upmc是什么意思 upmc的中文翻译、读音、例句

upmc是什么意思 upmc的中文翻译、读音、例句

UPMC是University of Pittsburgh Medical Center的缩写,是匹兹堡大学医学中心的简称。下面从发音、学科范围、综合实力等方面对UPMC进行介绍。

1. 发音:UPMC的发音为[yu-pee-em-see],需要注意的是,字母U需要读成[yu]而不是[you]。

2. 学科范围:UPMC是一个综合性医疗系统,覆盖了临床医学、护理、药学、公共卫生等多个学科领域。其重点领域包括神经科学、癌症治疗、心血管疾病、儿童医疗、移植和重建等。

3. 综合实力:UPMC在全球范围内享有盛誉,其医疗技术和研究成果屡获殊荣。目前,UPMC在美国的排名位居前十,同时也是世界上最具影响力的医疗机构之一。


1. UPMC is among the top academic medical centers in the world. (UPMC是世界顶尖的医学中心之一。)

2. The UPMC Center for Health Security is dedicated to protecting people’s health from serious threats. (UPMC健康安全中心致力于保护人们免受严重威胁。)

3. UPMC is a leader in transplantation medicine, with expertise in a wide range of transplant procedures. (UPMC是移植医学领域的领先者,在多种移植手术方面拥有专业知识。)

4. UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh provides world-class care to children and families in the region and beyond. (UPMC匹兹堡儿童医院为该地区及其他地区的儿童和家庭提供世界一流的医疗服务。)

5. UPMC Hillman Cancer Center is dedicated to helping patients and families battling cancer. (UPMC希尔曼癌症中心致力于帮助患者和家庭战胜癌症。)

UPMC是医疗保健机构University of Pittsburgh Medical Center的缩写。UPMC提供医疗保健、医学研究、教育等服务,在美国匹兹堡地区和全球拥有多个医疗中心和医院。




1. UPMC是一家综合性的医疗保健机构,拥有世界级的医学中心和研究机构。

UPMC is a comprehensive healthcare organization with world-class medical centers and research institutions.

2. UPMC的医生和护士提供高质量的医疗服务,关注每个患者的需求和健康状况。

Doctors and nurses at UPMC provide high-quality medical care, focusing on the needs and health of each patient.




例句:Alright everybody McConkie needs his Hellcats up in Brownlog. (人, Mc Conkie 需要 披甲的褐色记录。)


例句:They got the lion's share of the guns and profits while the MC was inside. (他们占据了武器市场的大份额 当摩托帮成员在服刑期间)


例句:Conclusion This study indicates that can BSM inhibited MC proliferation and intervene secretion of inflammatory medium of activated MC. (结论保肾冲剂血清能抑制MC 增殖并能干预活化MC分泌细胞因子。)


例句:McConkie wants us to wait 'til it's completely dark out there, then he will give us the signal to fire. (翻译:Mc Conkie 想要我们等候黑暗夜晚。他将会给我们信号。)


1. Conclusion This study indicates that can BSM inhibited MC proliferation and intervene secretion of inflammatory medium of activated MC. (翻译:结论保肾冲剂血清能抑制MC 增殖并能干预活化MC分泌细胞因子。)

2. McConkie wants us to wait 'til it's completely dark out there, then he will give us the signal to fire. (翻译:Mc Conkie 想要我们等候黑暗夜晚。他将会给我们信号。)

3. Oh, and you can keep Major McHuggles! (翻译:and you can keep Major Mc. Huggles!)

4. I'll punish Rabbit or obsolete Future My paws love to maul an MC (翻译:这里是Detroit, 我看地铁站更适合你去表演)

5. [AG/MC] Roger, Houston. We are returning to the earth. Over. (翻译:[空控]收到,休控 我们正在返回地球.完毕)

6. For the MC44144, see power derating currents for more information. (翻译:对于MC 44144,见电源电流降额以获取更多信息。)

7. Coordinate with MC for arranging and dispatching working load to EQC, daily record activity of EQC, statistics EQC date. (翻译:与MC协调安排和分配EQC的工作,并对EQC的工作进行记录和统计。)

8. You're being so bad at Minecraft! (翻译:-What do you mean? 你真不会玩MC! 你跳进岩浆里了.)

9. Yuck. I want a happy meal. (翻译:- Puaf,我希望有一个MC的Jabugo。)

10. Let's start with the most famous physics formula ever: E equals m c squared. (翻译:让我们先看一个 迄今最著名的物理学方程: E=mc^2 )

11. The spheroidizing annealing process of MC5 cold roll steel has been studied in detail. (翻译:详细研究了MC 5轧辊钢球化退火工艺。)

12. Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up. (翻译:快接,快接,快接,快接,快接 Pick up, pick up,pick up, pick up, pick up.)

13. [ whispers ] hey, hey, hey, up, up, up. (翻译:hey, hey, hey, up, up, up.)

14. But they must really want this girl butchered because the new MC is a monster. (翻译:他们-定很想毁掉这个女的 因为新主持人是禽兽)

15. After all, he got a DSO and an MC in France. (翻译:毕竟他因在法国的战功荣获过DSO勋章与MC勋章)

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