vac是什么意思 vac的中文翻译、读音、例句

vac是什么意思 vac的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 名词:vacuum(真空)

2. 动词:evacuate(撤离)

3. 形容词:vacant(空的)

4. 副词:vacuously(空洞地)


1. vacuum cleaner(吸尘器)

2. vacant position(空缺职位)

3. evacuate the building(疏散建筑)

4. vacuum-packed(真空包装)

5. vacate a room(清空一间房间)



1. The vacuum cleaner is essential for cleaning the carpet.(吸尘器对于清洁地毯非常重要。)

2. There is a vacant position at our company, are you interested in applying? (我们公司有一个空缺职位,您有兴趣申请吗?)

3. The government has ordered residents to evacuate the area due to the approaching hurricane. (由于即将来临的飓风,政府命令居民撤离该地区。)

4. The food in the vacuum-packed bag was fresh for a long time. (真空包装袋中的食物保存了很长时间的新鲜。)

5. Please vacate the room before 12 p.m. today. (今天中午12点之前请清空房间。)




1. I need to use the vac to clean the carpet.


2. The vac creates a vacuum to suck up dirt and dust.





例句:My tuppence worth from the City trenches : try to keep out of his way , report success and watch the sits- vac ads . (我的建议是:设法置身事外,申报成绩,并关注招聘广告。)


例句:Her fire team got killed by a thing on Ganymede that wasn't wearing a vac suit. (她的火力小队被一个在木卫三上 没有穿太空服的东西给杀死了)


例句:VAC may not ban you immediately - the cheating violation may have occurred days or even weeks before the ban is apparent on your account. (VAC对帐号的禁用可能不是立即生效。作弊行为可能是在您帐号被禁用的几天甚至几周之前发生的。)


例句:The Vacon Group (OMX:VAC1V) was founded in 1993 for one purpose only: to create, develop and provide AC drives worldwide. (翻译:伟肯集团成立于xx年,成立只为一个目的:为全球创造、开发和提供交流驱动器产品。)


vac一般作为名词使用,如在DPER/VAC([=diphtheria and pertussis vaccine]白喉百日咳菌苗)、FLU/VAC([=influenza vaccine]流感疫苗)、hydro vac(n. 油压真空制动器)等常见短语中出现较多。

DPER/VAC[=diphtheria and pertussis vaccine]白喉百日咳菌苗
FLU/VAC[=influenza vaccine]流感疫苗
hydro vacn. 油压真空制动器
MEAS/VAC[=Vaccinum Measles]麻疹活疫苗
PER/VAC[=pertussis vaccine]百日咳菌苗
plo/Vac[=poliomyelitis vaccine]脊髓灰质炎疫苗
POL/VAC[=poliomyelitis vaccine]脊髓灰质炎疫苗
RAB/VAC[=rabies vaccine]狂犬病疫苗


1. VAC may not ban you immediately - the cheating violation may have occurred days or even weeks before the ban is apparent on your account. (翻译:VAC对帐号的禁用可能不是立即生效。作弊行为可能是在您帐号被禁用的几天甚至几周之前发生的。)

2. The Vacon Group (OMX:VAC1V) was founded in 1993 for one purpose only: to create, develop and provide AC drives worldwide. (翻译:伟肯集团成立于xx年,成立只为一个目的:为全球创造、开发和提供交流驱动器产品。)

3. Brandon Boyd, a trader at VAC Capital, a prominent hedge fund. (翻译:Brandon Boyd 在著名的 对冲基金 VAC金融供职的交易员)

4. Ray-O-Vac made a gold-plated flashlight in 1950 to celebrate the production of its billionth leakproof battery. (翻译:Ray-O-Vac公司在xx年的时候为了庆祝第10亿颗防漏电池下线,特地做了个镀金的手电筒。)

5. Multi-Vac Intercept Hoppers can be used to reclaim picked up material or separate material of different bulk densities. (翻译:用于回收拾取的材料或根据不同容积密度分离出来的材料。)

6. All three can deliver up to 30 frames per second of high-quality video across the network and can be powered by Ethernet or 24 VAC. (翻译:三款摄像机都通过网络每秒30帧传输高质量视频,都使用以太网或者24伏电压。)

7. Bears are the real enemy of the trappers... wreaking all kinds of ha vac to both hut and trap. (翻译:熊是真正的敌人 在捕猎的... 发泄各种公顷VAC的 这两个小屋和陷阱。)

8. The NL-AUX-RLY consists of two single-pole, double-through relays with a contact current rating of 6 amps at 250 VAC. (翻译:该NL-AUX-RLY由两个单芯,双通过继电器组成,在250伏交流电下具有6安培的触点额定电流。)

9. I'm going there with my folks for a vac next month. Can you tell me what it's like there? (翻译:我下个月要和家人到那里度假。你能不能告诉我那里怎么样? )

10. Maurice did not reply, but first put the note with the letters he had received during the vac and afterwards burnt them all. (翻译:起初他把这封短笺与假期中收到的那一摞信放在一起,随后将它们一古脑儿烧掉了。)



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