interstellar是什么意思 interstellar的中文翻译、读音、例句

interstellar是什么意思 interstellar的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词源和意义:


2. 用法和应用:


3. 相关的实际案例:

- Neil Armstrong在xx年成功登月,这标志着人类第一次开始探索太空和星际之旅。

- 著名电影《星际穿越》(Interstellar)讲述了一组宇航员前往太空寻找新的家园,并探索宇宙秘密的故事。

- NASA的太空探索计划正在研究星系以及其他宇宙现象,以推动星际旅行和未来太空探索的进展。


1. The interstellar medium is composed of gas and dust that exists in the space between stars.


2. The interstellar spacecraft will need to be equipped with advanced propulsion systems to travel long distances.


3. Stephen Hawking proposed that interstellar travel might be possible using wormholes, but this remains a theoretical concept.


4. The Voyager 1 spacecraft, launched in 1977, is currently the farthest man-made object from Earth in interstellar space.


5. Interstellar communications using lasers have the potential to revolutionize space communication technology.



读音: [ˌɪntər'stɛlə]


1. Interstellar travel is still a distant dream for humans.


2. The movie Interstellar tells the story of a group of astronauts who travel through a wormhole in search of a new home for humanity.





例句:Adam Crowl, Module Lead for fuel and fuel Acquisition for Project Icarus, investigates the pros and cons of various fusion fuels required to accelerate an interstellar vehicle to a nearby star. (亚当·克洛,太空舱负责人负责伊卡洛斯项目的燃料和燃料收集,研究用于加速星际飞行器到达临近星球所需的多种聚变燃料的优缺点。)


例句:The sake of their love, small-watt power resolutely decided to follow Eva began to interstellar adventure! (为了自己的爱情,小瓦力毅然决定跟随艾娃,开始星际大冒险!)


interstellar一般作为名词使用,如在interstellar absorption(星际吸收)、interstellar bubble(星际泡)、interstellar cloud(星际云)等常见短语中出现较多。

interstellar absorption星际吸收
interstellar bubble星际泡
interstellar cloud星际云
interstellar cometn. 星际彗星
interstellar comets[网络] 星际彗星
interstellar communication[计] 星际通信
interstellar dust星际尘埃
interstellar extinction星际消光
interstellar flight星际飞行,宇宙飞行


1. So, an alternative explanation is that the expanding debris cloud is sweeping up clumpy interstellar material, accounting for the odd shape of SNR 0104. (翻译:因此,另一个解释就是,膨胀着的残骸云正在清扫成块的星际物质,从而塑造了SNR 0104那奇特的外形。)

2. Collapsing interstellar cloud reverses its gravitational infall and expands outward into the relatively quiescent interstellar environment. (翻译:坍缩的星际云克服向内的引力而向外膨胀到较宁静的星际环境中去。)

3. And so I envision that our descendants, hundreds of years from now, will embark on an interstellar journey to other worlds. (翻译:我能够想像我们的后代, 在几百年之后, 能够通过星际旅行到达其他的星球。)

4. Like clouds of interstellar dust gathering in material to form stars, a type of gravity is at work as places like Sumeria, located in part of the Fertile Crescent known as Mesopotamia, draw in people, support large populations, (翻译:就像星尘云集合资源以形成星体一样, 有一种引力正在某些地方发挥作用, 如苏美尔区域, 它位于新月沃土, 又被称为美索不达米亚,)

5. One thing at least, a universal language... science. (翻译:能自由遨游于星际空间 that they can patrol interstellar space? 但至少有一样东西 One thing at least, 是宇宙间通用的语言 a universal language...)

6. The interstellar ocean is dark and deep. (翻译:星际大洋黑暗而深远 The interstellar ocean is dark and deep.)

7. We're part of a much larger environment, and in fact, we may even be surrounded by interstellar visitors and not even know it. (翻译:我们是一个更大世界的一部分, 实际上,我们周围 可能有许多星际访客, 而我们还没有察觉。)

8. An artifact has been fished out of the interstellar ocean. (翻译:有一架人造航天器完成了它在星际大洋中的使命 An artifact has been fished out of the interstellar ocean.)

9. Our own technologies are visible over interstellar distances, and theirs might be as well. (翻译:我们自己的科技在星际间是可以被察觉的, 别人的也同样如此。)

10. Our own technologies are visible over interstellar distances, and theirs might be as well. (翻译:我们自己的科技在星际间是可以被察觉的, 别人的也同样如此。)

11. Guest contributor Adam Crowl looks at the fuel required for an interstellar trip and finds a gas giant with huge mining potential. (翻译:客户捐助人亚当.克洛关注星际旅行所需的燃料并发现一个有着巨大开采潜力天然气田。)

12. Surrender the stolen vessel at once or we will take action as defined and permitted by section 1-8 of the Galactic Interstellar Space Bylaws... (翻译:立即投降,交出偷来的飞船 不然我们就要根据银河系法1 -8部份 采取合法的行动了)

13. So where there needs to be a diplomatic effort to make contact with these interstellar civilizations in such a way that it puts wiser people in charge of that. (翻译:那么这里面需要外交努力 才能与这些星际文明进行某种方式的交流 这迫使聪明人出面负责)

14. It was the first interstellar message ever sent by our species. (翻译:这是首次星际信息传递 It was the first interstellar message 由人类发出 ever sent by our species...)

15. Stars are born in litters, formed from the gas and dust of interstellar clouds. (翻译:恒星从杂物中诞生 Stars are born in litters, 由星际云的气体和灰尘组成 formed from the gas and dust of interstellar clouds.)

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