开罗郊区的一所监狱里。)


cairo一般作为名词使用,如在Cairo(开罗(埃及) )、Pieve del Cairo([地名] 皮耶韦-德尔凯罗 ( 意 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Pieve del Cairo[地名] 皮耶韦-德尔凯罗 ( 意 )


1. North to Cairo? Northeast to Damascus? Or east to New Jerusalem? (翻译:往北去开罗 往东北去大马士革 往南去耶路撒冷)

2. His two sons, Alaa and Gamal, were taken to a prison on the outskirts of Cairo. (翻译:他的两个儿子阿拉和加麦尔被关在开罗郊区的一所监狱里。)

3. Land mine victims being helped at the Red Cross rehab center being run by Alberto Cairo. (翻译:地雷受害者在由Alberto Cairo负责的红十字康复中心得到救助。地雷受害者在由Alberto Cairo负责的红十字康复中心得到救助。)

4. Buenos Aires to Cairo in a second and a half. (翻译:从布宜诺斯艾利斯到开罗只需花费一秒半的时间 Buenos Aires to Cairo in a second and a half.)

5. Kamal was a vendor in Cairo's open-air bazaar. (翻译:卡莫尔曾是开罗露天集市的摊贩。)

6. - He thinks we're overdressed, - but he'll take us to Cairo. (翻译:他觉得我们穿得过分隆重了 不过他会送我们去开罗)

7. But soccer, as we saw in Cairo, can also be a destructive force that entrenches prejudice. (翻译:正如我们在开罗所看到的,足球也会带来加深偏见的破坏力。)

8. The Komb House was presented at the Le Marche exhibition in Cairo last year. (翻译:梳子环保屋在去年开罗的马尔凯国际博览会展出。)

9. Additionally, toolkits like GNUstep and FLTK are beginning to support cairo for their graphics rendering needs. (翻译:另外,GNUstep和FLTK等工具集已经开始支持用cairo来满足图形呈现需求。)

10. Land mine victims being helped at the Red Cross rehab center being run by Alberto Cairo. (翻译:地雷受害者在由Alberto Cairo负责的红十字康复中心得到救助。地雷受害者在由Alberto Cairo负责的红十字康复中心得到救助。)

11. His two sons, Alaa and Gamal, were taken to a prison on the outskirts of Cairo. (翻译:他的两个儿子阿拉和加麦尔被关在开罗郊区的一所监狱里。)

12. All right, Elliot Hirsch reporting from Cairo. (翻译:Elliot Hirsch reporting from Cairo.)

13. Could be US Consulate of Tel Aviv, Amman, Cairo. (翻译:可能是位于特拉维夫、安曼 或开罗的美国领事馆)

14. Cairo is the capital of Egypt. (翻译:开罗是埃及的首都。)

15. They want us in Cairo next week for the opening of the exhibit. (翻译:他们希望我们能在开罗 参加下周开幕的展览)

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