implication是什么意思 implication的中文翻译、读音、例句

implication是什么意思 implication的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:have implication (具有含义/影响);draw implication (推出/得出含义);carry implication (具有暗示/引申意义);social implication (社会影响);legal implication (法律含义)等。




1. The implication of his words was that he didn't believe me. (他话里的含义是他不相信我。)

2. The decision has far-reaching implications for the future of the company. (这个决定对公司未来产生深远的影响。)

3. The implication is that women are inferior to men. (这个暗示是女性不如男性。)

4. He didn't realize the implication of what he was saying. (他没有意识到他所说的话的影响。)

5. Their actions have serious implications for public safety. (他们的行动对公众安全有严重的影响。)



1. The implication of his words was clear: he wanted to break up with her.(他的话语是很明显的:他想和她分手。)

2. The scientific implications of this discovery are enormous.(这一发现的科学含义极其重大。)

3. The policy has significant implications for the economy.(这项政策对经济有重要影响。)

4. The implication of her tone was that she didn't believe him.(她口气中的暗示是她不相信他。)

5. A failure to act now could have serious implications later.(现在不采取行动,将来将会带来严重的影响。)

6. The implication of the new regulations is that companies must be more transparent.(新规定的含义是公司必须更加透明。)

7. The implication of his behavior was that he was not interested in the conversation.(他的行为暗示他对谈话不感兴趣。)

8. The decision has far-reaching implications for the future of the company.(这个决定对公司未来有深远的影响。)

9. The implication of the study is that more research is needed.(这项研究的含义是需要进行更多的研究。)




1. The implication of his statement was that he did not trust her.


2. The decision to close the factory has far-reaching implications for the local economy.


3. The implication of being caught stealing is that you will be punished.


4. His behavior has serious implications for his future career.





例句:The word "for you" I emphasised particularly, and with a particular implication. (“为了您”这个词我特别作了强调,正是使它具备某种含义。)


例句:Expression of Augmenter of Liver Regeneration in Cryptorchidism Spermatogenic Cells and Its Implication (肝再生增强因子在隐睾生精细胞中的表达及意义)


例句:The data of geology is reported and used to discuss on petrogenic type and tectonic implication. (通过地质资料的报道,探讨了该区的成岩类型和构造意义。)


例句:Understand the implication of Beca company quality and safety requirements. (翻译:理解贝科公司对质量和安全要求的含义。)


implication一般作为名词使用,如在the implication(隐含)、economic implication(经济含义)、environmental implication([法]环境影响)等常见短语中出现较多。

the implication隐含
economic implication经济含义
environmental implication[法]环境影响
financial implication所涉经费问题
formal implication[计] 形式蕴涵
fuzzy implication模糊隐含;模糊蕴涵
genetic implication遗传影响
implication algebras蕴涵代数
implication diagram蕴涵图


1. The data of geology is reported and used to discuss on petrogenic type and tectonic implication. (翻译:通过地质资料的报道,探讨了该区的成岩类型和构造意义。)

2. Understand the implication of Beca company quality and safety requirements. (翻译:理解贝科公司对质量和安全要求的含义。)

3. That Bronson was murdered to cover up the death of an American operative, with the implication that General Reed is behind it? (翻译:Bronson被杀是为了掩盖一名美国特工的死亡? 暗示着Reed部长是幕后黑手?)

4. The implication was that the writing was clearly on the wall for minor argots. (翻译:言外之意是,刻画在墙上的文字是一些微小的暗语。)

5. Supercooling Point Shift of Pea Leafminer Pupae with Latitude and Its Implication for the Population Dispersion (翻译:南美斑潜蝇地理种群蛹过冷却点随纬度递变及其对种群扩散的意义)

6. Another implication that these fossils have is for the archaeologists studying stone tools in South Africa. (翻译:另外一个意义是,这些化石 给考古学家提供了 研究非洲石器时代的机会。)

7. Composition of Organic Element of Paleosol in Changjiang Delta and Its Paleoenvironmental Implication (翻译:长江三角洲古土壤有机元素组成及古环境意义)

8. The Scientific Implication of the Theory of Marxist Imbuement and the Education of "Three Represents" (翻译:马克思主义灌输论的科学内涵与“三个代表”教育)

9. The clear implication was this was an attempt to derail the nuclear programme. (翻译:其明显的暗示是这是一次企图干扰和项目的举动。)

10. Gerald was nettled by this implication of vulgar materialism. (翻译:杰拉德被她话语中流露出的庸俗唯物主义惹恼了。)

11. if the door was not locked with a monster key, the implication goes, then the facilities might become soiled. (翻译:言下之意是,如果没有拿着把大钥匙把门锁上,那么里面的设施可能会弄脏。)

12. Sometimes the best way to test a hypothesis is to consider its most extreme implication. (翻译:有时候,检验假设的最佳方式 是考虑最极端的情况 )

13. The implication, and I think you would agree, is that intimacy was... imminent. (翻译:我想你会同意我的想法这暗示... 他们即将发生亲密关系)

14. There's an implication that ornamental graphics detract from the seriousness of the content. (翻译:人们总是认为装饰性的图片 降低了内容的严肃性 )

15. This article plans to the Lizu frog grain worship implication to carry on the tracing. (翻译:本文试图对黎族青蛙纹的崇拜涵义追本溯源。)



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