takin是什么意思 takin的中文翻译、读音、例句

takin是什么意思 takin的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词源及意思:takin'是taking的缩写形式,表示正在做某件事情。它来源于口语,通常用于非正式的场合和口语交流中。

2. 用法和语法:takin'通常用于口语交流中,尤其是美国南方的方言或俚语中。它是一个动词的现在分词形式,用于表示正在进行的动作。它通常被用于口头表达中,而不是在正式的文学作品或商务英语中。

3. 文化背景:takin'被认为是美国南部文化的一部分,其发音和用法通常只在美国南部地区的人们之间流传。这个词与南方的音乐、美食和文化有着密切的关系,被认为是南方文化的代表之一。


1. I'm just takin' my time now. 我现在只是在慢慢做。

2. He's takin' his dog for a walk. 他正在遛狗。

3. We're takin' a break from work today. 我们今天休息一下不工作。

4. She's takin' a shower right now. 她正在洗澡。

5. They're takin' a trip to the beach next week. 他们下周要去海滩旅行。



1. I can't hang out tonight, I'm takin' care of my sick dog.(我今晚不能出去玩,我正在照顾生病的狗。)

I can't talk right now,我现在没法聊天,我正在洗澡。)

3. She's always takin' selfies.(她总是在自拍。)

4. I'll call you back later, I'm takin' a nap.(我等会儿给你回电话,我正在小睡一会儿。)

5. He's takin' his girlfriend to the movies tonight.(他今晚带他的女朋友去看电影。)

6. I'm takin' a break from work to have lunch.(我正在工作中休息一下吃午餐。)

7. She's takin' a year off from school to travel.(她正在放学xx年去旅行。)

8. I'm takin' the day off to go to the beach.(我今天休假去海滩。)

9. We're takin' a road trip across the country.(我们正在全国进行一次公路旅行。)





1. We're takin' a trip to the beach this weekend. (我们这个周末要去海滩旅行。)


3. He's always takin' his dog for a walk in the park. (他总是带着他的狗去公园散步。)

4. She's really busy these days. She's always takin' on more projects. (她这些天非常忙,总是接受更多的项目。)

takin的中文解释是"伊、羚牛",在日常中也代表"达境"的意思,单词读音音标为['tɑ:ki:n. -kin. 'tei-],takin在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到49个与takin相关的例句。



例句:- Where are you takin' this truck? - The aqueduct. (テ淸 ハテホミ 衵・ヌ瞒ヌヘ菲 ヌ矗苌ノ)


例句:It also suggests that these BamHI fragments may represent repeat units of the centromeric satellite DNA of takin. (有证据表明,这些片段可能代表羚牛染色体着丝点的卫星DNA单体。)


例句:Sometimes Dr. Lecter and I would talk... when things got quiet enough... about the science courses I was takin'. (有时在夜深人静的时候 汉尼拔医生会和我聊聊天 谈我所选修的科学课程)


例句:Livin 'might mean takin' chances, but they're worth takin '. (翻译:生活也许意味着冒险,但值得去面对。)


takin一般作为名词使用,如在takin'(n. 【动】扭角羚 (Budorcas taxicolor)\n[网络] 塔金;羚牛;达境)、takin' it easy([网络] 正直的活著;让自己放轻松吧)、takin' off([网络] 起飞;唱片名)等常见短语中出现较多。

takin'n. 【动】扭角羚 (Budorcas taxicolor)\n[网络] 塔金;羚牛;达境
takin' it easy[网络] 正直的活著;让自己放轻松吧
takin' off[网络] 起飞;唱片名


1. Sometimes Dr. Lecter and I would talk... when things got quiet enough... about the science courses I was takin'. (翻译:有时在夜深人静的时候 汉尼拔医生会和我聊聊天 谈我所选修的科学课程)

2. Livin 'might mean takin' chances, but they're worth takin '. (翻译:生活也许意味着冒险,但值得去面对。)

3. I was gyrating', see, takin' care business, and then my hip went out. (翻译:我只顾着跳舞,过于专心... 然后我的髋骨就折了)

4. Oh, yes, I was at the board meeting, we were takin' a vote and one of the girls was doin' a little lobbying'. (翻译:对 我当时在开董事会 我们在投票... 有个姑娘做了点游说)

5. I'm takin' her to Cottonwood Falls tomorrow and see if she can be helped. (翻译:我明天把她带到Cottonwood Falls去, 看看对她是不是有帮助.)

6. I didn't even let on I was takin' anything. (翻译:我根本就没有透露任何关于V的事 我什么都没说)

7. Tonight I'm not takin' no calls, 'cause I'll be dancin'. (翻译:今晚我一个电话都不会接,因为我要跳舞。)

8. You mean, is the little black girl here takin' care of her grandma... 'cause her mama's a crackhead? (翻译:你是说,这黑人女孩在照顾她祖母... 因为她祖母脑袋不好使?)

9. Waitresses. Fuckin' forget it. No way they're takin' a bullet for the register. (翻译:女侍应就更不用说了, 决不会为了收银机挨枪子)

10. Okay, let's try this. You takin' notes for me? You taking notes? (翻译:-好,我们来试一下 -你在帮我做场记吗?)

11. I mean that I might be the only one takin' out the trash. (翻译:我的意思是,我可能 唯一一个谁带出的垃圾。)

12. You better start drinkin' it black, 'cause Acme's takin' the cream now. (翻译:你最好喝黑咖啡... 因为埃克也在咖啡里加奶油)

13. all the signals that you're makin' brought you to the road you're takin' (翻译:你所做的所有的努力都在预示你正在朝你的目标前进)

14. I'm not takin' one for the team, if that's what you're gettin' after. (翻译:我可不会做牺牲我一个人的事 如果你是在说这个的话)

15. Then I gotta know where you're takin' us, otherwise, there's no trust. (翻译:你得事先告诉我你想干什么 否则我们之间没有信任)



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