graf是什么意思 graf的中文翻译、读音、例句

graf是什么意思 graf的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:graf是一个缩写词,通常表示graph或graphic,意为图表或图形。

2. 词性:graf是一个名词。

3. 词组搭配:graf也可以组成一些词组,如graf paper(图表纸)、graf chart(统计图表)等。

4. 短语:没有与graf相关的常用短语。

5. 发音拼写:graf的发音为/ɡræf/,拼写为graf。


1. The graf provided a clear representation of the data.(该图表清晰地呈现了数据。)

2. I need to draw a graf to illustrate my point.(我需要画一张图来说明我的观点。)

3. The company's annual report contains numerous grafs and charts.(该公司的年度报告包含了大量的图表和统计图。)

4. The professor used various grafs and diagrams to explain the complex concept.(该教授使用了各种图表和图示来解释这个复杂的概念。)

5. Please make sure the graf is labeled correctly before submitting.(请确保提交前标注好图表信息。)




1. The Graf von Zeppelin was a pioneer in the development of airships. (策拉普伯爵是飞艇开发的先驱者。)

2. Graf was defeated in the first round of the tournament. (格拉夫在比赛的第一轮被淘汰了。)




例句:The Uruguayan government, with its well-known democratic principles, will act in accordance with international law and intern the Graf Spee for the duration of the war? (乌拉圭政府遵循民主的原则 跟据国际法在战争期间扣押格拉夫·斯佩海军上将号)


例句:What can we do with our six and eight-inch cruisers against a big beggar like the Graf Spee? (与我们的6和8英寸的巡洋舰共存亡吗 像斯比伯爵一样反对剥削者吗)


例句:May I bring to your notice the fact that, since the battle, the Graf Spee has already sailed 300 miles? (提醒你一下,从战争开始 格拉夫·斯佩海军上将号已经航行了300海里)


例句:Navratilova handed Graf her only two defeats of the season in the finals . (翻译:娜芙拉蒂洛娃仅在本赛季的两场决赛中战胜过格拉芙。)


graf一般作为名词使用,如在Graf(n.(德国、奥地利、瑞典的) 伯爵)、graf artist([网络] graf艺术家)、graf artists([网络] graf艺术家)等常见短语中出现较多。

Grafn.(德国、奥地利、瑞典的) 伯爵
graf artist[网络] graf艺术家
graf artists[网络] graf艺术家
Graf Spee[网络] 佩号;斯佩伯爵;格拉夫斯佩
Graf Zeppelin[网络] 齐柏林伯爵号;齐帕林;飞艇伯爵
graf zeppelins[网络] 齐柏林伯爵号;齐帕林;飞艇伯爵\n(graf zeppelin 的复数)
Steffi Graf[网络] 葛拉芙;格拉芙;后葛拉芙
Stephanie Graf[网络] 格拉夫;格拉芙;葛拉芙
Graf sea gravimeter【大地测量学】格拉夫海洋重力仪


1. May I bring to your notice the fact that, since the battle, the Graf Spee has already sailed 300 miles? (翻译:提醒你一下,从战争开始 格拉夫·斯佩海军上将号已经航行了300海里)

2. Navratilova handed Graf her only two defeats of the season in the finals . (翻译:娜芙拉蒂洛娃仅在本赛季的两场决赛中战胜过格拉芙。)

3. The final wasn't pretty -- Graf and fan favorite Sabatini were broken a combined 12 times in the second and third sets. (翻译:决赛没那么简单,格拉芙和备受球迷喜爱的萨巴蒂尼在第二盘和第三盘共破发12次,真是充满戏剧性的剧本啊。)

4. Graf was leading 5-1 in the first set. (翻译:格拉夫在首盘比赛中以5-1领先。)

5. Manolo, he say the British will sink the Graf Spee before the American tourists get here, and he can make money now. (翻译:木纳鲁,他说英国将会击沉格拉夫·斯佩海军上将号 在美国人来之前,还是趁现在赚一把吧)

6. Ladies and gentlemen, the pocket battleship Graf Spee is finally moving. (翻译:女士们,先生们,格拉夫·斯佩海军上将号最后起航了)

7. No. The Graf Spee suffered serious damage. She is not seaworthy. (翻译:格拉夫·斯佩海军上将号遭受了重创,已经不适航了)

8. "OYSTAR staff have thus made a crucial contribution toward the restructuring of our corporate group, " stressed Graf. (翻译:“OYSTAR工作人员就此提出了对我们公司集团重组的重要贡献,强调:”格拉夫。)

9. Between 1987 and 1990, Steffi Graf largely held off Navratilova's challenge for the crown. (翻译:1987到xx年期间,施特菲•格拉芙很大程度上抵挡住了纳芙拉蒂洛娃的夺冠挑战。)

10. Steffi Graf versus Gabriela Sabatini, 1991. Graf wins 6-4, 3-6, 8-6. (翻译:格拉芙VS萨巴蒂尼,xx年,格拉芙2:1赢,比分:6-43-68-6。)

11. The same question is on everybody's lips. Will the Graf Spee dare to come out? (翻译:关键还是一个问题,格拉夫·斯佩海军上将号敢不敢出海)

12. Suppose the Graf Spee does make a break for Buenos Aires. Will you try stop her? (翻译:假设格拉夫·斯佩海军上将号从布宜诺斯艾利斯出来,你会拦截他吗?)

13. In the United States Open final, Graf retained overall supremacy. (翻译:在美国网球公开赛的决赛中,格拉芙保持着全面的优势。)

14. Why are your agents now trying to delay the sailing of the Graf Spee? (翻译:你们为什么不拖延格拉夫·斯佩海军上将号的起航时间)

15. Headache number two, he can let himself be interned in Montevideo, but Uruguay might come into the war later on, on our side, and then the Graf Spee would fall into our hands. (翻译:第二 他不能让他自己在乌拉圭被扣押 但乌拉圭迟早会作为我们的友军参战)



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