excel是什么意思 excel的中文翻译、读音、例句

excel是什么意思 excel的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词汇含义

- Excel可以表示"excel at",意为"擅长于",指某人的技能、能力在某个领域非常出色。

- Excel也是指Microsoft Excel,一种电子表格软件,用于进行数值计算、数据分析等操作。

2. 发音及词性

- Excel的发音为/ɪkˈsel/,是一个动词。

- Excel作为名词时,发音为/ˈeksəl/,指Microsoft Excel软件。

3. 用法

- 作为动词,常用于表达某人的优秀表现。

例句:She excels at sports and always wins the gold medal.(她在体育方面表现出色,总是赢得金牌。)

- 作为名词,常与Microsoft Excel软件相关。

例句:I need to use Excel to create a spreadsheet for my business.(我需要使用Excel为我的业务创建电子表格。)

4. 类似词汇

- Compete:与Excel at类似,表示在某方面进行竞争或比较。

例句:He always competes with his colleagues to be the best performer.(他总是和同事竞争,争取成为最优秀的表现者。)

- Spreadsheet:与Excel软件类似的另一种电子表格软件。

例句:Google Sheets is a popular alternative to Microsoft Excel.(Google Sheets是替代Microsoft Excel的受欢迎的电子表格软件。)

5. 中英例句

- She excels at public speaking and always delivers inspiring speeches.(她在演讲方面表现出色,总是发表鼓舞人心的演讲。)

- The new hire has extensive experience working with Excel and can create complex spreadsheets with ease.(新员工有丰富的Excel使用经验,可以轻松地创建复杂的电子表格。)

- In order to excel in business, you need to be willing to take risks and make bold decisions.(为了在商业上取得成功,你需要愿意冒险并做出大胆的决策。)

- I spent all day working on an Excel spreadsheet for my budget and it still doesn't balance.(我花了一整天的时间在Excel电子表格上为我的预算工作,但还是没有平衡。)

- Many financial analysts rely on Excel to calculate complex financial equations and model various scenarios.(许多金融分析师依靠Excel计算复杂的金融方程式和建模各种情景。)

中文翻译: Excel,是微软公司开发的一款电子表格软件。它可以用于数据收集、数据分析、统计计算、图表制作等多种数据处理任务。

读音: [ɪk'sel]


1. I need to use Excel to create a financial report for the meeting tomorrow.


2. Excel is a very useful tool for managing and analyzing data.





例句:Application of Microsoft Excel Software to Flood Frequency Analysis for Wangjiaba Station in Huaihe River Basin (电子表格在洪水频率分析中的应用——以淮河王家坝水文站年最大洪峰流量系列为例)


例句:Academically he began to excel. (他开始在学术上脱颖而出。)


例句:Now flies excel in the sorts of sensors that they carry to this problem. (现在苍蝇擅长各种传感器 他们引出这一问题)


例句:Which area do you want to improve when using exel tool , i. e. (翻译:下列哪项是你使用excel工具时最希望提高的?)


excel一般作为动词使用,如在excel at((在某一活动方面)表现杰出, 擅长于(某项活动))、excel in(在...方面擅长)、excel file([网络] 文件;档案;附件档)等常见短语中出现较多。

excel at(在某一活动方面)表现杰出, 擅长于(某项活动)
excel in在...方面擅长
excel file[网络] 文件;档案;附件档
Excel formula[网络] 程序
excel oneself[网络] 爱宝
excel tester电池测试器,蓄电池电压表
excel yourself[网络] 展现自我;个人高效执行力
Microsoft Excel微软优越试算表(软件名)
MS Excel[网络] 电子表格;试算表软体;电子表格程序


1. Now flies excel in the sorts of sensors that they carry to this problem. (翻译:现在苍蝇擅长各种传感器 他们引出这一问题)

2. Which area do you want to improve when using exel tool , i. e. (翻译:下列哪项是你使用excel工具时最希望提高的?)

3. Any India trial for Excel will be carried out by the GVK BIO clinical research team and will be managed by a core project management team of Excel. (翻译:任何依格斯在印度的试验将通过GVK生物临床研究小组去执行,将有一个依格斯核心项目管理小组来管理。)

4. So they use Post-its or Excel or Facebook. (翻译:所以他们才用即时贴,Excel或者Facebook)

5. When there is DLT, different firms excel in different layers of the vertical chain of complementary products. (翻译:当有dlt的时候,不同的公司擅长补充产品的垂直链的不同层。)

6. But kopeck maintained consistent striving to excel, will not acknowledge own exhausted with others. (翻译:而科比自己则保持了一贯的要强,绝不会跟别人承认自己的疲惫。)

7. Which raises the question: How do we create a world where more of these givers get to excel? (翻译:这又提出了一个问题: 我们应该创造怎样的世界, 能让更多付出者成功呢? )

8. Not all ESOP will work if the managers do not provide the conditions and tools for employees to excel. (翻译:如果经理人不为员工提供成长的条件和发挥能力的舞台,不是所有的员工持股方案都行得通。)

9. Hear, they count contaminadores, but I didn't find the source would excel. (翻译:听着,他们指望contaminadores, 还没有找到源头)

10. Where I'm good, where I really excel, people I've slept with. (翻译:但是我最擅长的,我最优秀的 是记住那些和我睡过觉的人)

11. Well, if there's one thing you excel at, Castle, it's talking. (翻译:如果说你有一件擅长的事 卡塞尔 那就是说话)

12. Export Simulation Results to MathCAD Export Simulation Results to Excel Export Netlist (翻译:将仿真结果输出到MathCAD将仿真结果输出到Excel输出电路网表文件)

13. Not only do our children cope very well, but they excel in it. (翻译:不仅我们的孩子掌握的很好, 他们甚至非常优秀。)

14. His body... figure, leg, foot excel against the finest. (翻译:他的体格... 外形,腿部,足部非常漂亮)

15. Easy language EXCEL data into EDB database source code, a good reference, there is a need to download it. (翻译:说明:易语言excel表导入edb数据库源码,很好的参考资料,有需要的就下载吧。)



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