1. 词义:UKIP是英国独立党(UK Independence Party)的缩写,是英国的一个极右翼政党。
2. 词性:UKIP是一个缩写词,通常作为名词使用。
3. 词组搭配:UKIP的相关词组搭配包括UKIP leader(UKIP领袖)、UKIP supporter(UKIP支持者)等。
4. 短语:UKIP没有特定的短语用法。
5. 发音拼写:UKIP的发音为[juːkɪp],拼写为"you-kip"。
1. UKIP is known for its strong stance on immigration and Euroskepticism.(英国独立党以其强硬的移民立场和欧洲怀疑主义而闻名。)
2. The rise of UKIP has had a significant impact on British politics in recent years.(近年来,英国独立党的崛起对英国政治产生了重大影响。)
3. Many voters who support UKIP feel that the mainstream parties have failed them.(许多支持英国独立党的选民认为主流政党已经让他们失望了。)
4. UKIP's policies often appeal to those who are disillusioned with traditional politics.(英国独立党的政策往往吸引那些对传统政治感到幻灭的人。)
5. UKIP has been criticized for its controversial views on issues such as climate change and LGBT rights.(英国独立党因其在气候变化和LGBT权利等问题上的争议观点而受到批评。)
1. UKIP在英国政治中的影响越来越大。
UKIP's influence in British politics is growing.
2. 许多人认为UKIP的政治立场过于极端。
Many people believe that UKIP's political stance is too extreme.
例句:Anti-European Union votes. In Britain UKIP is distinctive in denouncing Brussels and all its works. (反欧盟投票英国独立党谴责布鲁塞尔及其它工作的态度十分明确。)
例句:There's him here, there's the UKIP party, there's the National Front in France, there's Putin, there's a Turkish version, a Philippine version. (这里有他,有UKIP党 还有法国国民阵线 有普京,土耳其 菲律宾 )
1. The Greens may well retain their existing two MEPs, and the Lib Dems struggle to beat UKIP into third place. (翻译:绿党很有可能保持在欧洲议会现有的两个席位,而自由民主党则要努力击败英国独立党,跻身三甲。)
2. Let UKIP cram the slow boat to the gunwales: it will not salve this insecurity. (翻译:让独立党挤上通往船舷的慢船,这不会缓和这种不安全。)
3. The truth is even worse, at least for UKIP voters. (翻译:事实更糟,至少说英独党的选民来说更糟。)
4. Labour finished behind even single-issue UKIP: with turnout low, only one in 19 eligible voters backed the party in power. (翻译:工党最后甚至落后于单一议题的英国独立党:在低投票率下,19个合法选民仅有一人支持工党。)