fase是什么意思 fase的中文翻译、读音、例句

fase是什么意思 fase的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 词性:名词

2. 解释:面部,脸,面貌

3. 例句:

- She has a pretty face.(她长得很漂亮。)

- He had a serious expression on his face.(他的脸色严肃。)

- She turned her face away.(她把脸转了过去。)

- The child's face lit up with joy.(孩子的脸上洋溢着喜悦的表情。)

- He painted a portrait of a beautiful woman's face.(他画了一幅美丽女人的肖像。)


1. 词性:名词

2. 解释:界面,接口,交界面

3. 例句:

- The software has a user-friendly interface.(这个软件有一个用户友好的界面。)

- We need to design an interface between the two systems.(我们需要设计两个系统之间的接口。)

- The interface between the ocean and the land is constantly changing.(海洋和陆地之间的交界处一直在变化。)

- The new machine has a touch-screen interface.(新机器有一个触摸屏界面。)

- The interface is where the user interacts with the computer.(界面是用户与计算机互动的地方。)


1. 词性:名词

2. 解释:阶段,时期,相位

3. 例句:

- We're in the final phase of the project.(我们正在项目的最后阶段。)

- She went through a rebellious phase when she was a teenager.(她十几岁时经历了叛逆期。)

- The moon is in the waxing phase.(月亮处于上升期。)

- We need to wait for the next phase of the plan to begin.(我们需要等待下一个阶段的计划开始。)

- The project has four distinct phases.(该项目有四个明确的阶段。)


1. 解释:胎儿酒精综合症

2. 例句:

- FAS is caused by women drinking alcohol during pregnancy.(胎儿酒精综合症是由孕妇饮酒引起的。)

- Children with FAS may have facial abnormalities and learning difficulties.(患有胎儿酒精综合症的孩子可能有面部畸形和学习障碍。)

- FAS is a preventable condition.(胎儿酒精综合症是可以预防的。)

- There is no known safe level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy to avoid FAS.(没有已知的孕期安全饮酒量以避免胎儿酒精综合症。)

- FAS can result in lifelong physical and mental challenges.(胎儿酒精综合症可能导致终身的身体和心理挑战。)


1. 解释:美国生物化学和分子生物学联合会

2. 例句:

- FASEB was founded in 1912.(美国生物化学和分子生物学联合会成立于xx年。)

- FASEB represents over 30,000 scientists and researchers.(美国生物化学和分子生物学联合会代表着超过3万名科学家和研究人员。)

- FASEB publishes a number of scientific journals.(美国生物化学和分子生物学联合会出版了许多科学期刊。)

- FASEB sponsors conferences and meetings on various scientific topics.(美国生物化学和分子生物学联合会主办各种科学主题的会议和会议。)

- FASEB is involved in advocacy efforts for scientific research funding.(美国生物化学和分子生物学联合会参与了科学研究资金的倡导工作。)



1. A fase mais difícil da minha vida foi quando perdi minha avó.(我人生中最困难的时期是我失去祖母的时候。)

2. Essa é a fase de crescimento da empresa.(这是公司的成长阶段。)

3. O governo está implementando medidas para enfrentar a fase de recessão econômica.(政府正在实施应对经济衰退阶段的措施。)

4. Ele está passando por uma fase de autoconhecimento.(他正经历一段自我认识的阶段。)

5. Nessa fase do projeto, precisamos avaliar os resultados até agora.(在这个项目的阶段,我们需要评估到目前为止的结果。)

6. Minha mãe sempre disse que crianças passam por uma fase de rebeldia na adolescência.(我妈妈总说在青少年时期孩子会经历叛逆的阶段。)

7. Ele está na fase final do tratamento.(他正在接受治疗的最后阶段。)

8. A fase da lua influencia nas marés.(月相的变化影响潮汐。)

9. A fase inicial de um relacionamento é sempre muito intensa.(一段关系的初始阶段总是非常激烈。)

fase在英语中是"phase"的错误拼写。正确的中文翻译是"阶段",读音为 [feɪz]。


1. Our project is now in the planning phase.


2. The company is going through a restructuring phase.


3. The first phase of the experiment was successful.





例句:The population is growing fase. (人口是的迅速增长。)


例句:Come fase to see me. (快点来看我。)




fase一般作为名词使用,如在fase corrdinate(假坐标)、no fase breaker([网络] 无熔丝断路器)等常见短语中出现较多。

fase corrdinate假坐标
no fase breaker[网络] 无熔丝断路器


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